Installing silently using the command line

You can install IBM® Business Process Manager silently using the command line. With this method, you need to run only one command to perform the installation.

Before you begin

If you do not have the prerequisite base products necessary for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced installation, you must install them as part of the silent installation. The required base products are:
  • IBM Installation Manager. If you are installing IBM Business Process Manager in group mode, you must use an instance of IBM Installation Manager that is installed in group mode. For more information, see the Installation Manager information center topic Administrator, nonadministrator, and group mode.
  • WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment, including the ejbdeploy and thinclient features.
When you install the product, also install any available cumulative fixes or fix packs by adding the repository where you downloaded the fix.
If you are installing from downloaded images from Passport Advantage, ensure that you downloaded all required images (three disk images for Linux systems on Intel; two disk images for other Linux systems). If you are installing from the DVD images, obtain the compressed files from the DVDs. In both cases, extract all of the files from the compressed files to the same location on your hard disk. Overwrite directories, if prompted.
Restriction: Extract the installation files to a directory that does not contain spaces or special characters. The launchpad cannot be started from a directory path that contains spaces or special characters.

About this task

During the silent installation, the following tasks are peformed:
  • Installation Manager is installed or updated to the appropriate level.
  • The required base products and IBM Business Process Manager Advanced are installed.

Only one IBM Installation Manager is required to install multiple instances of IBM Business Process Manager.


  1. Optional: Run the following command to generate encrypted passwords using IBM Installation Manager to securely connect to DB2 and the administrative console.
    extract_directory/IM64/tools/imutilsc -silent -nosplash encryptString password_to_encrypt
    Note: If you already have 32-bit Installation Manager installed, you can run the command from the extract_directory/IM/tools directory.
  2. Read and accept the license terms before installing. Adding -acceptLicense to the command line means that you accept all licenses.
  3. Run the following command:
    extract_directory/IM64/tools/imcl install list_of_package_IDs -acceptLicense -installationDirectory location -repositories repository -properties key=value,key=value -showVerboseProgress -log logName.log
    Note: If you already have 32-bit Installation Manager installed, you can run the command from the extract_directory/IM/tools directory.
    • list_of_package_IDs is a list of the IDs for the products and features that you want to install. You must include the required features. The syntax is packageID,feature,feature. Separate multiple products by using spaces.
      Table 1. Package IDs
      Product Package ID Feature and Description
      IBM BPM Advanced
      • AdvancedProcessCenter
      • AdvancedProcessServer.NonProduction - Test, staging, or development use
      • AdvancedProcessServer.Production - Production use
      • Case.Management - Optional. Basic case management capabilities. Requires a license and one of the other features to be also installed.
      WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

      On Linux on Power LE:

      • core.feature: Required. WebSphere Application Server core content.
      • ejbdeploy: Required. Pre-Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 modules.
      • thinclient: Required. Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters.
      • embeddablecontainer: Embeddable EJB container.
      • samples: Sample applications feature.
      • 64-bit SDK
      Installation Manager
      • agent_core: Installation Manager core content.
      • agent_jre: Installation Manager Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
      IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 7 Java™ TE 6 is installed with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, but if you install Java TE 7, it will be used instead. If you install Java TE 7 but find that you still need to use Java 6, you can switch before you create profiles by using the managesdk command. For more information, see Switching the edition of Java used in IBM BPM.
      Note: On Linux on Power LE systems, Java 7.1 is always installed and used.
      IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition 7.1 If you want to use Java 7.1, install this option and switch to it by following the instructions in the topic Switching the edition of Java used in IBM BPM.
      Note: On Linux on Power LE systems, Java 7.1 is always installed and used.
      DB2 Express for Linux on Intel systems DB2 must match the operating system.
    • location is the path to the directory where you want to install the products. To install into an existing supported instance of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, specify its directory.
    • repository is the path to the repository where you have extracted the files:
      For more than one repository, separate the repository locations with commas.
    • key=value is a list of the keys and values that you want to pass to the installation, separated by commas. Do not put spaces between the commas.Create encrypted passwords using the IBM Installation Manager.
      Note: This table is applicable only when you install DB2 Express.
      Table 2. Keys
      Key Description
      user.db2.port Port for the DB2 database. The default value is 50000.
      user.db2.instance.username DB2 instance user name
      user.db2.instance.password Encrypted password for the DB2 instance user name. For an encrypted password, use quotation marks. For example, user.db2.instance.password="the_encrypted_password"
      user.db2.fenced.newuser The value true is for a new user. The value false is for an existing user. If the value is false, the user.db2.fenced.password is not needed.
      user.db2.fenced.username Fenced user name. The fenced user is used to run user defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures outside of the address space used by the DB2 database. The default user is db2fenc1 and the default group is db2fadm1.
      user.db2.fenced.password Encrypted password for the fenced user name. For an encrypted password, use quotation marks. For example, user.db2.fenced.password="the_encrypted_password"
      user.db2.das.newuser The value true is for a new user. The value false is for an existing user. If the value is false, the user.db2.das.password is not needed.
      user.db2.das.username DB2 administration server (DAS) user name. The user ID for the DB2 administration server user is used to run the DB2 administration server on your system. The default user is dasusr1 and the default group is dasadm1. This user ID is also used by the DB2 GUI tools to perform administration tasks against the local server database instances and databases.
      user.db2.das.password Encrypted password for the administration server user name. For an encrypted password, use quotation marks. For example, user.db2.das.password="the_encrypted_password"
    • logName is the name of the log file that records messages and results.
    Running this command installs the product with the default features. To install specific features or make other changes, see the reference link for the command-line arguments for imcl.


Installation Manager installs the list of products and writes a log file to the directory that you specified. The log file is empty if there are no errors or warnings.


The following example installs IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, and DB2 Express on Linux.
Tip: If you copy the example, make sure there are no line breaks.
imcl install,AdvancedProcessCenter,core.feature,ejbdeploy,thinclient,embeddablecontainer,samples, -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/BPM85 -repositories /usr/tmp/BPM/repository/repos_64bit -properties user.db2.instance.username=bpmadmin,user.db2.instance.password="Vvrs88V/a9BUdxwodz0nUg==" -showVerboseProgress -log silentinstall.log
The following example installs IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, a cumulative fix from another directory, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, and DB2 Express on Linux.
Tip: If you copy the example, make sure there are no line breaks.
imcl install,AdvancedProcessCenter,core.feature,ejbdeploy,thinclient,embeddablecontainer,samples, -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/BPM85 -repositories /usr/tmp/BPM/repository/repos_64bit,/usr/tmp/BPMCF -properties user.db2.instance.username=bpmadmin,user.db2.instance.password="Vvrs88V/a9BUdxwodz0nUg==" -showVerboseProgress -log silentinstall.log

What to do next

After you install IBM BPM, you must configure the product by creating profiles, setting up database tables, and configuring the network deployment environment. To do these configuration tasks in one step, use the BPMConfig command. Alternatively, you can do each configuration step separately using the Profile Management Tool, if it is supported on your operating system, and the Deployment Environment wizard.
Important: If you are migrating business data and applications from a previous version, use the configuration instructions in the Migrating to IBM Business Process Manager section.