Setting assisted data definitions by using APM or ITM Connector

After you add a chart to a widget, you must set data definitions. For Area, Line, and Clustered or Stacked Bars and Columns charts, you can add multiple data sources by using multiple connectors. However, for Grid and Badge chart, you can add only one data source by using a single connector.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the data sources that you want to monitor are already added by the System Administrator.

    For more information about adding data sources, see Configuring Connectors and Sources.

  • You can set assisted data definition for Area, Line, Grid, Badge, and Clustered or Stacked Bars and Columns charts only.
  • Ensure that the default or custom filters are already added.

About this task

A widget displays any of the following icons based on the state of the data definitions:
  • Incomplete data definition Incomplete data definition icon.
  • Complete data definition Complete data definition icon.
  • Deleted data definition Deleted data definition icon.


Complete the following steps to create an assisted data definition by using APM or ITM Connector:

  1. On the widget page, click the Set Data Definition Set Data Definition icon icon to select a data source, and its monitoring elements.
  2. In the Set Data Definition window, click Create a Data Definition, and then click Continue.
  3. From the Connector Type list, select either APM or ITM Connector, and select the monitoring elements.
  4. From the Source list, select a source server.
  5. From the Resource Type list, select a monitoring agent.
  6. From the Metric Group list, select a data set that you want to monitor and that must be displayed on the widget.
  7. From the Metric(s) list, select one or more metrics that must be displayed on the widget. To select metrics, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Metrics

      A pop-up window opens where the metrics are listed, alphabetically sorted in ascending order.

    2. Click one or more attributes that are listed under Metrics (select one or more) pane, and click the Move to selectedMove to selected icon to add the metrics to the Selected Metrics pane.
    3. For Area, Line, and Clustered or Stacked Bars and Columns charts, in the Selected Metrics pane, for each of the selected metrics, you must specify whether it must be displayed on the X-axis, Y-axis, or Legend.
      Note: You can select a single metric value for X-axis and multiple metric values for Y-axis. You can also configure dual Y-axis by setting chart properties for right Y-axis.

      If you select a time metric value on X-axis, and some utilization metric value, performance metric value, or status metric value on Y-axis, then to plot data for all the metric values, you must select a legend value. For example, you must select Disk Name as legend when some disk usage metric value, such as disk used or disk free percent is plotted on Y-axis.

    4. Optional: To delete a metric value from the Selected Metrics pane, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to the metric.
  8. Click Instance(s).
    A pop-up window opens, where the instances are listed. Select one or more instances that must be displayed on the widget by using any of the following steps:
    • Click one or more instances that are listed under Instances (select one or more) pane, and click the Move to selected Move to selected icon to add the instances to the Selected Instances pane.
    • In the Search field, enter a search pattern to list the instances that you want, either select and move individual instances, as mentioned in the earlier step, or click the Add as a search pattern Add as a search pattern icon to add all the listed instances to the Instance search pattern field.
    • Enter comma-separated instance search patterns in the Instance search pattern field. All the instances that are listed by each search pattern are selected.
      • You can enter maximum five instance search patterns in the Instance search pattern field.
      • Instance names are not translated. Therefore, in the Instance search pattern and the Search fields, you must enter search patterns or instance names in English only.
      • For Badge chart, you must select only one instance and must not enter any search pattern in the Instance search pattern field.
    • To delete an instance from the Selected Instances pane, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to it.
  9. Optional: To set conditions for the selected attributes, click Add Condition, and select the following elements based on the connector type:
    1. From the Metric list, select an attribute for which you want to set a condition.
    2. From the Operator list, select a condition.
    3. In the Value field, enter a value.
    4. Optional: To set multiple conditions, click Add Condition, and repeat the steps.
    5. Optional: To delete all the conditions, click Delete All Conditions.
    6. Optional: To delete a condition, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to it.
  10. Optional: To map metrics and filters, click Map Metrics & Filters and click Automap Columns With Default Filters to automatically map metrics with the default filters. To manually map columns and filters, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Map Metrics.
    2. From the Metric list, select a metric value to be mapped to a filter.
    3. From the Filter list, select a filter.
    4. Optional: To map more metrics and filters, click Map Another.
    5. Optional: To delete all mapped metrics and filters, click Delete All Mappings.
    6. Optional: To delete a mapped metric and filter, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to the mapping.
  11. Click the Save Save icon.
  12. Optional: To clear all the selections, click the Clear Clear icon.
  13. Optional: To modify the set data definition, click the Edit Edit icon.
  14. Optional: To create another data definition by using the already selected connector, click Add Another.
  15. Optional: To create another data definition by using a different connector, click Add Another Data Definition, and from the Connector Type list, select a connector. You can then complete the required steps to create data definition based on the selected connector.
  16. Optional: If you created multiple data definitions by using different connectors, then to view all the data definitions along with the connectors, click View All Data Definition.
    An All Data Definitions window is displayed. The window lists all connectors and data sources that you defined in the widget. You can complete any of the following steps in the All Data Definitions window:
    • To view the details of a connector type, its data sources, monitoring parameters, and instances, click the View View icon that is displayed on the connector row. To go back to the main window that displays all the connectors, click View All Data Definition.
    • To delete a connector along with its data sources, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed on the connector row.