Update the values.yaml file with the relevant values for IBM Storage
Ceph CSI
driver configuration.
About this task
Important: Keep only the required changes.
Manage the
Ceph-CSI driver configuration
with an application, such as Helm.
- Update all nodeplugin.image.* parameters for the Ceph-CSI driver.
Use the parameter values listed
Table 1 to configure the
Ceph-CSI driver.
Table 1. Ceph-CSI driver
Parameter |
Value |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.repository |
cp.icr.io/cp/ibm-ceph/cephcsi |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.tag |
v4.16.0-33 |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.pullPolicy |
IfNotPresent |
For example, to update with
helm install --namespace ceph-csi-rbd ceph-csi-rbd ceph-csi/ceph-csi-rbd --set nodeplugin.plugin.image.repository=cp.icr.io/cp/ibm-ceph/cephcsi --set nodeplugin.plugin.image.tag=v4.16.0-33 --set nodeplugin.plugin.image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent
- Update all provisioner.provisioner.image.* parameters for the
relevant kubernetes-csi container-images from the Kubernetes vendor.
- provisioner.provisioner.image.repository
- provisioner.provisioner.image.tag
- provisioner.provisioner.image.pullPolicy
- provisioner.provisioner.image.extraArgs
For example, to update with
helm install --namespace ceph-csi-rbd ceph-csi-rbd ceph-csi/ceph-csi-rbd --set provisioner.provisioner.image.repository=registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner --set provisioner.provisioner.image.tag=v5.1.0 --set provisioner.provisioner.image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set provisioner.provisioner.image.extraArgs=[]
What to do next
Configure the Ceph-CSI driver for Ceph Block
Devices or Ceph File Systems. Use the steps as detailed in Configuring the Ceph-CSI driver for Ceph Block Devices and Configuring the Ceph-CSI driver for Ceph File Systems (CephFS).