Legacy platform

Modify a delivery service associated to an item

You can modify the details of the associated delivery service such as the service quantity required for a specified quantity of the item, the skill sets required for the service, and so on.

About this task

To modify a delivery service associated to an item:


  1. Navigate to the Delivery Service Associations screen. To navigate to the Delivery Service Association screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling Business Center as an Item Administrator.
    2. The application home page is displayed. Click the Products tab.
    3. From the Products home page, click Find Item in the Catalog dashlet.
    4. In the Item Search screen, enter the search criteria, and then click Search to view a list of all the available items. Alternatively, use either the Basic Search or the Advanced Search option to narrow down the list of items displayed.
    5. In the Items panel that is displayed, click the Item ID hyperlink. Alternatively, double-click the row containing the Item ID.
    6. The Primary Information screen is displayed. In the Related Tasks panel, click Manage Delivery Services.

      The Delivery Service Associations screen is displayed.

  2. From the Services panel, select the service that you want to modify.
  3. You can modify the following for the selected service:
    1. the number of units of the service
    2. the number of item quantity
    3. service skill
  4. Click Save in the Item Details screen.

    The delivery service associated to the item is modified.