Creating and publishing menus

To publish a dashboard on Engine, you must first create a menu, and then add dashboards and Engine User Groups to the menu.

About this task

Users with a Menu Administrator role or System Administrator role can create and publish menus only when they have access to an Engine instance and one or more Engine User Groups.


Complete the following steps to create a menu and publish it:

  1. In the navigation pane of Dashboard Designer, click Menu Access and click Create New Menu.
  2. In the Add Menu window, enter the following information:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the menu.
    2. In the First Menu Item Name field, enter a name for the first node in the menu.
      This node is the first default node.
    Menu name and node name, each can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters in length.
  3. Click Start Building Menu.
    The navigation pane displays the newly added menu under Menu Access, and a new tab opens that shows the menu name and the first default node that you added.
  4. Complete either of the steps or both the steps to add dashboard and category nodes to the default node:
    • To add a category node, right-click the default node, click Add Sibling, and enter a name for the category node.

      The category node is added at the same level as the default node. You can add multiple category nodes to the default node. Also, you can add multiple category nodes to a category node.

    • To add a dashboard node, right-click the default node or category node, click Add Child, and enter a name for the dashboard node.

      You can add only two dashboard nodes to the default node or a category node.

      • You cannot add dashboards and user groups to the category nodes. You must add dashboard nodes to the category nodes, and only then can you add dashboards and user groups to those dashboard nodes.
      • Each category node and dashboard node within a menu must have a unique name. The node name can be alphanumeric and up to 45 characters in length.
    Note: You can repeat the steps to add more dashboard or category nodes to the default node.
  5. To add Engine User Groups and a dashboard to a dashboard node, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Dashboards tab, which is on the right of the window, expand the dashboard categories, and drag the dashboard that you want to add to the dashboard node.
      Note: The Dashboards tab displays only those dashboards that are in complete state. You can add only one dashboard per dashboard node.

      The dashboard is added to the dashboard node, and the color of the Dashboard dashboard icon on the dashboard node changes to blue.

    2. To add Engine User Groups, in the User Groups tab, which is on the right of the window, drag a user group that you want to add to a dashboard node.
    Note: You can add multiple user groups to a dashboard node.

    The user groups are added to the dashboard node, and the color of the User Group user group icon on the dashboard node changes to blue. The icon also displays the number of user groups that are added to the dashboard node.

  6. Click Save.

    The menu is saved with dashboards and user groups that are added to it. The newly created menu is listed under Most Recently Created Menus in the navigation pane.

    The All Menus page displays the following audit trail details for each menu:
    • Menu name
    • Date and time when the menu was first created, and the username of the user who first created the menu.
    • Date and time when the menu was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the menu. Only the latest record is displayed.
  7. To publish the menu, click Publish.
  8. In the Publish Menu window, click any one of the following options:
    • If you want to publish a menu along with all its dashboards and drill-down dashboards (if any) to a target instance, click Publish Menu and Dashboards.
      Note: The newly published menu replaces the existing menu and dashboards views that displayed on Engine.
    • If a menu is already published to a target instance, and you want to deploy only those dashboards and drill-down dashboards (if any) that are modified or only those dashboards that are newly added to the menu, then click Publish Menu and Updated Dashboards.
      Note: Dashboard views and menus are retained on Engine. However, if a dashboard is deleted from a menu, then the view associated with that dashboard is also deleted.

    For information about Engine and dashboard views, see Managing Engine user interface.

    A confirmation message that indicates that the menu is published is displayed.

What to do next

After you publish a menu, you must log in to Engine and view the published dashboards. For more information, see Viewing widgets and dashboards and performing additional actions.