IBM® Cloud Infrastructure Center APIs

The OpenStack software has industry-standard interfaces that are released under the terms of the Apache License. The IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center interfaces are a subset of OpenStack northbound APIs. A number of interfaces were added or extended to enhance the capabilities that are associated with the IBM z/VM® platform.

You can use several types of interfaces to build solutions on top of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center:

  • Supported OpenStack APIs - These APIs are a subset of the APIs provided by OpenStack and can be used with the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center without any modifications.

  • Extended OpenStack APIs - These APIs are a subset of the APIs provided by OpenStack, but their functions are extended by the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center.

  • IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center APIs - These APIs do not exist in OpenStack and are exclusive to the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center.

The APIs are available in the following two formats:

  • Preferred format: https://\<ip-hostname\>:\<service-port\>/...

  • https://\<ip-hostname\>/icic/openstack/\<service\>/...


    • Some strings are not translated.

    • Exceptions coming from external sources are never translated.