Use Dashboard Designer to create, view, modify, delete, or import and export dashboards. You can create dashboards to view multiple widgets and set relations between the widgets. You can also view, modify, or delete widgets within a dashboard. You can create Data Sets and use those Data Sets to display transformed data within the widgets of the dashboard.
You can create dashboards either by creating dashboard components from scratch or by creating custom components first and then adding them to your dashboard. You can also create specialized widgets such as web widgets or multi-chart widgets within a dashboard.
For more information about creating a dashboard, see Quick reference to creating dashboards.
- Layouts
- Dashboard Designer contains default ready
to use layouts. You can also create custom layouts according to your requirements. Layouts contain
placeholders for charts, widget templates, custom widgets, or external URLs.
For more information about Layouts, see Layouts.
- Charts
- Dashboard Designer Tool displays multiple
chart types under various categories. You cannot create custom charts.
For more information about Charts, see Charts.
- Data Definitions
- Data Definition specifies the data that is used in a widget. Dashboard Designer displays two types of data
definitions, default data definitions and custom data definitions.
For more information about Data Definitions, see Data Definitions.
- Data Sets
- Data Sets are one or more assisted and manual data definitions that are common across a
For more information about Data Sets, see Data Sets.
- Widgets
- Widgets are charts with defined data sources, monitoring metrics, widget properties, filters,
and chart properties. Dashboard Designer
contains default ready to use widget templates. You can also create multi-chart widgets, web
widgets, or create custom widgets according to your requirements.
For more information about Widgets, see Custom widgets.
For more information about creating specialized widgets within a dashboard, see Specialized widgets.
- Filters
- Use filters to interactively explore the data that you want to display in the dashboard.
Dashboard Designer contains default ready to
use filters. You can also create custom filters according to your requirements.
For more information about Filters, see Filters.
After you create a dashboard, you can set relations between widgets of a single dashboard or you can set relations between widgets that belong to two different dashboards.
For more information about setting relations between widgets and dashboards, see Setting relations.
You must attach dashboards to a Menu. After you publish the Menu, the dashboards are displayed on Engine.
For more information about Menus, see Menu Access.
The All Dashboards page displays the audit trail information for all the dashboards. The audit trail information provides details of the user who created or modified the dashboards and the date and time when the dashboards were created or modified.