Chapter 4. Configuring the Advanced Catalog Management for z/OS Monitoring Agent

For the Advanced Catalog Management Monitoring Agent, a high level qualifier parameter must be specified to locate the base product load library SCKMLOAD.

About this task

Perform the following steps in Configuration Manager or PARMGEN:


  1. For Configuration Manager: Make sure the override embed support is enabled - see for more details.
  2. Modify member KRN$SST1 in rtePlibHilev.rteName.EMBEDS (Configuration Manager) or WCONFIG (PARMGEN) to add/uncomment the DD definition for SCKMLOAD that will then be added to the generated monitoring agent STC JCL:
    //          DD DISP=SHR,                    
  3. Run the GENERATE action (Configuration Manager) or the $PARSE step (PARMGEN) to generate the needed RKANPARU members and the proper STC definition.