Connecting to the development database

Connectivity to your database is provided using IBM® Data Studio. This section describes how to setup a connection to your database but does not provide general information on how to use the product.


Be sure you have received database connection information and credentials via email or case before proceeding. These are required for step 7 below.

  1. Click the start menu icon (lower left hand corner) or press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start Menu:

  2. Click the small arrow in the bottom left-hand corner of the Start Menu to show installed applications:

  3. Locate the IBM Data Studio group and launch (double click) Data Studio 4.1.1 Client:


    You can right-click the icon for Data Studio 4.1.1 Client and pin it to your Start Menu or Taskbar for easier access:

  4. At the Workspace Launcher screen click OK. If you receive an error that the workspace is in use, please ensure that the path matches your username. For example, the path should be

    C®:\Users\RDC username\IBM\rationalsdp\workspace

  5. Once the application has started click the New Connection to a Database icon:

  6. Select DB2® for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows from the list of database types in the left panel:

  7. Fill in the form with the following details:

    Database: DB name

    Host: DB URL

    Port number: DB port

    User name: DB username

    Password: DB password

    Default schema: DB schema


    Choose Save password to store the password for future sessions

  8. Click Test Connection to confirm your values are correct then click Finish
  9. From the Task Launcher window click Develop

  10. On the next screen click Create and run SQL or XQuery statements

  11. Click Finish on the New SQL or XQuery Script dialog:

  12. You can now begin to run SQL statements against your database

For further information and help using IBM Data Studio, please see refer to the IBM Knowledge Center: