Use Dashboard Designer tool to
create and deploy dashboards that support connectivity to different data sources, and then view them
on the Engine user
Layout is a basic component of Dashboard Designer that helps you build a structure for a dashboard. It has placeholders for charts, widget templates, custom widgets, or external URLs. Dashboard Designer displays two types of layouts, default layouts and custom layouts. Default layouts are the ready to use layouts that are already provided in the Dashboard Designer . However, you can also create your own layouts and save them as custom layouts. You can create multiple custom layouts, categorize them, and save them for future use.
After you select a layout, you must add charts to it. You can select a chart type from the available chart categories. Charts define the way that you want the data to be displayed on the widgets or dashboards. For the data to be displayed properly on the chart, you must set data definition and set chart properties. You cannot modify or delete charts nor can you create any custom charts.
Data Definitions
Use data definition to retrieve data from a data source. You can configure the data definitions according to your dashboard requirements to monitor various data sources. After you add a chart to a widget or a dashboard, you must associate a data definition with the chart. Use Dashboard Designer to create custom data definitions, where you specify the connector source and either select query parameters or directly enter a query to fetch data from the selected connector source. Dashboard Designer displays two types of data definitions, default data definitions and custom data definitions.
Widgets are charts with defined data sources, monitoring metrics, widget properties, filters, and chart properties. Dashboard Designer displays different types of widgets, such as default widget templates, custom widget templates, and custom widgets. You can use the Widgets option in Dashboard Designer to create custom widgets or custom widget templates. To create a custom widget or custom widget template, you select a chart type, set data definitions, set filters, set a background image, and set toolbar and chart properties. You can create multiple custom widgets and custom templates, and save them into various categories for later use. You can publish custom widgets individually or in bulk.
Use filters to filter data that is displayed within dashboards and widgets. Filters help you to interactively explore the data that you want to display in the widgets. You can add filters at dashboard-level and at widget-level. Dashboard Designer Tool displays two types of filters, default filters and custom filters. Default filters are already provided in the Dashboard Designer . However, you can also create your own filters and save them as custom filters. You can create multiple custom filters, categorize them, and save them for future use. Adding custom filters or default filters to dashboards is optional. You can add filters when you are creating or modifying dashboards.
Use Dashboard Designer to create, view, modify, delete, or import and export dashboards. You can create dashboards to view multiple widgets and set relations between the widgets. You can also view, modify, or delete widgets within a dashboard. You can create Data Sets and use those Data Sets to display transformed data within the widgets of the dashboard.
Use Dashboard Designer to create, preview, modify, copy, delete, or deploy custom themes. You can also view the default themes in Dashboard Designer , but cannot modify, delete, or deploy them. Both the default and the custom themes can be applied to Engine only. You cannot apply these themes to the Dashboard Designer . The default themes along with the deployed custom themes are displayed on Engine .
Menu Access
To publish dashboards, you must add them to a menu. You can publish a menu to an Engine . A menu contains two types of nodes, category nodes and dashboard nodes. A menu can host multiple dashboards that are categorized by using category nodes.