Creating user interfaces

Human services provide the logic and user interface through which users can view and interact with process and case instances and their data.

Client-side human services provide a lightweight alternative to the earlier human services, which are referred to as heritage human services and are deprecated. For more information, see Client-side human services and Difference between client-side human services and heritage human services.

Human services are self-contained, independently deployable units of user interface that use coaches to build the web pages that users see. Coaches comprise user interface elements called views. You can create and use views to build a coach, then use the coach as part of a client-side human service to build the user interface that you need. For information, see Coaches and Views.

Human services provide different types of user interfaces for processes and case solutions, such as task completion, startable service, dashboard, general purpose (URL-addressable), and process or case instance UI.
  • A task completion UI implements a specific activity in a process or case instance. It has access to the details of the instance.
  • A dashboard is a stand-alone user interface that users can run at any time. Users can access dashboards through Process Portal, a case solution, or a custom UI.
  • A startable service can be started at any time through Process Portal, a case solution, or a custom UI.
  • A URL service creates a stand-alone UI that can be called directly through a URL.
  • An instance UI can be an instance details UI or a launch UI. You can create custom instance UIs and reuse them.
With heritage human services (deprecated), you can also use a coach-based dashboard as a WebSphere® portlet. For information, see Generating portlets for heritage human services exposed as dashboards.

Reusable coaches and views can be saved to toolkits, which are libraries that can be shared across applications. For example, the UI toolkit provides a rich set of out-of-the-box views that you can use to create custom views from scratch or by aggregating other views. See UI toolkit.

Client-side human services can also contain scripts, other embedded client-side human services, and service calls to other services. For more information, see Modeling client-side human services.

For additional information on how to implement high-performance user interfaces, refer to Chapter 3.5: Performance considerations of the Deliver Modern UI for IBM BPM with the Coach Framework and Other Approaches IBM redbook. You can also access performance-related postings from other practitioners and users on the IBM Developer for Business Automation Workflow community.