REST interface for BPD-related resources - Process Visual Model Resource - GET Method

Use this method to retrieve a visual model (json, xml, or image) for a business process definition.

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/visual/processModel/{bpdId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&projectId={string}][&image={boolean}]


Note: To identify the correct snapshot to be used, you must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or projectId parameters.
The following precedence rules apply:
1) If the snapshotId parameter is specified, that specific snapshot is used, and the branchId and projectId parameters are ignored.
2) If the branchId parameter is specified, the tip (current) snapshot of the specified branch (track) is used, and the projectId parameter is ignored.
3) If the projectId parameter is specified, the tip (current) snapshot of the default branch (track) within that process application is used.
Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
snapshotId string
The identifier of the snapshot associated with the visual model for the business process definition. You must set one of the snapshotId or branchId parameters.
branchId string
The identifier of the branch associated with the visual model for the business process definition. You must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or projectId parameters.
projectId string
The identifier of the process application or Toolkit associated with the visual model for the business process definition. You must set one of the snapshotId, branchId, or projectId parameters.
image boolean
If the parameter is set to true, an image is returned. Otherwise, the response is json or xml.

Request content


Response content

The visual model (json, xm,l or image) for a business process definition.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

        "name": {"type": "string", "description": "The name of the business process definition."},
        "desc": {"type": "string", "description": "The description of the business process definition."},
        "poId": {"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object ID of the business process definition."},
        "poVersionId": {"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object version ID of the business process definition."},
        "id": {"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the business process definition."},
        "items": {"type": "[object]", "description": "The list of swimlanes, flow objects, notes, 
                    groups and phases in the business process definition.", 
                "width": {"type": "integer", "description": "The width of the item. It only applies to swimlanes, notes, phases (milestones) and groups."},
                "height": {"type": "integer", "description": "The height of the item. It only applies to swimlanes, notes, phases (milestones) and groups."},
                "id": {"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the swimlane, flow object, note, group or phase (milestone)."},
                "label": {"type": "string", "description": "The description of the item."},
                "x":{"type": "integer", "description": "The top-left x position of the item."},
                "y":{"type": "integer", "description": "The top-left y position of the item."},
                "type": {"type": "string", "description": "The type of the item.", 
	        "isSystem":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether the swimlane is a system swimlane. It only applies to swimlanes."},
                "color":{"type": "string", "description": "The color of the swimlane. It only applies to swimlanes.", 
                "colorIcon":{"type": "string", "description": "The icon path of the activity. It only applies to the activity."},
                "lane":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the swimlane to which this item belongs. 
			This attribute does not apply to phases (milestones) and swimlanes."},
                "bpmn2TaskType": {"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN2 task type of the item. It only applies to the activity.", 
                "snapshotId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the snapshot associated with the implementation service or linked process. 
			It only applies to the activity. Either 'snapshotId' or 'branchId' must be specified when there is an implementation for this activity."},
                "branchId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the branch associated with the implementation service or linked process. 
			It only applies to the activity. Either 'snapshotId' or 'branchId' must be specified when there is an implementation for this activity."},
                "poId":{"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object ID of the implementation service, linked process, or embedded subprocess. 
				It only applies to the activity."},
                "poType": {"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object type of the implementation for the item.", 
                "serviceType":{"type": "string", "description": "The service type of the implementation for the item. It only applies when poType is Service.", 
				"Rule Service",
				"Human Service",
				"Integration Service",
				"General System Service",
				"SCA Service"
                        "_reference":{"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the item in the swimlane."}
                "attachedEvents": {"type": "[object]", "description": "The list of the attached events on this activity. This attribute only applies to the activity.", 
                      "eventPosition":{"type": "string", "description": "The port position of the event on the activity.",
	               _reference":{"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the attached event."}
                "preAssignment":{"type": "boolean", 
                	"description": "Indicates whether this item has pre-assignments. It does not apply to swimlanes, notes, groups or phases (milestones)."},
                "postAssignment":{"type": "boolean", 
                	"description": "Indicates whether this item has pre-assignments. It does not apply to swimlanes, notes, groups or phases (milestones)."},
                "conditional":{"type": "boolean", 
                	"description": "Indicates whether this activity is conditional. This attribute only applies to the activity."},
                "interrupting":{"type": "boolean", 
                	"description": "Indicates whether the event interrupts the activity or parent process. 
                	It only applies to the boundary event and start event in the embedded event subprocess."},
                "category": {"type": "string", "description": "The category of the flow object. This attribute does not apply to swimlanes, notes, or groups.", 
        "links": {"type": "[object]", "description": "The list of the flows in the business process definition.",
                "needDefaultMarker":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether the link needs a default marker."},
                "needDiamondMarker":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether the link needs a condition marker."},
                "id":{"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the link."},
                "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the link."},
                "start":{"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the link source."},
                "startPosition":{"type": "string", "description": "The port of the link source.", 
                "end":{"type": "string", "description": "The BPMN ID of the link target."},
                "endPosition":{"type": "string", "description": "The port of the link target.", 
                "showName":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether to display the link name."},
                "showEndState":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether to display the link end state or not."},
                "linkLabelPosition":{"type": "double", "description": "The position of the label in the link."},
                "gfx":{"type": "string", "description": "The bend points of the link, which are specified using a format similar to the following example:
                    "poId":{"type": "string", "description": "The persistent object ID of the variable type."},
                    "poName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the type of this variable."},
                		"snapshotId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the snapshot associated with the variable type. Either 
                						'snapshotId' or 'branchId' must be specified."},
                		"branchId":{"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the branch associated with the type of this variable. Either 
                						'snapshotId' or 'branchId' must be specified."},
                    "isList":{"type": "boolean", "description": "Indicates whether this variable is a list."},
                    "type":{"type": "string", "description": "Indicates whether the variable is input, output, or private.", 
                    "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the variable."}
                "timeScheduleType":{"type": "integer", "description": "'0': Use time schedule, '1': Use expression."},
                "timeScheduleName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the time schedule."},
                "timeScheduleExpression":{"type": "string", "description": "The expression of the time schedule."},
                "timezoneType":{"type": "integer", "description": "'0': Use timezone, '1': Use expression."},
                "timezone":{"type": "string", "description": "The time zone."},
                "timezoneExpression":{"type": "string", "description": "The expression of the time zone."},
                "holidayScheduleType":{"type": "integer", "description": "'0': Use holiday schedule, '1': Use expression."},
                "holidayScheduleName":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the holiday schedule."},
                "holidayScheduleExpression":{"type": "string", "description": "The expression of the holiday schedule."}
                    "name":{"type": "string", "description": "The name of the KPI."}
Example content
        "name":"HR Open New Position",
                "label":"If the General Manager rejects\u000athe requisition, the hiring manag...\u000ais notified of the rejection and\u000athe requisition is terminated.\u000a",
                "label":"If the General Manager \u000aapproves the requisition, it\u000ais routed to Human Resources. \u000a",
                "label":"The General Manager evaluates \u000athe submitted requisition and \u000aeither approves it or rejects it.\u000a",
                "label":"If the requisition is to fill an\u000aexisting position, it is routed\u000adirectly to Human Resources. \u000a",
                "label":"If the requisition is to\u000afill a new position, it is\u000arouted to the General \u000aManager for approval.\u000a",
                "label":"The hiring manager submits \u000aa job requisition.\u000a",
                "lane":"Hiring Manager",
                "lane":"Hiring Manager",
                "serviceType":"Human Service",
                "label":"Submit job\u000arequisition",
                "lane":"Hiring Manager",
                "label":"Need GM\u000aapproval?",
                "label":"Hiring Manager",
                "lane":"General Manager",
                "label":"GM approved?",
                "lane":"General Manager",
                "serviceType":"Human Service",
                "label":"Approve or\u000areject requisition",
                "label":"General Manager",
                "lane":"Human Resources",
                "lane":"Human Resources",
                "label":"Find job\u000acandidates",
                "label":"Human Resources",
                "label":"Notify hiring\u000amanager",
                "name":"to Submit job requisition",
                "name":"Approved --> proceed to HR",
                "name":"Approval required",
                "name":"No approval needed --> proceed to HR",
                "name":"to Need GM approval?",
                "name":"to End",
                "name":"to GM approved?",
                "name":"to Requisition terminated",
                "timeScheduleName":"(use default)",
                "timezone":"(use default)",
                "holidayScheduleName":"(use default)"
                    "name":"Total Time (Clock)"

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="Task.xsd" namespace=""/>

    <complexType name="Reference">
		    <element name="_reference" type="string"/>

    <complexType name="AttachedEvent">
		    <element name="_reference" type="string"/>
			<element name="eventPosition" type="tns:PortType" />

	<simpleType name="LoopType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="none"/>
			<enumeration value="simpleLoop"/>
			<enumeration value="MultiInstanceLoop"/>

	<simpleType name="MILoopOrdering">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="sequential"/>
			<enumeration value="parallel"/>

	<simpleType name="EventSubProcType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="message"/>
			<enumeration value="content"/>
			<enumeration value="timer"/>
			<enumeration value="error"/>
	<simpleType name="NodeCategoryType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="Activity"/>
			<enumeration value="StartEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="EndEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="IntermediateEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="BoundaryIntermediateEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="Gateway"/>

	<simpleType name="NodeType">
        	<documentation>For BPD</documentation>
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="milestone"/>
			<enumeration value="activity"/>
			<enumeration value="gateway"/>
			<enumeration value="gatewayAnd"/>
			<enumeration value="gatewayOr"/>
			<enumeration value="gatewayEvent"/>

				1. how to configure adhoc start event?
				2. how to specify interrupting for the start event?
				3. How to create an error start event? 

			<enumeration value="start"/>
			<enumeration value="adhocStartEvent"/>
			<!-- startMessage -->
			<enumeration value="msgStartEventInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="msgStartEventNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="contentStartEventInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="contentStartEventNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="documentStartEventInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="documentStartEventNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="timerStartEventInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="timerStartEventNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="scaMessageStartEventInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="scaMessageStartEventNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="errorStartEvent"/>

				1. How to create an error end event and terminate? 
			<enumeration value="end"/>			
			<enumeration value="terminate"/>
			<!-- endException -->
			<enumeration value="errorEndEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="messageEndEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="intermediateThrowMsgEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchMsgEventNonBoundary"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchScaMsgEventNonBoundary"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchContentEventNonBoundary"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchTimerEventNonBoundary"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchTrackingEventNonBoundary"/>

			<enumeration value="intermedCatchErrorEventBoundary"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchMsgEventBoundaryInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchMsgEventBoundaryNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchScaMsgEventBoundaryInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchScaMsgEventBoundaryNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchContentEventBoundaryInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchContentEventBoundaryNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchTimerEventBoundaryInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedCatchTimerEventBoundaryNonInterrupting"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedTrackingEventBoundaryPre"/>
			<enumeration value="intermedTrackingEventBoundaryPost"/>

			<enumeration value="swimlane"/>
			<enumeration value="note"/>
			<enumeration value="group"/>
	<simpleType name="ServiceNodeType">
        	<documentation>For Service</documentation>
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="StartPoint"/>
			<enumeration value="ExitPoint"/>
			<enumeration value="SubProcess"/>
			<enumeration value="Coach"/>
			<enumeration value="CoachNG"/>
			<enumeration value="Step"/>
			<enumeration value="TaskAction"/>
			<enumeration value="PostponeAction"/>
			<enumeration value="TaskSender"/>
			<enumeration value="Script"/>
			<enumeration value="Switch"/>
			<enumeration value="Exception"/>
			<enumeration value="InvokeUca"/>
			<enumeration value="TrackingPoint"/>
			<enumeration value="JavaConnector"/>
			<enumeration value="WSConnector"/>
			<enumeration value="ILOGConnector"/>
			<enumeration value="ILOGDecision"/>
			<enumeration value="SCAConnector"/>
			<enumeration value="ECMConnector"/>
			<enumeration value="note"/>
			<enumeration value="Scriptlet"/>
			<enumeration value="CatchException"/>
			<enumeration value="AttachedErrorEvent"/>
			<enumeration value="StayOnPage"/>

    <complexType name="BaseItem">
		    <element name="id" type="string"/>
		    <element name="label" type="string"/>
		    <element name="x" type="int"/>
		    <element name="y" type="int"/>
    <complexType name="TextLinePosition">
		    <element name="x" type="int"/>
		    <element name="y" type="int"/>
		    <element name="width" type="int"/>
		    <element name="height" type="int"/>
    <complexType name="Item">
        	<documentation>For BPD</documentation>
    		<extension base="tns:BaseItem">
				    <element name="type" type="tns:NodeType"/>		
				    <element name="category" type="tns:NodeCategoryType" /> 
    <complexType name="ServiceItem">
        	<documentation>For Service</documentation>
    		<extension base="tns:BaseItem">
				    <element name="type" type="tns:ServiceNodeType"/>		    

	<simpleType name="BPMN2ActivityType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="None"/>
			<enumeration value="UserTask"/>
			<enumeration value="DecisionTask"/>
			<enumeration value="ServiceTask"/>
			<enumeration value="ScriptTask"/>
			<enumeration value="CalledProcess"/>
			<enumeration value="SubProcess"/>
			<enumeration value="Event_SubProcess"/>
			<enumeration value="InlineUserTask"/>
			<enumeration value="RobotTask"/>

    <!-- complexType name="Implementation">
			<element name="bpmn2TaskType" type="tns:BPMN2ActivityType"/>
			<element name="poType" type="string"/>
			<element name="poId" type="string"/>
				<element name="snapshotId" type="string"/>
				<element name="branchId" type="string"/>
    <complexType name="Node">
        	<documentation>For BPD</documentation>
    		<extension base="tns:Item">
				    <element name="colorIcon" type="string"/>
				    <element name="lane" type="string"/>
					<element name="bpmn2TaskType" type="tns:BPMN2ActivityType"/>
					<element name="poType" type="string"/>
					<element name="serviceType" type="string">
							<documentation>only used when poType is Service, we need this extra information to tell UI how to drilldown service. Here are the supported values:
	1. Rule Service
	3. Human Service
	4. Integration Service
	6. General System Service
	7. SCA Service
					<element name="poId" type="string"/>
						<element name="snapshotId" type="string"/>
						<element name="branchId" type="string"/>
    				<element name="successors" type="tns:Reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    				<element name="attachedEvents" type="tns:AttachedEvent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				    <element name="loopType" type="tns:LoopType"/>
				    <element name="MIOrdering" type="tns:MILoopOrdering"/>
				    <element name="preAssignment" type="boolean"/>
				    <element name="postAssignment" type="boolean"/>
				    <element name="conditional" type="boolean"/>
				    <element name="eventActionType" type="int"/>
				    <element name="eventSubProcType" type="tns:EventSubProcType"/>
				    <element name="interrupting" type="boolean"/>

					<!-- counter and active are used in portal -->
				    <!-- the number of the instances that has token in this node, such as #2, #3, etc-->
				    <element name="counter" type="string"/>
				    <!-- an indicator to tell whether this node is active -->
				    <element name="active" type="boolean"/>
    <complexType name="CaseNode">
    		<extension base="tns:Node">
				    <element name="activityOptionType" type="string"/>
					<element name="conditionTriggerType" type="string"/>
					<element name="activityExecutionType" type="string"/>
				    <element name="isHidden" type="boolean"/>
				    <element name="isRepeatable" type="boolean"/>
    <complexType name="Note">
    		<extension base="tns:Node">
    				<element name="width" type="int" />
    				<element name="height" type="int" />

    <complexType name="ServiceNode">
        	<documentation>For Service</documentation>
    		<extension base="tns:ServiceItem">
					<element name="poType" type="string"/>
					<element name="poId" type="string"/>
						<element name="snapshotId" type="string"/>
						<element name="branchId" type="string"/>
					<element name="serviceType" type="string">
							<documentation>need this extra information to tell UI how to drilldown service. Here are the supported values:
	1. Rule Service
	3. Human Service
	4. Integration Service
	6. General System Service
	7. SCA Service
    				<element name="successors" type="tns:Reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    				<element name="attachedEvents" type="tns:AttachedEvent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				    <element name="preAssignment" type="boolean"/>
				    <element name="postAssignment" type="boolean"/>
				    <!-- The following two new elements are not to address any existing bugs, instead it is a new requirement from one specific customer. -->
				    <element name="guid" type="string"/>
				    <element name="ui" type="boolean"/>
	<simpleType name="ColorType">
        <restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="Default"/>
			<enumeration value="Red"/>
			<enumeration value="Orange"/>
			<enumeration value="Yellow"/>
			<enumeration value="Green"/>
			<enumeration value="Blue"/>
			<enumeration value="Purple"/>
			<enumeration value="Gray"/>
    <complexType name="Swimlane">
    		<extension base="tns:Item">
    				<element name="isSystem" type="boolean" />
    				<element name="color" type="tns:ColorType" />
    				<element name="width" type="int" />
    				<element name="height" type="int" />
    				<element name="children" type="tns:Reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <complexType name="Group">
    		<extension base="tns:Item">
				    <element name="lane" type="string"/>
    				<element name="width" type="int" />
    				<element name="height" type="int" />
    				<element name="successors" type="tns:Reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

    <complexType name="Milestone">
    		<extension base="tns:Item">
    				<element name="width" type="int" />
    				<element name="height" type="int" />
    <complexType name="Link">
			<element name="id" type="string" />
			<element name="name" type="string" />
			<element name="start" type="string" />
			<element name="startPosition" type="tns:PortType" />
			<element name="end" type="string" />
			<element name="endPosition" type="tns:PortType" />
			<element name="showName" type="boolean" />
			<element name="showEndState" type="boolean" />
			<element name="endState" type="string" />			
			<element name="endStateType" type="string" />			
			<element name="linkLabelPosition" type="double" />
			<element name="gfx" type="string"/>
			<!-- inCriticalPath is used in portal only -->
			<element name="inCriticalPath" type="boolean" />			

	<simpleType name="LinkSourceType">
		<restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="Activity"/>
			<enumeration value="Gateway"/>
			<enumeration value="Event"/>
    <complexType name="BPDLink">
    		<extension base="tns:Link">
					<element name="needDefaultMarker" type="boolean" />
					<element name="needDiamondMarker" type="boolean" />

	<simpleType name="PortType">
		<restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="topLeft"/>
			<enumeration value="topCenter"/>
			<enumeration value="topRight"/>
			<enumeration value="leftTop"/>
			<enumeration value="leftCenter"/>
			<enumeration value="leftBottom"/>
			<enumeration value="bottomLeft"/>
			<enumeration value="bottomCenter"/>
			<enumeration value="bottomRight"/>
			<enumeration value="rightTop"/>
			<enumeration value="rightCenter"/>
			<enumeration value="rightBottom"/>
    <complexType name="BendPoints">
			<element name="intermediatePoints" type="tns:BendPoint" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <complexType name="BendPoint">
			<element name="x" type="int" />
			<element name="y" type="int" />
	<simpleType name="VariableType">
		<restriction base="string">
			<enumeration value="input"/>
			<enumeration value="output"/>
			<enumeration value="fault"/>
			<enumeration value="input_output"/>
			<enumeration value="private"/>
			<enumeration value="case_property"/>
    <complexType name="Variable">
    		<extension base="pref:NamedElement">
					<element name="poId" type="string" />
					<element name="poName" type="string" />
						<element name="snapshotId" type="string" />
						<element name="branchId" type="string" />
					<element name="isList" type="boolean" />
					<element name="type" type="tns:VariableType" />
    <complexType name="ProcessKPI">
    		<extension base="pref:NamedElement">
					<element name="poId" type="string" />
						<element name="snapshotId" type="string" />
						<element name="branchId" type="string" />
					<element name="SettingsType" type="string" />

    <complexType name="tBPDToken">
			<element name="instanceId" type="string" />
			<element name="createTime" type="dateTime" />
			<element name="createTimeLong" type="long" />
			<element name="active" type="boolean" />
			<element name="tokenId" type="string" />

    <complexType name="WorkSchedule">
			<element name="timeScheduleType" type="int" />
			<element name="timeScheduleName" type="string" />
			<element name="timeScheduleExpression" type="string" />
			<element name="timezoneType" type="int" />
			<element name="timezone" type="string" />
			<element name="timezoneExpression" type="string" />
			<element name="holidayScheduleType" type="int" />
			<element name="holidayScheduleName" type="string" />
			<element name="holidayScheduleExpression" type="string" />
  	<complexType name="FolderStructure">
			<element name="value" type="string" />
			<element name="subFolder" type="tns:FolderStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 
    <complexType name="BPDProperties">
			<element name="variables" type="tns:Variable" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
			<element name="workSchedule" type="tns:WorkSchedule" />
			<element name="KPIs" type="tns:ProcessKPI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
			<element name="folder" type="tns:FolderStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

	<complexType name="ILOGVisualModel">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<element name="name" type="string" />
					<element name="desc" type="string" />
					<element name="richDesc" type="string" />
					<element name="modelType" type="string" />
					<element name="poId" type="string" />
					<element name="poVersionId" type="string" />
					<element name="identifier" type="string" />
					<element name="id" type="string" />
					<element name="width" type="int" />
					<element name="height" type="int" />
					<element name="label" type="string" />
					<element name="items" type="tns:BaseItem" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="links" type="tns:Link" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
					<element name="properties" type="tns:BPDProperties" />
					<element name="tasks" type="cmn:Map">
							<documentation>Key is the flow object id, value is an array of task details
					<element name="activeTasks" type="cmn:Map">
							<documentation>Key is the flow object id, value is an array of task details
					<element name="tokens" type="cmn:Map">
							<documentation>key is the flow object id, and value is an array of tokens in the current BPD
					<element name="textPositions" type="cmn:Map" minOccurs="0"
						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
    <complexType name="ILOGServiceVisualModel">
    		<extension base="tns:ILOGVisualModel">
				    <element name="serviceType" type="string"/>

Example content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm=""
	<data xmlns:xsi=""
		xmlns:ns5="" xsi:type="ns5:ILOGVisualModel">
		<name>HR Open New Position</name>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>If the General Manager rejects
				the requisition, the hiring manag...
				is notified of the rejection and
				the requisition is terminated.
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>If the General Manager
				approves the requisition, it
				is routed to Human Resources. 
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>The General Manager evaluates
				the submitted requisition and
				either approves it or rejects it.
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>If the requisition is to fill an
				existing position, it is routed
				directly to Human Resources. 
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>If the requisition is to
				fill a new position, it is
				routed to the General
				Manager for approval.
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Note">
			<label>The hiring manager submits
				a job requisition.
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<label>Submit job
			<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<label>Need GM
			<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Swimlane">
			<label>Hiring Manager</label>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>General Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<label>Approve or
			<lane>General Manager</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>General Manager</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>General Manager</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>General Manager</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Swimlane">
			<label>General Manager</label>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Human Resources</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<label>Find job
			<lane>Human Resources</lane>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Human Resources</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<lane>Human Resources</lane>
			<serviceType>Human Service</serviceType>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Swimlane">
			<label>Human Resources</label>
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
			<label>Notify hiring
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Node">
		<items xsi:type="ns5:Swimlane">
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>to Submit job requisition</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>Approved --&gt; proceed to HR</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>Approval required</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>No approval needed --&gt; proceed to HR</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>to Need GM approval?</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>to End</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>to GM approved?</name>
		<links xsi:type="ns5:BPDLink">
			<name>to Requisition terminated</name>
				<timeScheduleName>(use default)</timeScheduleName>
				<timezone>(use default)</timezone>
				<holidayScheduleName>(use default)</holidayScheduleName>
				<name>Total Time (Clock)</name>
			<item key="Start">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Submit job">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="requisition">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Need GM">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="approval?">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="TP1">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="TP2">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="GM">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="approved?">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Approve or">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="reject">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="requisition">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Untitled">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Untitled1">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="sub1">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="End">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Find job">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="candidates">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Untitled2">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Untitled3">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Notify hiring">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="manager">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Requisition">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="terminated">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="The hiring manager submits ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="a job requisition.">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="If the requisition is to">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="fill a new position, it is">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="routed to the General ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Manager for approval.">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="If the requisition is to fill an">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="existing position, it is routed">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="directly to Human Resources. ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="The General Manager evaluates ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="the submitted requisition and ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="either approves it or rejects it.">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="If the General Manager ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="approves the requisition, it">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="is routed to Human Resources. ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="If the General Manager rejects">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="the requisition, the hiring manager ">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="is notified of the rejection and">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="the requisition is terminated.">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="to Submit job requisition">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Rejected">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Approved --&gt; proceed to HR">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="Approval required">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="No approval needed --&gt; proceed to HR">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="to Need GM approval?">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="to End">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="to GM approved?">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">
			<item key="to Requisition terminated">
				<value xsi:type="ns5:TextLinePosition">

MIME type: image/jpeg

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKSuccess completion.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
404 Not Found
The process model does not exist.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Available since


Parent Topic: Process Visual Model Resource