Enabling memory leak monitoring

For the Memory Analysis dashboard to contain data, you must enable memory leak monitoring for the data collector. If the JRE that is used by the application server is supported, the memory leak monitoring function is enabled by default after you enable diagnostic data collection.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that -Xtrace:none is not defined in the JVM arguments for the application server.
  • When memory leak monitoring is enabled, the following settings are defined in the JVM arguments for the application server. If you have defined these settings in your current JVM arguments, make sure that it is OK for the data collector configuration to change them.
  • Make sure the JRE that is used by the application server is one of the following versions:
    • IBM® JRE 1.6.0 SR16 FP3 or later
    • IBM JRE 1.6.1 SR8 FP3 or later
    • IBM JRE 1.7.0 SR8 FP10 or later
    • IBM JRE 1.7.1 SR2 FP10 or later
    • IBM JRE 1.8 or later
    • Other IBM JRE later than 1.6.0 SR7 with iFix for APAR IV67574

About this task

The memory leak monitoring function requires the IBM Health Center component of IBM JRE. You must make sure the JRE that is used by the application server is supported by this function.

  • On AIX® or Linux® systems, when you configure the data collector to enable diagnostic data collection, if the current JRE is supported, the configuration utility automatically checks whether the Health Center component is eligible and upgrade the Health Center if it is not.
  • On Windows systems, you must manually upgrade the Health Center component if the current version is not supported because the configuration utility cannot replace files for a running JRE.
Remember: The following procedure is required on Windows systems only. For AIX or Linux systems, to enable memory leak monitoring, you only need to make sure that the JRE version is supported and the diagnostic data collection is enabled. For Solaris systems, Health Center of IBM JRE is not supported, so memory leak monitoring cannot be enabled on Solaris systems.


  1. Check the IBM Health Center version that is included in the JRE used by the application server.
    1. At the command prompt, change to the bin directory within the JRE home directory.
    2. Type java -Xhealthcenter -version and press Enter.
    The command returns the JRE version and the IBM Health Center version. The memory leak monitoring function requires IBM Health Center 3.0.11 or later.
  2. If the IBM Health Center version is not eligible, upgrade the JRE to a version that contains IBM Health Center 3.0.11 or later.
  3. Run the data collector configuration or reconfiguration utility to enable the diagnostic data collection.
    • If you have not configured the data collector, use the simpleconfig or config.
    • If you have configured the data collector, use the reconfig utility.
    Remember: If you have enabled diagnostic data collection before you upgrade the JRE, you still need to run the data collection configuration utility again.