You can modify the details of the associated delivery service such as the service
quantity required for a specified quantity of the item, the skill sets required for the service, and
so on.
About this task
To modify a delivery
service associated to an item:
- Navigate to the Delivery
Service Associations screen. To navigate to the Delivery Service Association
screen, perform the following steps:
Log in to Sterling
Business Center as an Item
- The application home page is displayed. Click the Products tab.
- From the Products home page,
click Find Item in the Catalog dashlet.
- In the Item Search screen, enter the search criteria,
and then click Search to view a list of all
the available items. Alternatively, use either the Basic Search or
the Advanced Search option to narrow down the list of items
- In the Items panel that is displayed,
click the Item ID hyperlink. Alternatively, double-click the
row containing the Item ID.
- The Primary Information screen is displayed. In the Related
Tasks panel, click Manage Delivery Services.
The Delivery Service Associations screen is displayed.
- From the Services panel,
select the service that you want to modify.
- You can modify the following for the selected
- the number of units of the service
- the number of item quantity
- service skill
- Click Save in the
Item Details screen.
The delivery service
associated to the item is modified.