Activation specification properties for ALE inbound processing

Activation specification properties hold the inbound event processing configuration information for a message endpoint.

Activation specification properties are used during endpoint activation to notify the adapter of eligible event listeners. During inbound processing, the adapter uses these event listeners to receive events before forwarding them to the endpoint.

You set the activation specification properties using the external service wizard and can change them using the IBM® Integration Designer Assembly Editor, or after deployment through the IBM Business Process Manager or WebSphere® Enterprise Service Bus administrative console.

The following table lists and describes the activation specification properties for ALE inbound processing. A more detailed description of each property is provided in the sections that follow the table. For information on how to read the property detail tables in the sections that follow, see

Table 1. Activation specification properties for ALE inbound processing
Property name Description
In the wizard In the administrative console
Failure code aleFailureCode Specifies the status code for dispatch failure.
Failure text aleFailureText Specifies the descriptive text for dispatch failure.
ALE packet audit alePacketUpdate Specifies if the adapter should send ALEAUD per IDoc or per packet (TID)
Selective update aleSelectiveUpdate Specifies which IDoc Type and MessageType combinations are to be updated when the adapter is configured to update a standard SAP status code.
Status message code aleStatusMsgCode If required, specifies the message code to use when the adapter posts the ALEAUD Message IDoc (ALEAUD01).
Success code aleSuccessCode Specifies the success status code for Application Document Posted.
Success text aleSuccessText Specifies the descriptive text for successful Application Document Posted.
ALE update status aleUpdateStatus Specifies whether an audit trail is required for all message types.
Assured once-only delivery


Specifies whether to provide assured-once delivery for inbound events.

Auto create event table


Indicates whether the adapter should create the event recovery table automatically if it does not already exist.



The client number of the SAP system to which the adapter connects.

Codepage number


Indicates the numeric identifier of the code page.

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name


The schema used for automatically creating the event recovery table.

Enable Secure Network Connection


Indicates whether secure network connection mode is used.

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name


The JNDI name of the data source configured for event recovery.

Event recovery table name


The name of the event recovery table.

Retry limit for failed events FailedEventRetryLimit The number of times the adapter attempts to redeliver an event before marking the event as failed.
Folder for RFC trace files


Sets the fully qualified local path to the folder into which the RFC trace files are written.

Gateway host


The host name of the SAP gateway.

Gateway service


The identifier of the gateway on the gateway host that carries out the RFC services.

Host name


Specifies the IP address or the name of the application server host that the adapter logs on to.

IDoc empty tags


Includes empty tags to the unpopulated fields in the IDoc segment, which are sent to a configured endpoint, based on the option selected.

Ignore IDoc packet errors IgnoreIDocPacketErrors Determines what the adapter does when it encounters an error while processing the IDoc packet.
Language code

Language code

Specifies the Language code in which the adapter logs on to SAP.

Logon group name


An identifier of the name of the group of application server instances that have been defined in transaction SMLG and linked together for logon load balancing.

Load Balancing


Specifies if your SAP configuration uses load balancing

Maximum Number of retries in case of system connection failure


The adapter will try connecting to the Enterprise Information System (EIS) for a specified number of tries. Select only if you want to reduce the number of connection exceptions in the outbound operation. If selected, adapter will validate the connection for each outbound request.

Message server host


Specifies the name of the host on which the message server is running.

Number of listeners


Specifies the number of event listeners that are to be started.

Partner character set


Specifies PartnerCharset encoding.



The password of the user account of the adapter on the SAP application server.

Password used to connect to event data source


The user password for connecting to the database.

Retry EIS connection on startup


Controls whether the adapter retries the connection to the EIS if it cannot connect at startup

RFC program ID


The remote function call identifier under which the adapter registers in the SAP gateway.

RFC trace level


Specifies the global trace level.

RFC trace on


Specifies whether to generate a text file detailing the RFC activity for each event listener.

SAP system ID


Specifies the system ID of the SAP system for which logon load balancing is allowed.

Secure Network Connection library path


Specifies the path to the library that provides the secure network connection service.

Secure Network Connection name


Specifies the name of the secure network connection.

Secure Network Connection partner


Specifies the name of the secure network connection partner.

Secure Network Connection security level


Specifies the level of security for the secure network connection.

System number


The system number of the SAP application server.

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds)


Specifies the time interval between attempts to restart the event listeners.

Trim ALE Idoc field data


Specifies if the leading white spaces are to be trimmed by the adapter before sending it to endpoint.

User name


The user account for the adapter on the SAP server.

User name used to connect to event data source


The user name for connecting to the database.

X509 certificate


Specifies the X509 certificate to be used as the logon ticket.

Failure code

The value entered determines how the adapter updates the SAP failure status code after the ALE module has retrieved an IDoc object for event processing.

Table 2. ALE failure code details
Required Yes if AleUpdateStatus is set to True; no otherwise
Possible values


Default 40, 51, 68
Property type Integer

Set a value for this property only if you set the value for AleUpdateStatus to True.

Specify a value 68 for this property to cause the adapter to update the SAP failure status code after the ALE module has retrieved an IDoc object for event processing. SAP converts this value to 40 (Application Document not created in receiving system).

When you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True, the adapter updates a standard SAP status code after the adapter retrieves an IDoc object for event processing. An IDoc that is not successfully sent to the endpoint is considered a failure. You use the ALE failure code property to specify the code used to signify this failure.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Failure text

The text that displays in the event that an IDoc is not successfully sent to the endpoint.

Table 3. ALE failure text details
Required Yes if AleUpdateStatus is set to True; no otherwise.
Possible values

40, 51, 68

Default 68 Error - no further processing. The values in the text boxes change in accordance with the failure codes.
Property type String

Use this property only if you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True.

The length of the text string cannot exceed 70 characters.

When you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True, the adapter updates a standard SAP status code after the adapter retrieves an IDoc object for event processing. An IDoc that is not successfully sent to the endpoint is considered a failure. You use the ALE failure text property to specify the descriptive text used to signify this failure.

Example ALE Dispatch Failed
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

ALE packet audit

ALE update per packet indicates whether the adapter should send ALEAUD audit IDocs per packet or per IDoc.

Table 4. ALE packet audit details
Required No
Default False (send ALEAUD per IDoc).
Property type Boolean

You can enable/disable this property only if AleUpdateStatus is set to True.

When you set this property to true, the adapter sends one ALEAUD per IDoc packet which contains confirmations for all IDocs in the packet.

When you set this property to false, the adapter sends one ALEAUD for each IDoc received at the adapter.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Selective update

Specifies which IDoc Type and MessageType combinations are to be updated.

Table 5. ALE selective update details
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage You can set values for this property only if AleUpdateStatus has been set to True.

When you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True, the adapter updates a standard SAP status code after the adapter retrieves an IDoc object for event processing. You use the ALE selective update property to specify which IDoc Type and MessageType combinations are to be updated.

The syntax for this property is: IDocType: MessageType [;IDocType: MessageType [;...]] where a slash (/) delimiter separates each IDoc Type and MessageType, and a semicolon (;) delimiter separates entries in a set.

Example The following example illustrates two sets. In the example, MATMAS03 and DEBMAS03 are the IDocs, and MATMAS and DEBMAS are the message types:


Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Status message code

This property specifies the message code to use when the adapter posts the ALEAUD01 IDoc with message type ALEAUD.

Table 6. ALE status message code details
Required No
Possible values

For list of available codes, refer to the SAP table TEDS1.

Default No default value.
Property type String
  • You can set a value for this property only if AleUpdateStatus has been set to True.
  • You must configure this message code in the receiving partner profile on SAP.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Success code

ALE success code for the successful posting of an IDoc.

Table 7. ALE success code details
Required Yes if AleUpdateStatus is set to True; no otherwise
Possible values

30, 41, 55

Default 55 - Application document posted. The values in the text boxes change in accordance with the success codes
Property type Integer

Use this property only if you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True.

When you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True, the adapter updates a standard SAP status code after the adapter retrieves an IDoc object for event processing. You use the ALE success code property to specify the code for IDoc posted as 53.

After the IDoc is sent to the endpoint, the IDoc status remains as 03 (IDoc posted to port) in SAP. After posting the IDoc, the adapter posts the audit IDoc with the current IDoc number and status as 53. SAP converts the current IDoc status to 41 (Application Document Created in Receiving System).

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Enable Secure Network Connection

This property indicates whether secure network connection mode is enabled.

Table 8. Enable Secure Network Connection details
Required No
Possible values

0 (off)
1 (on)

Default 0
Property type String
Usage Set the value to 1 (on) if you want to use secure network connection.
If you set this value to 1, you must also set following properties:
  • SncLib

  • SncMyname

  • SncPartnername

  • SncQop

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Success text

Indicates the text that displays when an application document is posted successfully.

Table 9. ALE success text details
Required Yes if AleUpdateStatus is set to True; no otherwise.
Possible values

30, 41, 55

Default 55 - Application document posted. The values in the text boxes change in accordance with the success codes
Property type String

Use this property only if you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True.

The length of the text string cannot exceed 70 characters.

When you set the AleUpdateStatus property to True, the adapter updates a standard SAP status code after the adapter retrieves an IDoc object for event processing. You use the ALE success text property to specify the descriptive text used to signify Application Document Posted.

Example ALE Dispatch OK
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

ALE update status

This property specifies whether an audit trail is required for all message types.

Table 10. ALE update status details
Required Yes
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

Set this property to True if you want the adapter to update a standard SAP status code after the ALE module has retrieved an IDoc object for event processing.

If you set this value to True, you must also set following properties:
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Assured once-only delivery

This property specifies whether to provide assured once-only delivery for inbound events.

Table 11. Assured once-only delivery details
Required No
Default True
Property type Boolean

When this property is set to True, the adapter provides assured once event delivery. This means that each event will be delivered once and only once. A value of False does not provide assured once event delivery, but provides better performance.

When this property is set to True, the adapter attempts to store transaction (XID) information in the event store. If it is set to False, the adapter does not attempt to store the information.

This property is used only if the export component is transactional. If the export component is not transactional, no transaction can be used, regardless of the value of this property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Auto create event table

Determines if the event table is created automatically.

Table 12. Auto create event table details

Yes, if Assured once-only event delivery is set to True, No otherwise.

Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean

This property indicates whether the adapter should create the event recovery table automatically if it does not already exist.

In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_CreateTable".

If you specify a value of True to automatically create the table, you must specify information about the event table (such as the event recovery table name).

The value provided in the Event recovery table name property is used to create the table.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No


This property is the client number of the SAP system to which the adapter connects.

Table 13. Client details
Required Yes
Possible values You can enter a range of values from 000 to 999.
Default 100
Property type Integer

When an application attempts to log on to the SAP server, the SAP server requires that the application have a Client number associated with it. The Client property value identifies the client (the adapter) that is attempting to log onto the SAP server.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Codepage number

The numeric identifier of the code page.

Table 14. Codepage number details
Required No
Possible values You can enter a range of values from 0000 to 9999.

For a full listing of languages and associated codepage numbers supported by SAP, access SAP Note 7360.

Default The default value for this property is conditionally determined by the value set for the Language code property.
Property type Integer

The value assigned to the Codepage number defines the code page to be used and has a one-to-one relationship with the value set for the Language code property. The Codepage number establishes a connection to the appropriate language.

Each language code value has a codepage number value associated with it. For example, the language code for English, is EN. If you selected EN (English) as your language code, the codepage number is automatically set to the numeric value associated with EN (English). The SAP code page number for EN (English) is 1100.


If Language code is set to JA (Japanese), Codepage number is set to 8000.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Database schema name

This property is the schema used for automatically creating the event recovery table.
Note: In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_SchemaName".
Table 15. Database schema name details
Required No
Default No default value.
Property type String

Specifies the schema name for the database used by the adapters event persistence feature.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name

This property is the JNDI name of the data source configured for event recovery.
Note: In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_DataSource_JNDIName".
Table 16. Event recovery data source (JNDI) name details
Required Yes
Default No default value.
Property type String

Used in event recovery processing. The data source must be created in administrative console. The adapter utilizes data source for persisting the event state.

Example jdbc/DB2
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Event recovery table name

This property is the name of the event recovery table.
Note: In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_TableName".
Table 17. Event recovery table name details
Required Yes
Default No default value.
Property type String

Used in event recovery processing. Consult database documentation for information on naming conventions.

It is recommended that a separate event recovery table is configured for each endpoint. The same data source can be used to hold all of the event recovery tables.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Retry limit for failed events (FailedEventRetryLimit)

This property specifies the number of times that the adapter attempts to redeliver an event before marking the event as failed.

Table 18. Retry limit for failed events details
Required No
Possible values Integers
Default 5
Property type Integer
Usage Use this property to control how many times the adapter tries to send an event before marking it as failed. It accepts the following values:
If this property is not set, the adapter tries five additional times before marking the event as failed.
The adapter tries to deliver the event an infinite number of times. When the property is set to 0, the event remains in the event store and the event is never marked as failed.
> 0
For integers greater than zero, the adapter retries the specified number of times before marking the event as failed.
< 0
For negative integers, the adapter does not retry failed events.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Folder for RFC trace files

This property sets the fully qualified local path to the folder in which to write RFC trace files.

Table 19. Folder for RFC trace files details
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage Identifies the fully qualified local path into which RFC trace files are written.

If RFC trace on is set to False (not selected), you are not permitted to set a value in the Folder for RFC trace files property.

This field cannot be edited if you are modifying existing artifacts

Example c:\temp\rfcTraceDir
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Gateway host

This property is the Gateway host name. Enter either the IP address or the name of the Gateway host. Consult with your SAP administrator for information on the Gateway host name.

Table 20. Gateway host details
Required Yes
Default No default value
Property type String

This property is the host name of the SAP gateway. The gateway enables communication between work processes on the SAP system and external programs.

The host identified is used as the gateway for the resource adapter.

Maximum length of 20 characters. If the computer name is longer than 20 characters, define a symbolic name in the THOSTS table.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Gateway service

This property is the identifier of the gateway on the gateway host that carries out the RFC services.

Table 21. Gateway service details
Required Yes
Default sapgw00
Property type String

These services enable communication between work processes on the SAP server and external programs. The service typically has the format of sapgw00, where 00 is the SAP system number.

Maximum of 20 characters.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Host name

Specifies the IP address or the name of the application server host that the adapter logs on to.

Table 22. Host name details
Required Yes (when load balancing is not used).
Default No default value
Property type String

When the adapter is configured to run without load balancing, this property specifies the IP address or the name of the application server that the adapter logs on to.

Example sapServer
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

IDoc empty tags

This property includes empty tags to the unpopulated fields in the IDoc segment, which are sent to a configured endpoint, based on the option selected.

Table 23. IDoc empty tags
Required No
Possible Values




Property type String

Use this property to select the following IDoc empty tag options:

  • BEFORE_AND_AFTER - Include empty tags to the unpopulated fields before and after the populated fields within the IDoc segments.
  • ONLY_BEFORE - Include empty data for the unpopulated fields within an IDoc segment before the populated field.
  • ALL_UNPOPULATED_FIELDS_SEGMENTS - Include empty tags to the unpopulated fields in all the IDoc segments.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Ignore IDoc packet errors

Determines whether or not IDoc packet errors are to be ignored.

Table 24. Ignore IDOC packet errors details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type


If the adapter encounters an error while processing the IDoc packet, it can behave in two different ways.
  • When this property is set to False, the adapter stops processing further IDocs in that packet and reports an error to the SAP system.
  • When this property is set to True, the adapter logs an error and continues processing the rest of the IDocs in that packet.

    The status of the transaction is marked as INPROGRESS. The adapter log would display the IDoc numbers that failed and you need to resubmit those individual IDocs separately. You need to manually maintain these records in the event recovery table.

This property is not used for single IDocs and for non-split IDoc packets.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Language code

This property specifies the Language code in which the adapter logs on.

Table 25. Language code details
Required Yes
Possible values

For a full listing of languages and associated codepage numbers supported by SAP, access SAP Note 7360.

Default The default value for the Language code property is based on the system locale.
Property type String

Each of the supported languages is preceded by a 2 character language code. The language itself is displayed in parentheses.

The language codes that display in the list represent the SAP default set of 41 languages for non Unicode systems plus Arabic.

The value you select determines the value of the Codepage number property.

If you manually enter a language code, you do not need to enter the language in parentheses.


If the system locale is English, the value for this property is EN (English).

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Logon group name

This property is an identifier for the name of the group of application server instances that have been defined in transaction SMLG and linked together for logon load balancing.

Table 26. Logon group details
Required Yes (if load balancing is used)
Possible values Consult SAP documentation for information on creating Logon groups and on calling transaction SMLG.
Default No default value
Property type String

When the adapter is configured for load balancing, this property represents the name of the group of application server instances that have been defined in transaction SMLG and linked together for logon load balancing.

Logon load balancing allows for the dynamic distribution of logon connections to application server instances.

Maximum of 20 characters. On most SAP systems, the SPACE logon group is reserved by SAP.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Load Balancing

This property specifies if your SAP configuration uses load balancing

Table 27. Load balancing details
Required Yes
Possible values TrueFalse
Default False
Property type Boolean

This value should be set to true if the SAP configuration uses load balancing. If set to true, Message server host, Logon group and SAP System ID need to be specified.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum Number of retries in case of system connection failure

This property specifies the number of times the adapter attempts to create a connection to the Enterprise Information System (EIS). The adapter will try connecting to the EIS for the specified number of times. Select only if you want to reduce the number of connection exceptions in the outbound operation. If selected, the adapter will validate the connection for each outbound request.

Table 28. Reset Client details
Required No
Possible values Integers
Default 0
Property type Integer

Only positive values are valid.

When the adapter encounters an error related to the outbound connection, it retries to establish a physical connection (when physical connection is not established) for the number of times specified for this property with a time delay specified in the property Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds).

If the value is 0, the adapter does not perform any EIS connection validation and executes the outbound operation.

if the value is > 0, then during each request the adapter validates if the EIS connection is active.
  • If the connection is valid the operation is completed.
  • if connection is invalid, the adapter invalidates the current managed connection and a new managed connection is created (new physical connection)
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Message server host

This property specifies the name of the host on which the message server is running.

Table 29. Message server host details
Required Yes (if load balancing is used)
Default No default value
Property type String

This property specifies the name of the host that will inform all the servers (instances) belonging to this SAP system of the existence of the other servers to be used for load balancing.

The message server host contains the information about load balancing for RFC clients so that an RFC client can be directed to an appropriate application server.

Example SAPERP05
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Number of listeners

This property specifies the number of listeners that are started by an event.

Table 30. Number of listeners details
Required No
Default 1
Property type Integer

For event sequencing, this property should be set to 1.

To improve adapter performance, you can increase the number of listeners.

Note: The adapter will not start if the number of listeners is 0
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Partner character set

This property specifies the partner character set encoding.

Table 31. Partner character set details
Required No


Property type String
Usage When an encoding is specified, it is used; otherwise the default encoding is used.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No


This property is the password of the user account of the adapter on the SAP application server.

Table 32. Password details
Required Yes
Default No default value
Property type String

The restrictions on the password depend on the version of SAP Web Application Server.

  • For SAP Web Application Server version 6.40 or earlier, the password:
    • Must be uppercase
    • Must be 8 characters in length
  • For versions of SAP Web Application Server later than 6.40, the password:
    • Is not case-sensitive
    • Can be up to 40 characters in length
Globalized No
Bidi supported Yes

Password used to connect to event data source

This property is the user password for connecting to the database.
Note: In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_Password".
Table 33. Password to connect to event data source details
Required Yes
Default No default value.
Property type String

This property specifies the password used by event persistence processing to obtain the database connection from the data source.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Retry EIS connection on startup

This property controls whether the adapter retries the connection to the EIS if it cannot connect at startup. This property is used in conjunction with Maximum Number of retries in case of system connection failure and Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds).

Table 34. Retry EIS connection on startup
Required No
Possible Values



Default False
Property type Boolean
If the value is true, it indicates that the adapter will retry the connection to EIS if it cannot connect at startup. The values for the following properties have to be specified:

If the value is false, it indicates that the adapter will not retry the connection to EIS if it cannot connect at startup.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

RFC program ID

This property is the program identifier under which the adapter registers in the SAP gateway.

Table 35. RFC program ID details
Required Yes
Possible values Use the SAP transaction SM59 (Display and Maintain RFC Destinations) to see a list of available RFC program IDs.
Default No default value.
Property type String

The adapter registers with the gateway so that listener threads can process events from RFC-enabled functions. This value must match the program ID registered in the SAP application.

The maximum length is 64 characters.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

RFC trace level

This property specifies the global trace level.

Table 36. RFC trace level details
Required No
Possible values

0 - No error
1 - Errors and warnings
2 - Execution path, errors and warnings
3 - Full Execution path, errors and warnings
4 - Execution path, info messages, errors and warnings
6 - Full execution path, info messages, errors and warnings
7 - Debug messages, full execution path, info messages, errors and warnings
8 - Verbose debug messages, full execution path, info messages, errors and warnings

Default 1
Property type Integer
Usage If RFC trace on is set to False (not selected), you cannot set a value in the RFC trace level property.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

RFC trace on

This property specifies whether to generate a text file detailing the RFC activity for each event listener.

Table 37. RFC trace on details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean
Usage A value of True activates tracing, which generates a text file.

This file is created in the directory in which the adapter process was started. The file has a prefix of rfx and a file type of trc (for example, rfc03912_02220.trc).

Use these text files in a development environment only, because the files can grow rapidly.

If RFC trace on is set to False (not selected), you cannot set values in the Folder for RFC trace files or RFC trace level properties.


Examples of the information in the file are RfcCall FUNCTION BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETLIST, followed by the information for the parameters in the interface, or RFC Info rfctable, followed by the data from one of the interface tables.

The trace file is created in the directory where the adapter process has been started. The trace file has a .trc file extension and the file name will start with the letters rfc followed by a unique identifier. For example, rfc03912_02220.trc.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

SAP system ID

This property specifies the system ID of the SAP system for which logon load balancing is allowed.

Table 38. SAP system ID details
Required Yes (when load balancing is used)
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage Value must be three characters
Example DYL
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Secure Network Connection library path

This property specifies the path to the library that provides the secure network connection service.

Table 39. Secure Network Connection library path details
Required Yes, if SncMode is set to 1; no otherwise.
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage If the SncMode property is set to 1 (indicating that you are using a secure network connection), specify the path to the library that provides the service.
Example /WINDOWS/system32/gssapi32.dll
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Secure Network Connection name

This property specifies the name of the secure network connection.

Table 40. Secure Network Connection name details
Required Yes, if SncMode is set to 1; no otherwise.
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage If the SncMode property is set to 1 (indicating that you are using a secure network connection), specify a name for the connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Secure Network Connection partner

This property specifies the name of the secure network connection partner.

Table 41. Secure Network Connection partner details
Required Yes, if SncMode is set to 1; no otherwise.
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage If the SncMode property is set to 1 (indicating that you are using a secure network connection), specify a name for the connection partner.
Example CN=sap00.saperpdev, OU=Adapter, O=IBM, C=US
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Secure Network Connection security level

This property specifies the level of security for the secure network connection.

Table 42. Secure Network Connection security level details
Required Yes, if SncMode is set to 1; no otherwise.
Possible values
  • 1 (Authentication only)
  • 2 (Integrity protection)
  • 3 (Privacy protection)
  • 8 (Use the value from snc/data_protection/use on the application server)
  • 9 (Use the value from snc/data_protection/max on the application server)
Default 3 (Privacy protection)
Property type String
Usage If the SncMode property is set to 1 (indicating that you are using a secure network connection), specify a value to indicate the level of security for the connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

System number

This property is the system number of the SAP application server.

Table 43. System number details
Required Yes
Possible values You can enter a range of values from 00 to 99.
Default 00
Property type Integer

The system number further identifies the Gateway service.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds)

This property specifies the time interval between attempts to connect to the Enterprise Information System (EIS).

Table 44. Time between retries in case of system connection failure details
Required No
Possible Values Positive Integers
Default 60000
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage When the adapter encounters an error related to the outbound connection, this property specifies the time interval that the adapter waits in between attempts to reestablish an outbound connection. It is disabled by default and is only enabled when the value of Maximum Number of retries in case of system connection failure is greater than 0.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Trim ALE Idoc field data

This property specifies if the leading white spaces are trimmed by the adapter before sending it to endpoint.

Table 45. Trim ALE Idoc field data
Required No
Possible Values



Default True
Property type Boolean

Set the value to True, if you want the leading white spaces to be trimmed by the adapter before sending it to endpoint. By default, the value is set to True.

Set the value to False, if you do not want the leading white spaces to be trimmed by the adapter.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

User name

This property is the user account for the adapter on the SAP server.

Table 46. User name details
Required Yes
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage Maximum length of 12 characters. The user name is not case sensitive.

It is recommended that you set up a CPIC user account in the SAP application and that you give this account the necessary privileges to manipulate the data required by the business objects supported by the adapter. For example, if the adapter must perform certain SAP business transactions, the adapter's account in the SAP application must have the permissions set to allow it to perform these transactions.

Example SapUser
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported Yes

User name used to connect to event data source

This property is the user name for connecting to the database.
Note: In the administrative console, this property is listed as "EP_UserName".
Table 47. User name to connect to event data source details
Required Yes
Default No default value.
Property type String

User name used by event persistence for getting the database connection from the data source. Consult database documentation for information on naming conventions.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

X509 certificate

This property specifies the X509 certificate to be used as the logon ticket.

Table 48. X509 certificate details
Required No.
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage If the SncMode property is set to 1 (indicating that you are using a secure network connection), you can provide a value for the X509 certificate.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No


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