Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4

IBM® Maximo® SaaS environments can be configured with the Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 mobile solution if your Maximo version is or greater. This solution supports both connected and disconnected Android, iOS and Windows mobile devices. Unlike previous versions, it no longer uses IBM’s MobileFirst platform. In IBM Maximo SaaS, the Anywhere 7.6.4 runtime is installed on the Application Server(s) for each environment. Customers can configure Anywhere applications if they have an Enhanced Access DEV environment or in a local environment and publish applications to the SaaS environment for use.

  • Anywhere is an add-on component for IBM Maximo SaaS Flex, available at an added cost

  • Maximo Anywhere Apps can be downloaded from the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple Store (iOS). Maximo Anywhere Apps for Windows must be built by the customer from a local workstation and published to the SaaS environment

  • Anywhere Apps can be customized to meet specific business requirements. This requires the customer to setup one or more local developer workstation(s)

  • An Apple (Mac) workstation is required to develop Anywhere Apps for iOS devices

IBM SaaS Anywhere v7.6.4 Architecture Diagram

Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 - further information

Before using Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 please go through the below link completely and perform the required tasks:

Setting up Maximo users to use Anywhere:

Setting up a Developer's Workstation (IDE):

IBM Knowledge Center - Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4:

Maximo Anywhere IBM Community:


If your team needs functionality not available in the store versions:

  • Open a case in the IBM Support Community portal to request the Maximo Anywhere 7.6.4 codebase

  • The IBM SRE team will make it available to your team via SFTP download

  • When building native applications locally, your team may need include the necessary certificates, then perform the build/deploy. Your team will be responsible for any certificates that need to be added to the application.

While both application options today can provide updates to the deployed application, IBM SRE will provide "build all" capability in Enhanced Access DEV environments. This targets the store versions of the apps (Android and iOS), and will only build out the web components. This streamlined offering provides the flexibility of Maximo Anywhere builds, while still giving the client full control of their Anywhere implementation.

If you encounter any issues, or have any questions, please open a case to the IBM Support Community.