Best practices for high JVM CPU utilization issues
Although reasons for high CPU differ, high memory utilization is a common cause. Improper memory configuration or incorrect memory usage results in frequent Garbage Collection cycles. Each cycle is prevents the JVM from performing application processing. Since Garbage Collection is a CPU intense operation, if the duration between Garbage Cycles is short, the system's CPU can be pegged by Garbage Collection activity. Therefore, prior to performing in depth CPU reviews, ensure the JVM's verbose Garbage Collection data indicates the heap is properly sized. Conversely, if CPU reviews show high CPU consumed by Garbage Collection, this indicates the heap is improperly size.
Identify the ID of the process that is consuming CPU excessively
Because each JVM on a system runs as its own process. , reviewing the operating system's overall CPU utilization is insufficient. Therefore, in a clustered environment several JVM instances could be causing high utilization even though each individual process is consuming a reasonable amount of CPU.
After you have identified a specific process ID, further diagnostic information for this instance is required.
Reviewing CPU utilization with JVM utilities - thread dumps
Newer JVM versions print absolute CPU consumption of each thread within a thread dump (Javacore). To understand whether threads consume more, constant, or less CPU over time, it is recommended to compare several Javacores.
Using a dedicated tool - TDMA
Using a dedicated tool like IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer (TMDA) simplifies these CPU reviews by generating diagrams along with relative CPU usage. For more information, see Java Core Debugging using IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java.
Using RAW data
3XMTHREADINFO "WebContainer : 8" J9VMThread:0x000000000C707800, j9thread_t:0x000000001EE3B770, java/lang/Thread:0x00000001AA9B5520, state:R, prio=5
3XMJAVALTHREAD (java/lang/Thread getId:0x4D59, isDaemon:true)
3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x24AC, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN, vmstate:CW, vm thread flags:0x00000001)
3XMCPUTIME CPU usage total: 90.667781200 secs, user: 73.726072600 secs, system: 16.941708600 secs, current category="Application"
3XMHEAPALLOC Heap bytes allocated since last GC cycle=286624 (0x45FA0)
3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:
this example:"WebContainer : 8"
represents the JVM internal name of a thread andjava/lang/Thread getId:0x4D59
represents the JVM internal ID.Tip: You can search for this thread in the IBM® Business Automation Workflow logs. To find the equivalent thread ID, remove the leading0x
then prepend thegetId
value with0
s until there is an 8 digit number. For the previous example,getID:0x4D59
which can be searched for in the log files. However not all threads log content and are shown in the log files.native thread ID:0x24AC
represents the thread ID provided to the operating system. Depending on the operating system details a conversion from hexadecimal to decimal is required.
is the CPU usage of the thread.CPU usage total: 90.667781200 secs, user: 73.726072600 secs, system: 16.941708600 secs, current category="Application"
- Everything following the entry
Java callstack:
refers to the processing chain on that specific JVM thread. The first Java method listed on the stack is the current method called. Moving down the stack shows the chain of Java calls, thereby identifying components used by the thread.
1TIDATETIME Date: 2018/12/15 at 13:43:50:398 // generation time of the Javacore
3XHNUMCPUS How Many : 8 // number of CPUs multiplied with elapsed time equals entire available CPU time
1CISTARTTIME JVM start time: 2018/12/14 at 13:15:13:765 // start up time of the JVM minus generation time of the Javacore equals elapsed time
A Javacore is a current snapshot of the threads in the JVM. Historical data is not retained in the Javacore. So a thread in one Javacore might not exist in a different Javacore. Additionally, pooled threads (for example WebContainer) might be reused for different processing. Always check in the call stack to see if the same processing is executed before you compare the CPU usage and draw conclusions on the usage.
CPU_Usage_ThreadA_between_Javacores = (CPU_Usage_ThreadA_JavaCore2 - CPU_Usage_ThreadA_JavaCore1) * 100 / ((Generation_Time_Javacore2 - Generation_Time_Javacore1) * Number_CPUs)
Using additional tools or scripts
- On Unix based environments, using
andtop -h <pid>
can be useful to determine the overall usage by all processes and break it down to certain threads within a process. - On Windows environments, additional scripts or tools are required to collect CPU information.
For IBM Business Automation Workflow environments the general must-gather details for WebSphere® Application Server are applicable. These collect operating system details along with Javacore files and enable a proper in-depth analysis.