Legacy platform

Setting up application clients to invoke EJBs

About this task

In order to make EJB calls in using WebSphere® you need to generate EJB stubs and skeletons. The following steps outline the method for creating the JAR files using the ejbdeploy.sh script to generate the stubs:


  1. Set the CLASSPATH to include xercesImpl.jar, xalan.jar, and xml-apis.jar as provided in the JRE/lib/endorsed directory. Also, CLASSPATH must include the jar files specified in the dynamicclasspath.cfg file.
    Note: To successfully deploy the application on Websphere Application Server (WAS), update the classpath of WAS to include the absolute path of the following jar files:
    • icu4j-localespi-49_1.jar
    • icu4j-charset-49_1.jar
    • icu4j-49_1.jar
  2. Invoke the ejbdeploy.sh command from the <WAS_HOME>/bin directory with the following three arguments:
    1. Specify the full path to the smcfsejb.jar file in <INSTALL_DIR>/external_deployments/ directory.
    2. Specify the temporary directory that is used for the EJB deployment.
    3. Specify the full path to the desired output file, for example smcfs_ejbstubs.jar.


Additionally set the classpath on the ejbdeploy.sh command line following the -cp argument. For example:

$WAS_HOME/bin/ejbdeploy.sh <INSTALL_DIR>/external_deployments/smcfsejb.jar 
WAS_HOME/temp <INSTALL_DIR>/external_deployments/smcfs_ejbstubs.jar -cp