Reporting options

Maximo® allows for a rich and robust reporting architecture, with multiple options to meet Client reporting needs.

The IBM® Maximo SaaS Flex offering has a number of options that can assist clients develop, manage and operate native reporting within the environment or using 3rd party reporting tools.

  1. Using a locally installed Maximo instance to develop reports and then migrate them to the UAT and production instances using the Maximo Administrator user. This local instance must be obtained outside of the Maximo on the Cloud service offering. Please talk to your IBM sales representative.

  2. Connecting a locally installed Maximo application instance to the IBM Maximo SaaS database to develop reports through a read only database account and VPN connection. The reports can then be installed using the Maximo Administrator user on both Test and Production instances in the Managed Service Environments.

  3. Using an optional Enhanced Access DEV environment that can be provisioned through the IBM Maximo SaaS Flex Offering, create reports and migrate to test and production instances using the Maximo Administrator user.

Options and best practices for reporting
  • If there is a heavy reporting requirement, especially for scheduled reports, ensure this is identified so a dedicated JVM can be configured to execute these reports.

  • Users invoking reports through the interface should be aware of the complexity and size of the report. Large, data intensive reports run through the interface, will be executed in the same JVM as other user interactions and could slow down response times wile the report is being executed. Running these reports either as a scheduled report or in off-peak times is recommended.

BIRT Report Designer

BIRT Report Designer can be installed and configured on client workstations for creation and custom development of BIRT reports for both Maximo and TRIRIGA® on Cloud. In order to use BIRT Report Designer, a database user account is required along with read access to the target IBM Cloud® database(s). These can be requested by creating a IBM Support community case

For details on setting up and configuring BIRT Report Designer for Maximo, consult the IBM Maximo BIRT Report Development Guide:

IBM Data Studio

IBM Data Studio client is a GUI utility that can be installed on client workstations and used to connect to Maximo and TRIRIGA on Cloud DB2® databases in order to run SQL statements and query records. In order to connect using IBM Data Studio client, a database access account is required along with read access to the target database(s). These can be requested by creating a IBM Support community case

IBM Data Studio can downloaded from here:

Information on installing and configuring IBM Data Studio can be found here:


IBM SRE does not install, run or manage Cognos components in the Maximo on Cloud environment. If a Maximo on Cloud customer is running Maximo v7.6.1 and wants to use Cognos, the following is required:

  • Customer must purchase (1) on-prem Maximo license in order to obtain and download the Cognos 11.0 entitlement and electronic media

  • This entitlement includes an integration from Maximo 7.6.1 to Cognos 11.0

  • Customer is responsible for installation and configuration of Cognos components on-premise. It can also be installed with a cloud provider (of their choice)

  • IBM's current Cognos on Cloud (SaaS offering) is supported, but there is no out of the box Cognos integration available. This is a continuous delivery product that uses a later Cognos version (11.1)

  • Note: earlier versions of Maximo ( > work with Cognos, but there is no out of the box Cognos integration to these versions and they require an out of support version of Cognos (v10.2). It is highly recommended to upgrade to Maximo v7.6.1 before implementing Cognos.

For further information on Maximo 7.6.1 to Cognos 11.0 integration, see the following link:

3rd Party Reporting Tools

If the customer is planning to utilize a 3rd party reporting tool there are options and best practices in order to minimize or eliminate potential production issues.

  • Ordering a replica (Report Only) database, and then utilizing this as your reporting database ensures there will be no impact to the production database instance. The replication is near real time updates so the data is continually updated and current.

  • Integration to the customer location or another cloud location can be done utilizing the standard Maximo integration capabilities. One VPN connection is included with the Maximo Managed Service offering, but if the customer is connecting to multiple locations, additional VPN's may be required and should be included in the provisioning order.

Other Notes:
3rd Party reporting tools will not be hosted within the Maximo Managed Services environments, including Cognos. Customers can run these tools either within their infrastructure or can utilize cloud services or a reporting tool cloud offering if one is offered. It is important that these tools are discussed with IBM SRE to ensure the best way to integrate to the tools is known before starting the project and identify potential issues before significant effort and time is spent by the customer.