DBUpgrade command-line utility
Use the DBUpgrade command-line utility to upgrade previous versions of database schemas and data to the current version of Business Automation Workflow.
- System Data toolkit
- Process Portal process application
- Hiring Sample tutorial process application
- Topology information in the Business Process Choreographer database
- Schema and data for Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse databases, except for DB2 for z/OS databases. To manually run the schema update separately, see the instructions at the end of this topic.
- Although the DBUpgrade utility updates the System Data toolkit to IBM® Business Automation Workflow V21.0.3, it does not automatically update existing dependencies. The dependencies are updated as part of the postmigration procedures.
- If you already have a version of Db2 installed
and you create the deployment environment without deferring schema creation, you must have Db2® or above. Otherwise, the
database version validation will fail with an error; for example
CWMCB0316E: Your database system is not the required version. The minimum supported version is but the current version is
You must run the DBUpgrade command once for each deployment environment.
You can also run the DBUpgrade command with the -validate option to check that your configured database user has the correct permissions to perform an upgrade.
- Before running the DBUpgrade command, make sure that the servers and cluster members are stopped.
- If you are migrating from an earlier version, the user name and password are taken from the
target_migration_properties_file. The user name must have various WebSphere
privileges. The WebSphere primary administrative user has them all. In the source environment, you
can find the primary administrative user name in the administrative console by going to
in the BPMConfig properties file. Use the user name and password for that alias.
. In the target environment, if you do not have access to the administrative console,
you can find - In a DB2 high availability disaster recovery (HADR) environment, remove the
following line from the upgradeSchema_ProcessServer.sql script in
before running the command.
By default, the DB2 blocknonlogged parameter is set to Yes for HADR that causes failure of the"ALTER TABLE psbpmdb.LSW_PO_VERSIONS ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY"
statement with the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY parameter. For more information, see the blocknonlogged - Block creation of tables that allow non-logged activity configuration parameter topic.
The DBUpgrade command is in the install_root/bin directory, where install_root is the installation location of IBM Business Automation Workflow.
The logs are saved under the profile_root/logs directory
in files named DBUpgrade_TimeStamp.log and
bootstrapProcesServerData.AppClusterName.log or
bootstrapProcesServerData.log, where profile_root
is the root
of the stand-alone or deployment manager profile, or the profile directory that you specified for
the profile.name property in the target_migration.properties
- To migrate from an earlier version to IBM Business
Automation Workflow
DBUpgrade -propertiesFile target_migration_properties_file -backupFolder snapshot_folder
- To upgrade from IBM Business
Automation Workflow V8.5.x to V21.0.3:
- You can first run the
DBUpgrade -validate
command to make sure that your configured database user has the correct permissions to perform an upgrade. The bpmSchemaAdminUser needs read access to the database catalog to check the permissions of the configured database user.DBUpgrade -validate -profileName deployment_manager_profile [-de deployment_environment_name] -bpmSchemaAdminUser admin_user -bpmSchemaAdminPassword admin_password
- Business Automation Workflow Advanced or Standard:
DBUpgrade -profileName deployment_manager_profile [-de deployment_environment_name]
- Business Automation Workflow
DBUpgrade -profileName stand-alone_profile [-de deployment_environment_name]
- You can first run the
- -propertiesFile
- This parameter is the full path to the target migration properties file in which you specified the configuration information for the target environment. The sample file is found in install_root/util/migration/resources/migration.properties. Ensure that the value of the target.config.property.file property is set to the full path of the configuration properties file that you used to create your target environment. You must also set the value of profile.name. This parameter is required if you are migrating.
- -backupFolder
- This parameter is the snapshot directory that contains the information that was extracted from the source environment by the BPMExtractSourceInformation utility. This parameter is required if you are migrating from IBM BPM Advanced.
- -profileName
- This parameter is the name of the deployment manager profile for Business Automation Workflow Advanced or Standard, and the stand-alone profile for Business Automation Workflow Express. This parameter is required if you are upgrading from Business Automation Workflow V8.5.x.
- -de
- This parameter is the deployment environment name. This parameter is required only if you are upgrading from Business Automation Workflow V8.5.x and you have more than one deployment environment configured in your WebSphere cell.
- -generateSQLOnly
- Use this parameter to generate the SQL files without running them. You can then edit the generated SQL files manually and run the DBUpgrade command again with the -omitSQLGeneration parameter to upgrade the database using the modified files.
- -omitSQLGeneration
- Use this parameter to run the DBUpgrade command without generating new SQL files. If you previously ran DBUpgrade with the -generateSQLOnly parameter and manually modified the files, use this parameter to upgrade the database using the modified files.
- -validate
- This option validates whether your configured database user has sufficient permissions to
upgrade the database. If the validation fails, the missing privileges are listed. Ask the database
administrator to grant those privileges before the user runs the DBUpgrade
command. The following table shows how the privileges are validated.
Database How the command validates DB2 Validates the authorities that are directly and indirectly granted to the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse database user for the Create Table, Alter Table, Drop Table, Create Index, Drop Index, Create Procedure, and Drop Procedure statements. If the authority validation fails, checks the privileges that are granted directly and indirectly to the user on the schema level. Oracle Checks all the privileges that are granted to the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse database user, including privileges that are granted directly and privileges that are granted through roles. Validation succeeds if all the required privileges are found. Otherwise, it fails. SQL Server Checks all the privileges that are granted to the Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse database user, including privileges that are granted directly and privileges that are granted through roles. Validation succeeds if all the required privileges are found. If any of the required privileges are denied, validation fails. If any of the required privileges are not granted, the command continues to check if the user is a member of one of the fixed roles: db_ddladmin, db_datareader, or db_datawriter. Validation succeeds if the user is a member of one of those fixed roles. Otherwise, it fails. - -bpmSchemaAdminUser
- This parameter is a database user with permission to read the database catalog tables. This
parameter is required only with the -validate option.
Oracle read access to system tables: DBA_SYS_PRIVS, DBA_ROLE_PRIVS SQL Server read access to system tables: DATABASE_PERMISSIONS, DATABASE_PRINCIPALS, DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBERS - -bpmSchemaAdminPassword
- This parameter is the password for the bpmSchemaAdminUser. This parameter is required only with the -validate option.
install_root/bin/DBUpgrade.sh -propertiesFile /opt/BPM/util/migration/resources/target_migration.properties -backupFolder /tmp/snapshot
install_root\bin\DBUpgrade.bat -propertiesFile "C:\IBM BPM\util\migration\resources\target_migration.properties" -backupFolder C:\snapshot
install_root/bin/DBUpgrade.sh -propertiesFile /opt/BPM/util/migration/resources/target_migration.properties
install_root\bin\DBUpgrade.bat -propertiesFile "C:\IBM BPM\util\migration\resources\target_migration.properties"
install_root/bin/DBUpgrade.sh -profileName DmgrProfile
install_root\bin\DBUpgrade.bat -profileName DmgrProfile -de DE1
install_root/bin/DBUpgrade.sh -validate -profileName DmgrProfile -bpmSchemaAdminUser SchemaAdminUser -bpmSchemaAdminPassword SchemaAdminPassword
install_root/bin/DBUpgrade.sh -profileName DmgrProfile
install_root\bin\DBUpgrade.bat -validate -profileName DmgrProfile -bpmSchemaAdminUser SchemaAdminUser -bpmSchemaAdminPassword SchemaAdminPassword -de DE1
install_root\bin\DBUpgrade.bat -profileName DmgrProfile -de DE1