Legacy platform

Building the enterprise archive (EAR) package on JBoss

When deploying Sterling Call Center on JBoss, use the smcfs.ear file, which may contain:

  • smcfs.war - Web module that contains all of the Sterling Call Center JSPs and other Web application components.
  • sma.war - Web module that contains the System Management Administrator application components.
  • sbc.war - Web module that contains all of the Sterling Business Center Web application components.
  • smcfsejb.jar - The EJB module that contains all the Sterling Call Center EJBs. You can pass an alternate earfile name by using the –Dearfile option to the buildear.sh script. Doing this will result in a name change for the ejb jar file. For example, if you specify an EAR file as xyz.ear, the ejb jar becomes xyzejb.jar.
  • smcfswsbe.jar - The backend Web services jar file. You get this file if you expose Web services. You can pass an alternate earfile name to the ear build script. Doing this will result in a name change for the Web services backend jar file. For example, if you specify an EAR file as xyz.ear, the Web services backend jar becomes xyzwsbe.jar.
  • Jars that contain backend business logic.
  • Jars that contain third-party libraries accessed by backend logic.

Each of the third-party JAR files are left as is and in the manifest of the application each file is indicated as a dependency. For example, log4j1 files are represented separately as log4j-1.2.15.jar with a dependency in the application.