Connections from Process Center to Process Server

To establish and work with connections between IBM® Process Center and IBM Process Server, you should understand the typical behavior of the connections and know where to update the connection settings.

Information about connections between Process Center and Process Server are found in the following sections:
  • Behavior
  • Settings
  • Other sources of information


When Process Center attempts to establish a connection to Process Server, the connection information is looked up in the database of the Process Center server and the communication goes directly from Process Center to Process Server. Process Center always uses HTTP to communicate with Process Server.

Information stored in the LSW_SERVER table is updated with each heartbeat (unless the server is taken offline). If you have two servers in a cluster set for online, they both set the same row value at the heartbeat interval. If they contain different values, the row continuously changes. If the two servers use different host names, the stored URL will change with each server heartbeat. Aside from changing the hostname in the Process Center console and the connections spread across them, the stored URL is also used by other components. If the Take Server Offline button is used, the incoming heartbeat with the same install ID is ignored until the server is turned back online from Process Center.


The following table lists settings that are used in connections between Process Center and Process Server:

Setting Description IBM BPM or later Prior to IBM BPM
Server ID The server ID from the LSW_SYSTEM table. InstallationGUID  
Name/Description/Type The name, description, and environment type of the server. They are derived from the 99Local.xml file and they are only specified on Process Server. There are four environment types: development, test, staging and production.

You can modify the name and environment type of the server using the BPMConfig command, as described in the topic BPMConfig command-line utility.

server-name, server-description, and environment-type server-name, server-description, and environment-type
Address The address value is set using the endpoint support. The specific scenario HEARTBEAT_DESIGNATED_DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT is used and the default scenario INTERNAL is used for the teamworks.war web application. The useHTTPSURLPrefixes setting is not needed when the virtual host is not used because the full URL (including the protocol) is now included in the Address setting.

The setting for the virtual host info at the deployment environment level is documented in the topic Configuring endpoints to match your topology.

The default transport is HTTP prior to IBM BPM and it is HTTPS in IBM BPM and later.

BPMVirtualHostInfo server-host and server-port and deploy-snapshot-using-https
User/PWD The user and password used for all remote actions run on Process Server from a Process Center connection. The default is DeAdminAlias. BPMAuthor repository-server-designated-user-auth-alias
Installer Group ID The ID of the installer group. The group only needs to exist on Process Center and does not need to exist on Process Server.

Specifies the name of a group whose members are authorized to perform installations on Process Server. Process Server passes the specified group name to Process Center. When a Process Center user attempts to install to an online Process Server by selecting the Deploy button, Process Center performs a check to ensure that the user is a member of the specified group.

On Process Center, a user can create process applications and human services, as well as use JavaScript APIs to look up any internal group and add members. For this reason, an internal group should not be specified for the Process Center Install setting. Instead, the specified group should exist in the user registry, either LDAP or a file-based registry.

Information about security configuration properties and roles is found in the following topics:

processCenterInstall process-center-install-group
PortalWebMessagingTopicConnectionFactory PortalWebMessagingTopicConnectionFactory is the connection factory user for the communication between the Process Inspector and Process Server. Specify a provider endpoint value for each messaging cluster member by using a comma-separated list, as shown in the following example:

The host_name variable is the externally accessible host name for the IBM Business Process Manager server. The port_number variable is the SIB_ENDPOINT_SECURE_ADDRESS port.

The provider endpoints will be set correctly by the BPMConfig command. A problem only occurs if you manually change the port numbers (for example, if you attempt to reuse port numbers that are already in use).

PortalWebMessagingTopicConnectionFactory PortalWebMessagingTopicConnectionFactory
For information on modifying connection settings and properties, see the following topics: