Working with virtual machines

If you have been assigned the self_service role to a project in the IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center, you can use a deploy template to create a virtual machine. After you create a virtual machine, you can perform lifecycle operations on it, such as starting, stopping, and deleting it.

Virtual Machine lifecycle management

When you log in to IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center and open the Virtual Machines page, you will see all of the virtual machines that you own in the project that you are logged in to. To work with a virtual machine, select a virtual machine that you own and use the buttons at the top of the page. When you perform actions on a virtual machine, an action request might be generated before the action is performed, depending on the policies set by the administrator.

You can extend the expiration date of a virtual machine. When you edit it, you can select an expiration date without any restriction. However, if you select a date further out than the value for Days before virtual machine expiration, your request will be pending and requires approval. For example, if Days before virtual machine expiration is 90 and you select a date more than 90 days away from the current expiration date, the request requires approval. Additionally, you cannot have multiple pending expiration extension requests for the same virtual machine. Before you request an extension with a different date, you must delete the previous request on the Requests page.

Getting virtual machine's console output

The virtual machine's console output can be viewed on the UI. There are two methods to get the console output. First, on the Virtual Machines page by selecting virtual machine and then clicking Get Console Output. Second, on the virtual machine's detail page by clicking Get Console output.

A Get Console Output popup dialog is shown and the console content for this virtual machine is listed. The console output of the last 100 lines is the default content. You can select a different range to be displayed. The supported ranges are the last 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 lines or all. Click the Refresh button for a refresh and get the latest console output with the specified range. Click Close to close the console output popup dialog.


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