Legacy platform

Deploy the enterprise archive package

About this task

To make the application available for use, you must deploy the application EAR file.

To create and deploy the application EAR file:


  1. Set up the application server appropriately for deploying the application. For more information about setting up the application server, refer Installing the application server.
  2. Create the EAR package for the application server.
    • To create the application EAR file for a single-war deployment, run the following command from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory:

      ./buildear.sh (.cmd for Windows) -Dappserver=<application server> -Dwarfiles=isccs -Dearfile=smcfs.ear

    • To create the application EAR file for a multi-war deployment, run the following command from the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory:

      ./buildear.sh (.cmd for Windows) -Dsupport.multi.war=true -Dappserver=<application server> -Dwarfiles=isccs,<comma-separated packages> -Dearfile=smcfs.ear

      Note: To create additional WAR files, add the appropriate packages to the value of the -Dwarfiles argument, separated by commas. For example, to create the smcfs.war and sbc.war files in addition to the isccs.war file, set the -Dwarfiles argument in the commands in Step 2 as follows:

      Running the command in this step creates the smcfs.ear file in the <INSTALL_DIR>/external_deployments directory. It also places the applicable .war files along with the isccs.war file in the smcfs.ear file.

  3. Deploy the EAR file on the application server.