System prerequisites

 V20.x:  IBM® Business Automation Workflow on containers is based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) and is Red Hat certified and IBM certified. To use the IBM Business Automation Workflow images, you must understand what to do before you install the operator.

The cluster administrator must check the system requirements and make sure that the system can host and run the deployment. The administrator and the installer (non-administrator user) should plan the deployment together.

The administrator must make sure that the target OpenShift cluster has the following tools and attributes:
  • Kubernetes 1.16+
  • Kubernetes command line interface (CLI). For more information, see Install and Set Up kubectl
  • OpenShift Container Platform CLI. The CLI has commands for managing your applications, and lower-level tools to interact with each component of your system. For an example, see Get Started with the CLI for OpenShift.
  • Dynamic storage created and ready. For more information, see Kubernetes NFS Client Provisioner, which includes instructions to configure an NFS server and client for the OCP nodes.
  • Podman CLI.
  • At least one non-administrator user that can be used to run the deployment script, for example baw-user.
The minimum OpenShift cluster configuration and physical resources that are needed to run the IBM Business Automation Workflow on containers includes (but is not limited to):
  • Hardware architecture: Intel (AMD64 or x86_64 the 64-bit edition for Linux x86) on all platforms.
  • Node counts: A minimum of three nodes is needed for medium and large production environments. Any cluster configuration needs to adapt to the size of the projects and the workload that is expected. The following vCPU count and memory sizes provide a base on which to start your configuration:
Table 1. Cluster sizing information for IBM Business Automation Workflow
Component CPU Memory Storage
IBM Business Automation Workflow without IBM Business Automation Insights
  • 1 master node with 4 CPUs
  • 1 infrastructure node with 4 CPUs
  • 3 worker nodes with 8 CPUs
  • 1 master node with 4 CPUs
  • 1 infrastructure node with 4 CPUs
  • 3 worker nodes with 6 CPUs
  • 16 Gi on the master and infrastructure nodes
  • 24 Gi on each worker node

 V20.0.0.2  300 GB

 V20.0.0.1  240 GB

IBM Business Automation Workflow with IBM Business Automation Insights
  • 1 master node with 4 CPUs
  • 1 infrastructure node with 4 CPUs
  • 3 worker nodes with 10 CPUs
  • 16 Gi on the master and infrastructure nodes
  • 24 Gi on each worker node

 V20.0.0.2  850 GB

 V20.0.0.1  780 GB

The Master and Infrastructure nodes can be located on the same host as long as the host has enough resources. Masters with a co-located etcd need a minimum of 6 cores. OCP 3.11 does not support Docker alternative runtime environments that implement the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI), such as CRI-O.