Supported access requests
The Access Management application allows users to request and manage their accesses. The table below describes the accesses users can request. The table will be updated as new accesses are supported through the application.
Access Type |
Summary of Access |
Self-Service Portal | Grants a user access to submit service requests in the Self-Service Portal for the customer the access request’s asset is linked to. For more information on Self-Service Portal access navigate to the Self-Service Portal page. |
Client Communication Center | Grants a user access to the Client Communication Center Dashboard for the customer the access request’s asset is linked to. For more information on the Client Communication Center navigate to the Client Communication Center page. |
Create sFTP Service Account | Creates an sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) service account for the asset the access request is linked to. This account should be used for integration (i.e. used by a program not by a user). For more information on sFTP accounts navigate to the SFTP page. |
Create sFTP User Account | Creates an sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) user account for the asset the access request is linked to. For more information on sFTP accounts navigate to the SFTP page. |
Update sFTP Service Account From IP Address |
Updates the IP address the sFTP account can be accessed from. Note: This action updates an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval. |
Resend sFTP Account Credentials |
Resends the credentials for accessing the sFTP account to your primary email. Note: This action requests information from an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval. |
Update sFTP Account Credentials |
Updates the credentials for accessing the sFTP account. Note: This action updates an existing sFTP account and does not require Manager approval. |
Create RDC Account | Creates a Remote Desktop Connection account for the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the Windows server. For more information on RDC accounts navigate to the RDC User Guide page. |
Reset RDC Account Password |
Resets the Remote Desktop Connection account password and unlocks the account if the password expired. The new password will be emailed to your primary email address. Note: This action updates an existing RDC account and does not require Manager approval. |
Resend OpenVPN Account File and PDF Guide |
Resends the OpenVPN account file and PDF guide to your primary email address. Note: This action requests information from an existing OpenVPN account and does not require Manager approval. |
Create Database Service Account |
Creates a database service account on the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the database server. This account should be used for integration (i.e. used by a program not by a user). Database accounts requested for Windows enhanced environments will be granted read/write access. Database accounts created for all other environments will be granted read access. Note: Database service account passwords expire every 365 days. Passwords can be reset through the Access Management Tool. |
Create Database User Account |
Creates a database user account on the asset the access request is linked to. As part of the request, an OpenVPN account is created for access to the database server. This account should be used by the user requesting the account. Database accounts requested for Windows enhanced environments will be granted read/write access. Database accounts created for all other environments will be granted read access. Note: Database user account passwords expire every 90 days. Passwords can be reset through the Access Management Tool. |
Reset Database Account Password |
Resets the database account password and unlocks the account if the password expired. If a value is not provided for the new password, one will be generated and emailed to your primary email address. Note: This action updates an existing database account and does not require Manager approval. |