Legacy platform

Use the Applications Manager lookup functionality

Throughout the Applications Manager there are many fields that have a lookup functionality to find or create additional records as they pertain to that field.

For example, on the Primary Info tab of the Organization Details screen, the Locale field has a lookup functionality to create a new locale from that screen. When you choose the Create New lookup button the Locale Details information displays in a pop-up screen for you to modify.

Figure 1. Lookup icon example
Lookup Icon Example

The information that displays in a lookup field varies depending on how many records you have pertaining to that particular field. When there are 20 or less records, the lookup displays as a drop-down list with a Create New button. When there are between 21 and 75 records, the lookup displays as a drop-down list with a Search button.

When there are more than 75 records, the lookup displays as a text box with a Search button. You can type the value in the text box or search for the value using the Search button. If you enter a value, it is validated when it is saved. You should always type the value as it would appear if it was displayed as a drop-down list. For example, for a currency lookup, you should type the currency description in the text box even though the currency code is saved in the table. An error displays on save if the user has entered an invalid value.

When you use a lookup for a particular field in the Applications Manager, you should refer to the corresponding section in this guide to set up the particular information.