Troubleshooting SFTP connection issues

  1. Check if config is OK.

    a. account name should have "sftp" prefix, like "sftpJOE", "sftpCOMPANY_INTEGRATION"

    b. port should be '22222'

    c. using the key authentication, not password authentication

  2. Check if network connection OK.

    check if ping ok

    check if tcp connection ok

    a. For Linux® ( including Mac ) : nc -zv -w10 <ip> 22222

b. For windows : telnet <ip> 22222

i. if it returns a new window with message 'SSH-x.x-OpenSSH_x.x', means network is ok.

ii. if not, telnet returns message as below, you need to enable telnet by 'How to enable telnet'.

Note: after enable Telnet Client, open a new cmd window to test.

3. Check if your SFTP application supports CDS security requirements:

KEX algorithms: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

Cipher: aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr

MAC: hmac-sha2-512, hmac-sha2-256

If you are not sure, please let CDS know which SFTP client tool and version you are using.

4. Enable debug log for sftp tools.

a. For Filezilla: Filezilla → Setting → Debug → Show debug menu → 4-Debug → OK → Logging → Log to file (ensure log path where you can find it.) → OK

b. For WinSCP: WinSCP → Tools →Preferences → Logging → Enable session logging on level → Debug2 → Log path (ensure log path where you can find it.) → OK