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Class icm.pgwidget.contentlist.test.ContentListWrapper

Defined in: <icm/pgwidget/contentlist/test/ContentListWrapper.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Handler of icm.ClearContent event.
Display the list of documents that are referenced in the event payload.
Handler for icm.ReceivedSearchValues event.
Run the stored search that is specified in the payload and display the list of documents that are returned by the search.
Handler for icm.ReceiveWorkItem event.
Handler for refresh event.
Class Detail
Method Detail


Handler of icm.ClearContent event. Content List widget will clear widget UI content and display its description.

Display the list of documents that are referenced in the event payload.
{object} payload
  • objectStoreNames: array of objstore symbolic names
  • symbolicNames: array of property symbolic names to be shown with results
  • values: array of dojo objs, each has obj.versionSeries field contains vsID
  • externalColumns: array of dojo objs, each has name and id of external columns
A sample payload is:
				payload = {"objectStoreNames" : ["TOS"],
							"symbolicNames": [...],
							"values": [...],
						    "externalColumns": [{"symbolicName": "", "name": ""}]

Handler for icm.ReceivedSearchValues event.
{Array} payload
A list of properties each with name and value pair to be used as criteria for the configured stored search.
A sample payload is: [{"AT_companyName": "IBM"}]

Run the stored search that is specified in the payload and display the list of documents that are returned by the search.
{object} payload
payload that contains the store search information.
  • StoredSearch.objectStoreName symbolic name of the object store that the search is stored.
  • StoredSearch.vsId version series ID of the stored search.
  • StoredSearch.version version status of the stored search.
A sample payload is:
				payload = {
					"StoredSearch": {
						"objectStoreName": "TOS",
						"vsId": "753DFAA1-3EE5-4C44-89E3-51DEFFB7E371",
						"version": ""

Handler for icm.ReceiveWorkItem event. Content List widget will use the workflow data field values that are specified in the event payload as the criteria for the configured stored search. Run the search and display the list of documents that is returned.
{object} payload
  • {object} workItemEditable: An icm.model.WorkItemEditable object that represents the work item for which a list of documents is to be returned.
A sample payload is:
				payload = {"workItemEditable": workItemEditable};

Handler for refresh event. No payload are required for this event.




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