Legacy platform

Creating a product item sourcing rule

You can create sourcing rule for a product item.

About this task

To create a sourcing rule:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Cross Application > Order Promising > Sourcing And Scheduling > Product Being Shipped > Sourcing Rules.

The Product Sourcing Rules Search window displays in the work area.

  1. Choose the Create New icon. The Sourcing Rule for Product Being Shipped window displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to Sourcing rule for product being shipped window for field value descriptions.
  3. Choose the Save icon.
    Table 1. Sourcing rule for product being shipped window.

    Field value descriptions of sourcing rule for product being shipped

    Field Description
    Fulfillment Type Select the applicable fulfillment type to associate with the sourcing rule. For more information about configuring fulfillment types, see Defining fulfillment types.
    Order Sourcing Classification Select the applicable order sourcing classification if you want to associate this sourcing rule with a particular order sourcing classification. For more information about configuring order sourcing classifications, see Defining order sourcing classifications.
    When Seller organization is
    This Organization Select this option and select the applicable Seller organization if you want to associate this sourcing rule with a particular Seller.
    All Sellers Select All Sellers if this sourcing rule can be associated with any Seller organization.
    And Product characteristics are
    Item ID Select Item ID and enter the applicable item if you want to associate the sourcing rule with a particular item.
    All Items Select Apply To All Items At This Source if you want to associate the sourcing rule with all of the items maintained at the source node.
    And Product is being shipped to
    This Region Select Region and enter the applicable region if you want this sourcing rule to be used when products are shipped to a specific region.

    Important: The region you identify must belong to the region schema associated with product item sourcing for the organization you are working with. For more information about setting an organization's region schema for product items, see Sourcing region selection.

    This Node Select Node and select the applicable node if you want this sourcing rule to be used when products are shipped to this node.
    Nodes of Type Select Nodes of Type and select the applicable node types available if you want this sourcing rule to be used when products are shipped to a specific node type.
    Any Address Select Any Address and if this sourcing rule can be used when products are shipped to any node.
    Sourced From List

    The system tries to source the product from the node/distribution group with the highest sequence (lowest number). If the sourcing template contains a distribution group or a set of nodes, the final node selection is optimized based on the parameters configured in your scheduling rule associated with a given order. For more information about scheduling rules, see Defining scheduling rules.

    If there is no product availability for a node/distribution group specified in a given sequence, the system tries to source from the next node/distribution group in the sequence.

    Sequence No The sequence priority of the sourcing template.
    Sourcing Template A list of the node/distribution group sequences used for sourcing. The sequence is determined by priority. For more information about sourcing templates, see Defining sourcing template details.