Performing data backup
To prevent data loss if there’s a service disruption or data corruption, you must backup the data at regular, predefined time intervals. You can trigger a manual backup by using the script or you can schedule a backup by setting up a cron job.
Before you begin
- Ensure that all the third-party database driver JAR files are placed at install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/prdapp/jdbcdrivers/
- For Excel Connector Sources and Google BigQuery Connector Sources, ensure that the JWT file is
placed at the following
Where, install_dir is Cloud Application Business Insights installation location. By default, it is /opt/icabi.
Note: Only if Cloud Application Business Insights is installed in default location, the backup and restore scripts can back up and restore the driver files.
The script archives the following files along with dashboard data and connector data in the database:
- Some configuration files are archived from the following folders:
- install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/prdauth
- install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/prdapp
- install_dir/prd_config
- Some properties files are archived from
install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/prdapp folder:
- config
- config/log4j2.xml
- config/
- config/
- lib
- lib/RestFullConf.jar
- lib/postgresql-42.2.5.jar
- restapi_t12n
- server.env
- jvm.options
- The following files are archived from
install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/prdauth folder:
- basic-registry.xml
- server.env
- config
- config/
- resources/
- resources/
- resources/security/
- resources/security/key.jks
- resources/security/ltpa.keys
- jvm.options
- From prdrtdc folder, the file is archived.
- From prdutil folder, the config.ini file and /data/importUser folder are archived.
Note: If you added any other files, then you must ensure that you back up and restore those files