Deploying the enterprise archive (EAR) using the WebSphere Admin Console
About this task
The doc ear does not contain end-user documentation, such as context-sensitive help files. It contains only development-related documentation, including API Javadoc, ERDs, and XSDs and should not be deployed to a production server. Deploy the doc ear with the application ear on test or development environments. Do not deploy the doc ear on a production environment.
Sterling Call Center provides support for deploying Multiple EARs (Enterprise Archives) on a single application server. On the same application server, you can:
- Deploy different customizations of the same or different versions of the application, or
- Deploy different versions of the same application
Multiple EARs or context roots require additional memory for the application server JVM. Testing has shown that the deployment of a second IBM® EAR file requires 2.5 - 3.5 times the memory of a single EAR. Supporting two deployments may require up to 2.5 GB of heap space and 1.2 GB of permanent space.
avoid out-of-memory issues while deploying: EJBDEPLOY_JVM_HEAP="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"
To deploy the EAR on WebSphere: