Legacy platform

Creating a customer definition

You can create a customer definition.

About this task

To create a customer definition:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, choose Cross Application > Customer > Customer Definitions.

The Customer Search window displays in the work area.

  1. Choose the Create New icon. The Customer pop-up window displays.
  2. Enter information into the applicable fields. Refer to the following table for field value descriptions.
    Table 1. Create customer window.

    Create customer field value descriptions

    Field Description
    This Customer Is a Business Select this if the customer with whom you trade participates as a company (as in a B2B scenario). If you choose this option, see Business Customer Details in this table for further information specific to this scenario.
    This Customer Is a Consumer Select this if the customer with whom you trade participates as an individual (as in a B2C scenario). If you choose this option, see Business Customer Details in this table for further information specific to this scenario.
    Customer ID Enter the unique Identifier.
    Customer Classification Select the classification, if applicable.
    Business Customer Details  
    Select Existing Organization Choose this and select the applicable Buyer if you want to associate the customer ID with an existing Buyer organization.
    Create A New Organization Choose this if you want to create a new organization to associate with the customer.
    Organization Code If you chose Create Buyer Organization, enter the Buyer's organization code.
    Organization Name When creating a new organization, enter the Buyer's organization name.
    This Organization Is Also a Ship To When creating a new organization, choose this if the organization also functions as a receiving node.
    DUNS Number If you chose Create Buyer Organization, enter the Buyer's DUNS number.
    Account Number With Hub If you chose Create Buyer Organization, enter the Buyer's account number with the Hub organization.
    Locale If you chose Create Buyer Organization, select the Buyer's locale.
    Identifies This Enterprise As Enter the customer assigned Vendor Identifier with which the customer identifies this Enterprise.
    Send Functional Acknowledgement Check this box if a functional acknowledgement must be sent to the customer.
    Functional Acknowledgement Time (Hrs) Enter the number of hour taken by the supplier to send the functional acknowledgement.
    Send Commitment Check this box if a commitment must be sent to the customer.
    Commitment Time (Hrs) Enter the number of hours taken by the supplier to send the commitment.
    Send ASN Check this box if an Advanced Shipment Notice (ASN) must be sent to the customer.
    Consumer Address Details  
    Address Enter the consumer's name and shipping address.
    Contact Info Enter the consumer's telephone, cell phone, fax number, and e-mail address.
  3. Choose the Save icon.