Using certificates from an external Certificate Authority

In this tutorial, you learn how to use certificates that were generated by an external Certificate Authority (CA) with your IBM® Blockchain Platform network. After you gather the required certificates for a peer or ordering node, you build a Membership Service Provider (MSP) definition that is used by your blockchain components.

While it is always possible to use a CA that you create with the console to generate identities, you can also use certificates that were generated by a CA external to your network, one that is not hosted by IBM, and then build the required organization Membership Service Provider (MSP) definition that is used by your blockchain components.


Before you begin

Gather certificates

You need to request the following set of certificates from the external CA in X.509 format. When you request the certificates from your provider, the core requirement for the certificates is that they are ECDSA with Curve P256 and that the private key uses the PKCS #8 standard. Also when you request the certificates, you need to specify a Node Organizational Unit (OU) attribute for some certificates as indicated in the Node OU column in the following tables. Certificates can be in the format of a .pem file or a base64 encoded string.

When you create a peer or ordering node, you need to provide the following four certificates in PEM format. When you request these certificates from the third-party CA, you need to request a specific Node Organizational Unit (OU) attribute for some certificates as indicated in the Node OU column.

Table 1. Node certificates
Node certificates Description Node OU Format
1. Peer or ordering node identity certificate The public certificate of the node’s identity. "peer" or "orderer" depending on the node type PEM
2. Peer or ordering node identity private key The private key corresponding to the public signing certificate. Make sure to keep this certificate safe, as it can be used to impersonate the node. PEM
3. Peer or ordering service TLS CA certificate The public signing certificate created by your external TLS CA that is used by the peer or ordering node. The certificate needs to contain the x.509 Subject alternative name (SAN) for the peer or ordering nodes. If you are using the Fabric CA client to enroll the identity, you specify the SAN by passing the --csr.hosts parameter on the enroll command. If the hostname is not yet known, you can specify a wildcard with the domain name, for example: --csr.hosts '*,'. PEM
4.Peer or ordering service TLS CA private key The private key corresponding to the signed certificate from your TLS CA that is used by the peer or ordering node for secure communications with other members on the network. PEM
Table 2. MSP certificates
MSP certificates Description Node OU Format
1. CA root certificate The root certificate of your external CA. You can also provide an intermediate CA root certificate or both. base64
2. TLS CA root certificate The root certificate of your external TLS CA. You must provide either a TLS CA root certificate or an intermediate TLS CA certificate, you can also provide both. base64
3. Intermediate CA root certificate: (Optional) The root certificate of your intermediate CA. You must provide either a CA root certificate or an intermediate CA root certificate, you can also provide both. base64
4. Intermediate CA TLS certificate: (Optional) The TLS certificate if your TLS certificate is issued by an intermediate TLS CA. Upload the intermediate TLS CA certificate. You must provide either a TLS CA root certificate or an intermediate TLS CA certificate, you may also provide both. base64
5. Peer or ordering organization admin identity certificate The signing certificate from your external CA that the admin identity of this peer or ordering service uses. "admin" base64
6. Peer or ordering organization admin identity private key The private key corresponding to the signed certificate from your external CA that the admin identity of this peer or ordering service uses. base64

Consideration when using an external CA to generate certificates

If a generated private key is in PKCS #1 format, before it can be used by the console, it needs to be converted to PKCS #8 format by running the following openssl command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in identity.1.pem -out identity.8.pem


Build MSP definition

An MSP definition is the mechanism that allows other members of the blockchain consortium to verify the identity of your nodes and applications. Because MSPs define an organization, they are required when you create channels, create nodes (to identify which organization the node belongs to), and validate signatures.

The MSP definition requires that all certificates are encoded in base64 format. If needed, you can convert the contents of a certificate file, <cert.pem> from PEM format into a base64 string by running the following command on your local machine:

export FLAG=$(if [ "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then echo "-w 0"; else echo "-b 0"; fi)
cat <cert.pem> | base64 $FLAG

To build the MSP definition, create a JSON by copying the following text and saving it to a file of type JSON:

   "name": "<organization_name>",
   "display_name": "<organization_name>",
   "msp_id": "<organization_id>",
   "type": "msp",
   "admins": [
   "root_certs": [
   "tls_root_certs": [
   "fabric_node_ous": {
       "enable": true,
       "admin_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "<ou_root_cert>",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "admin"
       "client_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "<ou_root_cert>",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "client"
       "orderer_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "<ou_root_cert>",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "orderer"
       "peer_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "<ou_root_cert>",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "peer"
   "host_url": "<url>",

Replace the following values:

The following additional fields are also available in your MSP definition but are not required:

This is an example MSP JSON file:

   "name": "org1msp",
   "display_name": "org1msp",
   "msp_id": "org1msp",
   "type": "msp",
   "admins": [
   "root_certs": [
   "intermediate_certs": [],
   "tls_root_certs": [
   "tls_intermediate_certs": [],
   "fabric_node_ous": {
       "admin_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUd...LS0tLS0K",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "admin"
       "client_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUd...LS0tLS0K",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "client"
       "enable": true,
       "orderer_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUd...LS0tLS0K",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "orderer"
       "peer_ou_identifier": {
           "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUd...LS0tLS0K",
           "organizational_unit_identifier": "peer"
   "host_url": "",

Import MSP into the console

You have gathered your certificates and built your MSP. Before you can deploy a peer or ordering node, you need to import the MSP JSON file into your IBM Blockchain Platform console.

  1. Navigate to the Organizations tab and click Import MSP.
  2. Browse to the MSP JSON file and click Add file.
  3. Click Import MSP.

Create and import the organization admin identity to the wallet

To be able to act as an administrator for an organization, import the identity that is listed in the MSP JSON "admins" section into your console wallet, including both the public and private key. When you subsequently deploy a peer or ordering node, you can designate this identity to be the node admin.

  1. To import the identity, open the Wallet tab and click Add identity.
  2. Give the identity a name.
  3. Click Add certificate and browse to the .pem files for the organization admin identity certificate and private key.

Deploy a blockchain node

You've gathered all the certificates, created and imported the MSP, and imported the organization admin identity, you are now ready to deploy a peer or ordering node. The process to deploy a peer and ordering node is slightly different:

Deploy peer

  1. From the Nodes tab, click Add peer > Create peer.
  2. Provide a name for your peer.
  3. Under Advanced deployment options, check Use your own CA certificate and private key and click Next.
  4. In the Certificate field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer enrollment certificate .pem file. This is certificate 1 in the Node certificates table.
  5. In the Private key field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer enrollment private key .pem file. This is certificate 2 in the Node certificates table.
  6. In the MSP drop-down list, select the MSP that you imported into the console.
  7. Select a Fabric version for your peer and click Next.
  8. Provide the TLS certificate and key for the node. In the Certificate field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer TLS certificate .pem file. This is certificate 3 in the Node certificates table.
  9. In the Private key field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer TLS private key .pem file. This is certificate 4 in the Node certificates table. Click Next.
  10. From the Peer administrator identity drop-down list, select the organization admin identity that you imported into the wallet.
  11. Review the details on the Summary panel and click Add peer.

Deploy ordering service

  1. From the Nodes tab, click Add ordering service > Create ordering service.
  2. Provide a name for your ordering service and select the number of ordering nodes that you want to deploy.
  3. Under Advanced deployment options, check Use your own CA certificate and private key and click Next.
  4. In the Certificate field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer enrollment certificate .pem file. This is certificate 1 in the Node certificates table.
  5. In the Private key field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer enrollment private key .pem file. This is certificate 2 in the Node certificates table.
  6. In the MSP drop-down list, select the MSP that you imported into the console.
  7. Select a Fabric version for your peer and click Next.
  8. Provide the TLS certificate and key for the node. In the Certificate field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer TLS certificate .pem file. This is certificate 3 in the Node certificates table.
  9. In the Private key field, click Add certificate and browse to the peer TLS private key .pem file. This is certificate 4 in the Node certificates table. Click Next.
  10. From the Orderer administrator identity drop-down list, select the organization admin identity that you imported into the wallet.
  11. Review the details on the Summary panel and click Add ordering service.

Instead of creating an ordering service, if you prefer to contribute a single ordering node to an existing Raft ordering service, open the ordering service and click the Ordering nodes tab. Click Add ordering node, give it a name then and following the preceding steps.

It takes several minutes for peer and ordering node deployment to complete. When it is successful, you can see a green box on the node tile in the console. You might need to refresh your browser for the box to turn from gray to green.

Next steps

Your blockchain nodes are ready to be used on the network. In order for the peer to participate on the network, the peer organization needs to be part of a consortium on an ordering service so that the peer can join a channel.

  1. Navigate to the Nodes tab.
  2. Scroll down to the ordering service and click the tile to open it.
  3. Under Consortium Members, click Add organization.
  4. From the drop-down list, select the MSP that you imported into the console.
  5. Click Add organization.

You can now install smart contracts on your peer and join it to an existing channel.