IBM Maximo SaaS Flex Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery services are available for production Maximo® SaaS Flex environments.

All IBM® Maximo SaaS Flex customers receive standard Disaster Recovery (DR).

Customers can opt for enhanced DR as an extra service at an added cost.

The differences between Standard and Enhanced DR are summarized below.

Standard DR Enhanced DR
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 24 hrs 1 hr
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) 72 hrs 12 hrs
IBM Cloud® Data Centers Utilized




primary and secondary

Passive standby system at secondary data center No Yes

IBM Db2® HADR (secondary database)

At primary data center 3

No 2 No 2
Maximo Application Clustering at primary data center Yes 1 Yes 1
Live Replication to standby data center 3 N/A Yes
VPN included No Yes
Client-Specific Test Plan No Yes
Annual Client Testing No Yes

1 For systems with 100 concurrent users or greater.

2 Secondary database available at extra cost.

3 If customers are using an Oracle database, the IBM SRE team enables Oracle Active Data Guard for database replication. Customer must own an Oracle Active Data Guard license.

Standard DR Description (All IBM Maximo SaaS Flex Customers)

For IBM Maximo SaaS Flex Disaster Recovery, large Maximo systems (100+ concurrent users or greater) are configured for Application Server Clustering at the primary data center location.

This includes a minimum of 2 WebSphere® Application Servers (PUI and SUI) pointed to a primary production database server (PDB).

In the event of a disaster where the primary data center location becomes unavailable, the Maximo Application and Database server would be recovered from backup at a secondary IBM Cloud data center location.

IBM attempts to recover production systems to a separate secondary geographic data center (if available) on a best-effort basis.

There is no commitment, SLA, or set timeline for this component, but the Service Level Objective for RTO is 72 hours.

Enhanced DR Description, available at an added cost

Enhanced Disaster Recovery includes all the features of Standard DR above as well as live replication to a preconfigured standby production system at a secondary IBM Cloud data center.

A warm standby production Maximo Application and Database server are provisioned and configured at a secondary IBM Cloud data center location.

The DR Application Server (DUI) is updated by the primary (PUI) using file-based replication. The DR Database server (DDB) is updated by using IBM Db2 HADR * from the primary PDB database server. This way, in the event of a disaster, if the primary data center location is lost, the production system can be recovered at the secondary data center location by using the DUI and DDB.

This service is available at extra cost.

RPO / RTO Descriptions

Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
Acceptable (maximum) amount of time for loss of data.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
Acceptable (maximum) amount of time for system to be unavailable.
Note: There is no warranty for RPO or RTO and no service level agreement is available.

RTO for standard DR does not include setting up VPN, SFTP, or other integrations.

IBM Business Continuity Management Position Paper