Managing users

You can view, modify, search, or delete users by using Dashboard Designer.

Before you begin

To manage users, you must be logged in as a System Administrator or as a default user.


Complete the following steps to view, modify, search, or delete users:

  • To view or search users, complete the following steps:
    1. In the navigation pane of Dashboard Designer, click Users and Groups > Users.

      The Users page opens. It displays all the users.

    2. To find a user, enter the name of the user in the Search field.
  • To delete a user or delete multiple users, complete the following steps:
    1. To delete a user or users, complete any one of the following steps in the Users page:
      • To delete a user, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to the user or select the user and click the Delete button.
      • To delete multiple users, select multiple users, and then click the Delete button.
    2. In the confirmation message window that is displayed, click OK.
  • To modify a user, complete the following steps:
    1. In the navigation pane of Dashboard Designer, click Users and Groups > Users.

      The Users page opens. It displays all the users.

    2. To edit a user, click the Edit Edit icon that is displayed on the user row.

      The Edit a user window is displayed.

    3. In the Tool Role pane, click the role that you want to assign to the user.
      • If you click System Administrator, then the already selected Content Groups that are displayed in the Tool Content Group(s) pane are deleted, as the System Administrator has access to all the Tool Content Groups.
      • If you click None, then the already selected Content Groups that are displayed in the Tool Content Group(s) pane are deleted. You cannot select any Content Group as the user is an Engine user only and cannot access any Tool content.
      • If you click any Tool Role other than System Administrator and None, then the existing Content Groups are retained.
    4. To add or delete Content Groups, complete the following steps in the Tool Content Group(s) pane:
      1. Click the Assign Groups list.

        A pop-up window opens where the Tool Content Groups are listed alphabetically sorted in ascending order.

      2. Click one or more Tool Content Groups that are listed under Content Groups (select one or more) pane, and click the Move to selectedMove to selected icon to add the Tool Content Groups to Selected Content Groups pane.
        • If you want to delete any group from the Selected Content Groups pane, then click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to it.
    5. To delete an Engine instance that is assigned to a user or to disable the access to Schedule Tasks, complete any of the following steps in the ENGINE ACCESS pane:
      1. In the Engine Instance(s) pane, click the Assign Instance list.

        A pop-up window opens displaying the Engine instance.

      2. To delete the selected instance from the Selected Engine Instances pane, click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to the instance.
      3. To disable the access to Schedule Tasks, clear the Scheduler checkbox.
      • If you delete an Engine instance, then the Engine User Groups that are assigned to that user are also deleted. The user cannot preview any Tool content.
      • Users with System Administrator, Publisher or Menu Administrator role, and Engine users must have at least one instance assigned to them.
    6. To add or delete Engine User Groups, complete the following steps in the User Group(s) pane:
      1. Click the Assign Groups list.

        A pop-up window opens where the Engine Groups are listed alphabetically sorted in ascending order.

      2. Click one or more Engine Groups that are listed under User Groups (select one or more) pane, and click the Move to selected Move to selected icon to add the Engine Groups to Selected User Groups pane.
        • If you want to delete any group from the Selected User Groups pane, then click the Delete Delete icon that is displayed next to it.
          Note: Users with System Administrator, Publisher, or Menu Administrator role, and Engine users must have at least one Engine User Group assigned to them.
    7. To save the changes, click Save. Else, click Cancel.


The Users page displays the following details for each modified user:
  • User name
  • Tool roles that are assigned to the user.
  • Tool Content Groups that are assigned to the user.
  • Engine instances that are assigned to the user.
  • User Groups that are assigned to the user.
  • Date and time when the user was first created, and the username of the user who first created the user.
  • Date and time when the user was last modified, and the username of the user who last modified the user. Only the latest record is displayed.

What to do next

After you add or delete a user, you must add or delete the username and password of that user in the basic-registry.xml file.