Oracle database password requirements

  • Oracle human (or interactive) user database passwords need to be changed every 90 days, while non-interactive user database passwords need to be changed every 365 days.

    NOTE – if the password is not changed within the required time frame, the account will be locked and will require manual intervention from IBM® via case ticket to unlock.

  • The password must contain at least 2 upper case characters, 2 lower case characters, 2 numeric characters, and 2 special characters. These special characters are as follows:

` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ / < > , . ; ? ' : | (space)

  • The password must differ from the previous password by at least 4 characters.

The following internal checks are also applied:

  • The password contains no fewer than nine characters and does not exceed 30 characters.

  • The password does not contain the double-quotation character ("). It can be surrounded by double-quotation marks, however.

To change your password at the SQL*Plus prompt

Login to SQL*Plus as you normally would. You will be notified “the password has expired”

When prompted, enter your new password

!! IMPORTANT – since special characters are required, you will need to enclose your new password in double quotes !!

The below screenshot indicates a successful password change

To change your password in SQL Developer

Right-click on your connection and choose “Reset Password”

Type in your existing password and supply your new password: