Audit Trail

Audit trail maintains chronological records of sequence of activities that are performed on various dashboard components. All the Dashboard Designer manage pages display the date and time when the component was created and modified, and the username of the user who created or last modified the component. Only the latest records are displayed.

Dashboard Designer displays the following audit trail information for the following dashboard components:
Table 1. Audit trail information
Component Audit trail information
Layouts The All Layouts page displays the following audit trail details for each custom layout:
  • Layout name
  • Layout category
  • Date and time when the layout was first created, and the username of the user who first created the layout.
  • Date and time when the layout was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the layout. Only the latest record is displayed.
Data Definitions The All Data Definitions page displays the following audit trail details for each custom data definition:
  • Custom data definition name
  • Custom data definition category
  • Date and time when the data definition was first created, and the username of the user who first created the custom data definition.
  • Date and time when the data definition was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the data definition. Only the latest record is displayed.
Widgets The All Widgets page displays the following audit trail details for each custom widget:
  • Custom widget name
  • Custom widget category
  • Name of the Engine instance to which the widget is published.
  • Date and time when the custom widget was first created, and the username of the user who first created the custom widget.
  • Date and time when the custom widget was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the widget. Only the latest record is displayed.
Filters The All Filters page displays the following audit trail details for each custom filter:
  • Custom filter name
  • Custom filter category
  • Date and time when the custom filter was first created, and the username of the user who first created the custom filter.
  • Date and time when the custom filter was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the filter. Only the latest record is displayed.
Dashboards The All Dashboards page displays the following audit trail details for each dashboard:
  • Dashboard name
  • Dashboard category
  • Date and time when the dashboard was first created, and the username of the user who first created the dashboard.
  • Date and time when the dashboard was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the dashboard. Only the latest record is displayed.
Themes The All Themes page displays the following audit trail details for each custom theme:
  • Theme name
  • Date and time when the theme was first created, and the username of the user who first created the theme.
  • Date and time when the theme was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the theme. Only the latest record is displayed.
Menu Access The All Menus page displays the following audit trail details for each menu:
  • Menu name
  • Date and time when the menu was first created, and the username of the user who first created the menu.
  • Date and time when the menu was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the menu. Only the latest record is displayed.

After you upgrade Cloud Application Business Insights, if the audit trail information for any of the dashboard components is missing, then the manage pages display unavailable, instead of the actual values.