RDC user guide

Welcome to the user guide for your Maximo® Enhanced Access Development environment in IBM Cloud®. Along with hosting your Maximo application, this server allows you to customize Maximo and access the Development database. Your server exists in an isolated environment which does not provide internet access. This is for your security as well as the overall security of the platform. As such, you can only access local resources while connected to your remote desktop. However, the Maximo web interface is available from the internet via External URL for your convenience.The sections of this guide focus on getting you connected to your server and briefly introducing you to the tools available to help you develop your Maximo solution. Your enhanced access development server comes pre-installed with the following software:

  • • Maximo v7.6
  • • IBM® WebSphere® Application Server
  • • IBM Data Studio• Notepad++
  • • Google Chrome• Mozilla Firefox
  • • 7-Zip Archive Manager
While we will briefly touch on using a few of these tools, you will have to consult online documentation or the particular tool’s help system for more information.

RDC Guide-Section Links:

Connecting to your IBM Cloud Environment with OpenVPN

Logging into the Development Server

Web-based Password Portal

Connecting to IBM Maximo

Finding Maximo Tools and Utilities

Administering IBM WebSphere

Connecting to the Development Database

BIRT Report Development

Transferring Files

Troubleshooting OpenVPN - RDC Connection Issues