Legacy platform

Defining additional customer rules

You can define additional customer rules.

About this task

To define additional customer rules:


  1. From the tree in the application rules side panel, navigate to Cross Application > Customer > Customer Rules .

The Customer Rules window displays in the work area.

  1. Click the Other Rules tab.
  2. In the Service Slot Group Used By Customer For Slot Preferences field, select from the drop-down list the identifier of the service slot group that is used to define customer preferences.
  3. If you want specific users (or members of a team) to manage the relationship with certain customers, select the Manual User To Customer Assignment Is Required check box. This provides the assigned user with access to all of this customer's orders and related information.
  4. When you select the Use Parent Customer For Default Address And Payment checkbox, and if the customer does not have default address or payment information set, the parent customer's default address or payment information will be used for defaulting on the order.
  5. Select the Get Customer Grade Information From Business Intelligence checkbox to source customer grades from Business Intelligence.
    Note: If you select this checkbox, ensure that Business Intelligence is installed and integrated with Sterling Order Management System Software. If either the installation or integration is incomplete, an error message is displayed.

    If the Get Customer Grade Information From Business Intelligence checkbox is not selected, customer grades, if available, are sourced from an external Business Intelligence system and stored in the YFS_CUSTOMER_ANALYTICS table.

    Note: A user exit is provided that enables customers to override this configuration and implement their own custom logic for computing and sourcing customer grades. For additional information about the YSCGetAdditionalCustomerInformationUE user exit, see Javadoc.
  6. In the Default User Group For Customer Users field, select from the drop-down list the user group to be associated with customer users.
  7. Click the Save icon.