REST interface for BPD-related resources - Process Instance Resource - GET Method

Retrieve the details of a process instance. The parameters that you choose determine the filters that are applied to the results.

Sample method invocation

GET /rest/bpm/wle/v1/process/{instanceId}[?parts={string}][&taskLimit={integer}][&taskOffset={integer}]


Optional parameters
NameValue TypeDescription
parts string
A string indicating which parts of the response data should be returned. You can specify multiple part names by separating the values with the '|' character. You can use the following values:
Retrieves the sections that identify information about the process application and the process instance, including open tasks.
Retrieves summarized information about the process application and the process instance.
Retrieves the business data and variables associated with the process instance.
Retrieves a section that includes the process definition that is associated with the process instance.
Retrieves information about the process instance and its children. By default, the show-execution-tree-variables parameter is set to True, which displays the variables of the process instance and its children. This can be disabled in the 101CustomMigrated.xml configuration file.
Retrieves the available actions for this process instance.
Retrieves a section that includes all relationships that reference this process as either a target or source.
Excludes task data from being shown under the Tasks section.
Excludes ECM documents (if specified).
default value. Retrieves all information except the Actions section.
Retrieves an empty response.
taskLimit integer
The maximum number of task instances for which details are returned. Use this parameter when you are paging through the results. If you do not set this parameter or set it to zero or a negative number, there is no limit to the number of tasks returned.
taskOffset integer
The number of task instances to skip in the return. Use this parameter when you are paging through the results. The count starts from 0 so that specifying a 0 starts the return with the first task instance, specifying a 1 starts the return with the second task, and so on. If you do not set this parameter or set it to a negative number, the return starts with the first task instance.

Request content


Response content

Process instance details (ProcessDetails complexType).

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

   "description" : "WLE Process Details",
   "type" : "object",
   "properties" : {
      "actionDetails" : {
         "type" : "object",
         "description" : "Details of the action performed if applicable"
      "businessData" : {
         "type" : "object",
         "description" : "Business data defined for the instance, including name, alias, type and value."
      "creationTime" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "format" : "date-time",
         "description" : "Creation time of the process instance."
      "comments" : {
         "type" : "[object]",
         "description" : "List of comments on this instance."
      "data" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Data of this instance in a json format."
      "description" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Description of the process instance."
      "diagram" : {
         "type" : "object",
         "description" : "BPD diagram of this instance, including existing tokens and associated task for the instance."
      "documents" : {
         "type" : "[object]",
         "description" : "List of documents on this instance.",
         "properties" : {
            "ID" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The identifier of the document."
            "ecmID" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The ECM identifier of the document. Use it for Content Integration steps in services."
            "type" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The type of the document.",
               "enum" : [
            "name" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The name of the document."
            "date" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "format" : "date-time",
               "description" : "The date and time when the document was created."
            "length" : {
               "type" : "integer",
               "description" : "The size of the document. Only applicable if this document is of type FILE."
            "url" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The URL of the document. Only applicable if the document is of type URL."
            "version" : {
               "type" : "integer",
               "description" : "The version number of the document."
      "executionState" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Execution state of the process instance.",
         "enum" : [
      "executionTree" : {
         "type" : "object",
         "description" : "Excution tree associated with the process."
      "instanceError" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Error message for failed instances."
      "lastModificationTime" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "format" : "date-time",
         "description" : "Last time a property of the process instance changed."
      "name" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Name of the process instance."
      "piid" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "ID of the process instance."
      "processTemplateID" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "ID of the process template this instance is derived from."
      "processTemplateName" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Name of the process template this instance is derived from."
      "processAppName" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Name of the process application."
      "processAppAcronym" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "The process application acronym."
      "snapshotName" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "Name of the snapshot associated with this process instance."
      "snapshotID" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "ID of the snapshot associated with this process instance."
      "dueDate" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "format" : "date-time",
         "description" : "The due date associated with the process instance."
      "predictedDueDate" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "format" : "date-time",
         "description" : "The predicted due date associated with the process instance."
      "tasks" : {
         "type" : "[object]",
         "description" : "List of tasks with the same data model."
      "variables" : {
         "type" : "object",
         "description" : "Variable values in a json object."
      "state" : {
         "type" : "string",
         "description" : "State of the process instance.",
         "enum" : [
      "actions" : {
         "type" : "[string]",
         "description" : "List of available actions for the process instance.",
         "enum" : [
      "relationship" : {
         "type" : "[object]",
         "description" : "The list of relationships this process instance is referenced.",
         "properties" : {
            "id" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The ID of the relationship."
            "type" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The type of the relationship.",
               "enum" : [
            "sourceId" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The external form of the instance ID of the source."
            "targetId" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The external form of the instance ID of the target."
            "description" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "description" : "The description of the relationship."
            "creationDate" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "format" : "date-time",
               "description" : "The date when the relationship was first created."
            "lastModified" : {
               "type" : "string",
               "format" : "date-time",
               "description" : "The date when the relationship was last modified."
            "creator" : {
               "type" : "object",
               "description" : "The user who created the relationship.",
               "properties" : {
                  "userID" : {
                     "type" : "integer",
                     "description" : "The user ID of the user that is described by this object."
                  "userName" : {
                     "type" : "string",
                     "description" : "The user name of the user that is described by this object."
                  "fullName" : {
                     "type" : "string",
                     "description" : "The full name of the user that is described by this object."
                  "isDisabled" : {
                     "type" : "boolean",
                     "description" : "States whether this user is disabled. This field is set to false and cannot be changed."
Example content
	"status": "200",
	"data": {
		"creationTime": "2020-07-16T16:34:36Z",
		"description": "This process covers a manager requesting to create a new position or fill an existing position. The process routes the position request to the Human Resources (HR) department to search for candidates.",
		"richDescription": "\r\n\r\n\r\nThis process covers a manager requesting to create a new position or fill an existing position. The process routes the position request to the Human Resources (HR) department to search for candidates.",
		"executionState": "Active",
		"state": "STATE_RUNNING",
		"lastModificationTime": "2020-07-16T16:34:38Z",
		"name": "Standard Employee Requisition for  (Standard HR Open New Position)",
		"piid": "603",
		"caseFolderID": "2126.855fc24f-9414-45f5-a20f-e72de703fe2e",
		"caseFolderServerName": "IBM_BPM_ManagedStore",
		"processTemplateID": "25.c904b3b1-afc1-4698-bf5a-a20892c20275",
		"processTemplateName": "Standard HR Open New Position",
		"processAppName": "Hiring Sample",
		"processAppAcronym": "HSS",
		"processAppID": "2066.9ab0d0c6-d92c-4355-9ed5-d8a05acdc4b0",
		"result": null,
		"snapshotName": "Responsive Hiring Sample v18001",
		"snapshotID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5",
		"branchID": "2063.1a52abd6-b068-4f9e-91a9-ded9793eb34e",
		"branchName": "Main",
		"snapshotTip": true,
		"startingDocumentServerName": null,
		"parentCaseId": null,
		"parentActivityId": null,
		"workflowApplication": null,
		"dueDate": "2020-07-16T20:34:36Z",
		"comments": [],
		"tasks": [
				"activationTime": "2020-07-16T16:34:37Z",
				"atRiskTime": "2020-07-16T17:28:37Z",
				"clientTypes": [
				"completionTime": null,
				"containmentContextID": "603",
				"description": "Task: Create position request",
				"displayName": "Task: Create position request",
				"isAtRisk": true,
				"lastModificationTime": "2020-07-16T16:34:37Z",
				"originator": "tw_admin",
				"priority": 30,
				"startTime": "2020-07-16T16:34:37Z",
				"state": "STATE_CLAIMED",
				"piid": "603",
				"processInstanceName": "Standard Employee Requisition for  (Standard HR Open New Position)",
				"priorityName": "Normal",
				"data": {
					"variables": {
						"skills": null,
						"instanceId": "603",
						"requisition": null,
						"currentPosition": null
				"externalActivitySnapshotID": null,
				"serviceID": "1.1bfbbe13-d8a5-4516-88b6-3d1f29f91af3",
				"serviceSnapshotID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5",
				"serviceType": "COACHFLOW",
				"flowObjectID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75fb",
				"nextTaskId": null,
				"collaboration": {
					"status": false,
					"currentUsers": []
				"actions": null,
				"teamDisplayName": "HiringManagers",
				"teamName": "HiringManagers_T_cd97937f-06ab-43cc-8067-17dea489fdb3.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5",
				"teamID": 1114,
				"managerTeamDisplayName": "Managers of All Users",
				"managerTeamName": "Managers of All Users_T_5dfdeb91-03c9-4af3-ab98-31a4db406563.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5",
				"managerTeamID": 1112,
				"tkiid": "603",
				"name": "Submit position request",
				"status": "Received",
				"owner": "tw_admin",
				"assignedTo": "tw_admin",
				"assignedToDisplayName": "tw_admin",
				"assignedToID": 9,
				"assignedToType": "user",
				"dueTime": "2020-07-16T17:34:37Z",
				"closeByUser": null,
				"closeByUserFullName": null
		"documents": [],
		"actionDetails": null,
		"data": "\"{\\\"requisition\\\":{\\\"reqNum\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"requester\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"empType\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"approvalNeeded\\\":false,\\\"date\\\":\\\"2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z\\\",\\\"department\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"location\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"empNum\\\":0,\\\"gmApproval\\\":false,\\\"gmComments\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"instanceId\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"@metadata\\\":{\\\"objectID\\\":\\\"8a3712f7-e2cf-4fa2-952b-a72f71c56f48\\\",\\\"dirty\\\":false,\\\"invalid\\\":false,\\\"shared\\\":false,\\\"rootVersionContextID\\\":\\\"2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T\\\",\\\"className\\\":\\\"Requisition\\\",\\\"contentObject\\\":false}},\\\"currentPosition\\\":{\\\"positionType\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"replacement\\\":{\\\"lastName\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"firstName\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"supervisor\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"startDate\\\":\\\"2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z\\\",\\\"payLevel\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"payType\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"notes\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"@metadata\\\":{\\\"objectID\\\":\\\"5c3d59e2-7ad6-44d9-80e4-241f7ddcc3c0\\\",\\\"dirty\\\":false,\\\"invalid\\\":false,\\\"shared\\\":false,\\\"rootVersionContextID\\\":\\\"2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T\\\",\\\"className\\\":\\\"Person\\\",\\\"contentObject\\\":false}},\\\"jobTitle\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"iId\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"@metadata\\\":{\\\"objectID\\\":\\\"ad12d152-ee29-425f-9a14-11a9cfb3a560\\\",\\\"dirty\\\":false,\\\"invalid\\\":false,\\\"shared\\\":false,\\\"rootVersionContextID\\\":\\\"2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T\\\",\\\"className\\\":\\\"Position\\\",\\\"contentObject\\\":false}}}\"",
		"variables": {
			"requisition": {
				"reqNum": "",
				"requester": "",
				"empType": "",
				"approvalNeeded": false,
				"date": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z",
				"department": "",
				"location": "",
				"empNum": 0,
				"gmApproval": false,
				"gmComments": "",
				"instanceId": "",
				"@metadata": {
					"objectID": "8a3712f7-e2cf-4fa2-952b-a72f71c56f48",
					"dirty": false,
					"invalid": false,
					"shared": false,
					"rootVersionContextID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T",
					"className": "Requisition",
					"contentObject": false
			"currentPosition": {
				"positionType": "",
				"replacement": {
					"lastName": "",
					"firstName": "",
					"supervisor": "",
					"startDate": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z",
					"payLevel": "",
					"payType": "",
					"notes": "",
					"@metadata": {
						"objectID": "5c3d59e2-7ad6-44d9-80e4-241f7ddcc3c0",
						"dirty": false,
						"invalid": false,
						"shared": false,
						"rootVersionContextID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T",
						"className": "Person",
						"contentObject": false
				"jobTitle": "",
				"iId": "",
				"@metadata": {
					"objectID": "ad12d152-ee29-425f-9a14-11a9cfb3a560",
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					"invalid": false,
					"shared": false,
					"rootVersionContextID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T",
					"className": "Position",
					"contentObject": false
		"relationship": [],
		"businessData": [
				"name": "requisition.department",
				"type": "String",
				"alias": "Department",
				"label": "Department",
				"value": ""
				"name": "requisition.empType",
				"type": "String",
				"alias": "EmploymentStatus",
				"label": "Employment Status",
				"value": ""
				"name": "requisition.gmApproval",
				"type": "Boolean",
				"alias": "GMApproval",
				"label": "GM Approval",
				"value": false
				"name": "requisition.requester",
				"type": "String",
				"alias": "HiringManager",
				"label": "Hiring Manager",
				"value": ""
				"name": "requisition.location",
				"type": "String",
				"alias": "Location",
				"label": "Location",
				"value": ""
		"executionTree": {
			"executionStatus": "1",
			"root": {
				"name": "Standard HR Open New Position",
				"nodeId": "1",
				"createdTaskIDs": null,
				"variables": {
					"requisition": {
						"reqNum": "",
						"requester": "",
						"empType": "",
						"approvalNeeded": false,
						"date": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z",
						"department": "",
						"location": "",
						"empNum": 0,
						"gmApproval": false,
						"gmComments": "",
						"instanceId": "",
						"@metadata": {
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							"dirty": false,
							"invalid": false,
							"shared": false,
							"rootVersionContextID": "2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T",
							"className": "Requisition",
							"contentObject": false
					"currentPosition": {
						"positionType": "",
						"replacement": {
							"lastName": "",
							"firstName": "",
							"supervisor": "",
							"startDate": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z",
							"payLevel": "",
							"payType": "",
							"notes": "",
							"@metadata": {
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								"className": "Person",
								"contentObject": false
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						"iId": "",
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							"className": "Position",
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				"children": [
						"name": "Submit position request",
						"nodeId": "5",
						"flowObjectId": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75fb",
						"taskType": "1",
						"tokenId": "4",
						"createdTaskIDs": [
						"variables": {
							"requisition": {
								"reqNum": "",
								"requester": "",
								"empType": "",
								"approvalNeeded": false,
								"date": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z",
								"department": "",
								"location": "",
								"empNum": 0,
								"gmApproval": false,
								"gmComments": "",
								"instanceId": "",
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									"contentObject": false
							"currentPosition": {
								"positionType": "",
								"replacement": {
									"lastName": "",
									"firstName": "",
									"supervisor": "",
									"startDate": "2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z",
									"payLevel": "",
									"payType": "",
									"notes": "",
									"@metadata": {
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						"children": null
		"diagram": {
			"processAppID": "2066.9ab0d0c6-d92c-4355-9ed5-d8a05acdc4b0",
			"milestone": null,
			"step": [
					"name": "Submit position request",
					"type": "activity",
					"activityType": "task",
					"externalID": "1.1bfbbe13-d8a5-4516-88b6-3d1f29f91af3",
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "Hiring Manager",
					"x": 196,
					"y": 27,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d8",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to New position?"
					"tokenID": [
					"taskID": "603",
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75fb"
					"name": "Start",
					"type": "event",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "Hiring Manager",
					"x": 18,
					"y": 50,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75fb",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to Submit position request"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-760e"
					"name": "New position?",
					"type": "gateway",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "Hiring Manager",
					"x": 334,
					"y": 46,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d6",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "Yes - GM approval required"
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75a9",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "No approval needed --> proceed to HR"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d8"
					"name": "Review new position request",
					"type": "activity",
					"activityType": "task",
					"externalID": "1.ebce2203-61fa-4f04-bbaf-612480e62f47",
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "General Manager",
					"x": 224,
					"y": 32,
					"attachedTimer": [
							"name": "Overdue approval",
							"description": "If the general manager does not approve or reject the new position request by the due date, the general manager is notified.",
							"richDescription": "\r\n\r\n\r\nIf the general manager does not approve or reject the new position request by the due date, the general manager is notified.",
							"tokenID": null,
							"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75b0"
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d7",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to GM approved?"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d6"
					"name": "GM approved?",
					"type": "gateway",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "General Manager",
					"x": 431,
					"y": 51,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75a9",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "Approved --> proceed to HR"
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-758c",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "Rejected"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75d7"
					"name": "Find position candidates",
					"type": "activity",
					"activityType": "task",
					"externalID": "1.eec0bb1f-0e1b-4253-9b5c-d3ed7b9d5de8",
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "Human Resources",
					"x": 725,
					"y": 28,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-7564",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to End"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-75a9"
					"name": "Notify hiring manager",
					"type": "activity",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "System",
					"x": 532,
					"y": 35,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-7564",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to End"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-758c"
					"name": "Send escalation notice",
					"type": "activity",
					"activityType": "task",
					"externalID": "1.254a0925-652c-4e75-a377-3b6528c69fb2",
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "System",
					"x": 157,
					"y": 58,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": [
							"to": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-756b",
							"points": "",
							"tokenID": null,
							"name": "to End escalation"
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-7576"
					"name": "End escalation",
					"type": "event",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "System",
					"x": 328,
					"y": 81,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": null,
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-756b"
					"name": "End",
					"type": "event",
					"activityType": null,
					"externalID": null,
					"diagram": null,
					"lane": "System",
					"x": 759,
					"y": 58,
					"attachedTimer": null,
					"preTrackingPoint": null,
					"postTrackingPoint": null,
					"attachedEventHandler": null,
					"lines": null,
					"tokenID": null,
					"taskID": null,
					"ID": "bpdid:431b0753c33842e2:3d5457c0:141a2fd3448:-7564"
			"lanes": [
					"name": "Hiring Manager",
					"height": 187,
					"system": false
					"name": "General Manager",
					"height": 163,
					"system": false
					"name": "Human Resources",
					"height": 154,
					"system": false
					"name": "System",
					"height": 150,
					"system": true
			"orphaned": null
		"actions": null,
		"starterId": "2048.9"

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
        elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""

    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />

    <import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="Task.xsd" namespace=""></import>
    <import schemaLocation="ExecutionTree.xsd" namespace=""></import>
    <import schemaLocation="Activity.xsd" namespace=""/>
    <import schemaLocation="Relationship.xsd" namespace=""/>

	<complexType name="ProcessSearchResult">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<element name="overview" type="common:Map"/>				
					<element name="processes" type="tns:ProcessSummary" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />

    <complexType name="ProcessSummary">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <!-- The process instance ID -->
                    <element name="piid" type="string" />
                    <!-- The name of the process -->
                    <element name="name" type="string" />

                    <!-- The name of the BPD -->
                    <element name="bpdName" type="string" />
                    <!-- The snapshot ID -->
                    <element name="snapshotID" type="string" nillable="true" />
                    <!-- The project ID -->
                    <element name="projectID" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <!-- The due date associated with the process -->
                    <element name="dueDate" type="dateTime" />

                    <!-- The at risk date associated with the process -->
                    <element name="atRiskDate" type="dateTime" />
                    <!-- The current status of the process instance 
                         Valid values are:
                          "Terminated" -->
                    <element name="executionState" type="string" />
                    <!-- Error message for failed process instance -->
                    <element name="instanceError" type="string" />
					<!-- The timestamp for when the process instance was created -->
                	<element name="creationDate" type="dateTime" />                    
                    <!-- The timestamp when the process was last modified -->
                    <element name="lastModificationTime" type="dateTime" />
                    <!-- The timestamp when the process instance was closed-->
                    <element name="closedDate" type="dateTime" />
        This type contains details related to a process instance.
    <complexType name="ProcessDetails">
            <extension base="pref:Data">

                    <!-- The timestamp when the process instance was created -->
                    <element name="creationTime" type="dateTime" />

                    <!-- The description of the process -->
                    <element name="description" type="string" nillable="true" />
                    <element name="richDescription" type="string" nillable="true" />
                    <!-- The current status of the process instance 
                         Valid values are:
                          "Terminated" -->
                    <element name="executionState" type="string" />
                    <!-- The current state of the process instance. -->
                    <element name="state" type="string" />

                    <!-- The timestamp when the process was last modified -->
                    <element name="lastModificationTime" type="dateTime" />

                    <!-- The name of the process -->
                    <element name="name" type="string" />

                    <!-- The process instance ID -->
                    <element name="piid" type="string" />

                    <!-- The case folder ID -->
                    <element name="caseFolderID" type="string" />
                    <!-- The case folder server name -->
                    <element name="caseFolderServerName" type="string" nillable="true"/>

                    <!-- The process template (BPD) ID -->
                    <element name="processTemplateID" type="string" />

                    <!-- The process template (BPD) name -->
                    <element name="processTemplateName" type="string" />

                    <!-- The name of the process application -->
                    <element name="processAppName" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <!-- The process application acronym -->
                    <element name="processAppAcronym" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <!-- The ID of the process app -->
                    <element name="processAppID" type="string" nillable="true" />
                    <!-- The name of the snapshot -->

                    <!-- The result of script execution -->
                    <element name="result" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <element name="snapshotName" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <!-- The snapshot ID -->
                    <element name="snapshotID" type="string" nillable="true" />

                    <!-- The branch (track) ID -->
                    <element name="branchID" type="string" />

                    <!-- The name of the branch (track) -->
                    <element name="branchName" type="string" />

                    <!-- The snapshot tip -->
                    <element name="snapshotTip" type="boolean" />

                    <!-- The starting document ID -->
                    <element name="startingDocumentID" type="string" />
                    <!-- The starting document server name -->
                    <element name="startingDocumentServerName" type="string" nillable="true"/>
                    <!-- The parent case ID -->
                    <element name="parentCaseId" type="string" nillable="true"/>
                    <!-- The parent activity ID -->
                    <element name="parentActivityId" type="string" nillable="true"/>
                    <!-- The workflow application -->
                    <element name="workflowApplication" type="string" nillable="true"/>

                    <!-- Error message for failed process instance -->
                    <element name="instanceError" type="string" />

                    <!-- The due date associated with the process -->
                    <element name="dueDate" type="dateTime" />

                    <!-- The predicted due date associated with the process -->
                    <element name="predictedDueDate" type="dateTime" />

                    <!-- Comments associated with the process instance -->
                    <element name="comments" type="tns:CommentsType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />

                    <!-- A list of zero or more tasks associated with the process -->
                    <element name="tasks" type="task:TaskDetails" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

                    <!-- A list of zero or more documents associated with the process -->
                    <element name="documents" type="tns:documentsType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

                    <!-- The details of the action performed if applicable -->
                    <element name="actionDetails" type="tns:ActionDetails" minOccurs="0" />

                         The data associated with the process instance in a json String.
                         To understand this, you'll need the data model associated with the BPD.
                    <element name="data" type="string" />

                     Data information stored in an actual Map like the TaskDetails information
                    <element name="variables" type="common:Map" />
                        List of all relationships referencing this particular process instance either as target or source. 
                    <element name="relationship" type="relationship:RelationshipDetails"  maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

                     Business data information stored as list of variables.
                    <element name="businessData" type="common:Variable" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

                    <!-- The execution tree associated with the process -->
                    <element name="executionTree" type="execution:ExecutionTree" />

                    <!-- The diagram associated with the process instance -->
                    <element name="diagram" type="tns:DiagramType" />

                    <!-- The list of applicable actions of the process instance  -->
                    <element name="actions" type="string"  maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

                    <!-- The name of the BPD -->
                    <element name="bpdName" type="string" />

                    <!--  The Id of the User who started the process instance -->
                    <element name="starterId" type="string" />

	<!-- This type is used to return a list of process details. -->
	<complexType name="ProcessDetailsList">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<!-- This is a list of zero or more process details. -->
					<element name="processInstance" type="tns:ProcessDetails" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
	<complexType name="ProcessBusinessDataList">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<!-- A list of zero or more failed operations -->
                    <element name="failedOperations" type="tns:FailedOperations"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
				    <element name="processBusinessData" type="tns:ProcessBusinessData"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
	<complexType name="ProcessBusinessData">
			<extension base="pref:Data">
					<!-- The process instance ID -->
                    <element name="piid" type="string" />
					<!-- Business data information stored as list of variables.-->		
                    <element name="businessData" type="common:Variable" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

        This type contains information about a Business Process Definition Model.
    <complexType name="BPDModel">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="Header" type="tns:HeaderType"/>
                    <element name="DataModel" type="tns:DataModelType"/>
                    <element name="Diagram" type="tns:DiagramType"/>

         This type contains the "header" type information associated with a BPD Model.
    <complexType name="HeaderType">

            <!-- The BPD ID -->
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>

            <!-- The BPD name -->
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

            <!-- The BPD description -->
            <element name="description" type="string"/>
            <element name="richDescription" type="string"/>

         This type contains information about a BPD's "data model".
         This includes the inputs and outputs associated with a BPD.
    <complexType name="DataModelType">

            <!-- A list of variables that are defined by the BPD model -->
            <element name="properties" type="common:Map"/>

            <!-- A list of inputs to the process -->
            <element name="inputs" type="common:Map"/>

            <!-- A list of outputs produced by the process -->
            <element name="outputs" type="common:Map"/>

            <!-- A structure explaining the BPD's data model -->
            <element name="validation" type="common:Map"/>

         This type contains information about a diagram associated
         with a BPD or Process instance.
    <complexType name="DiagramType">

            <!-- The process application ID (short name) -->
            <element name="processAppID" type="string"/>

                 A list of zero or more phases associated with the process.
                 A phase represents a phase of process execution.
            <element name="milestone" type="tns:milestoneType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

            <!-- A list of zero or more steps associated with the process -->
            <element name="step" type="tns:stepType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

                 A list of zero or more lanes associated with the process.
                 A "lane" typically represents a department within a business organization.
            <element name="lanes" type="tns:lanesType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
                 A list of zero or more tokens associated with the process but not to a specific step or attached element.
            <element name="orphaned" type="tns:orphanType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

         This type represents a "phase" which models a
         phase of execution within a process.
    <complexType name="milestoneType">

            <!-- The name of the phase -->
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

            <!-- The "width" of the phase (in pixels) -->
            <element name="width" type="int"/>

         This type contains the detailed information associated with a "step" within a process.
    <complexType name="stepType">

            <!-- The step ID -->
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>

            <!-- The name of the step -->
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

                 The step type associated with this step.
                 Examples: event, gateway, activity, etc.
            <element name="type" type="string"/>

                 If the type is "activity", this field specifies the type of activity.
                 Examples: task, externalActivity, subBpd, etc.
            <element name="activityType" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

                 If the activity type is "subBpd", the externalID is the Process id
                 of the subBpd.
                 If the activity type is "task", the externalID is the Service id of the task's service.
                 If the activity type is "externalTask", the externalID is the External Activity id of
                 the external task.
            <element name="externalID" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

            <!-- A diagram for subprocesses -->
            <element name="diagram" type="tns:DiagramType" minOccurs="0"/>

            <!--  The name of the phase to which the step belongs. -->
            <element name="milestone" type="string"/>

            <!-- The name of the lane to which the step belongs -->
            <element name="lane" type="string"/>

            <!-- The X,Y coordinate of the centerpoint of this step within the diagram -->
            <element name="x" type="int"/>
            <element name="y" type="int"/>

            <!-- The color associated with the step within the diagram -->
            <element name="color" type="string"/>

            <!-- A list of zero or more timers attached to this step -->
            <element name="attachedTimer" type="tns:attachedTimerType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

            <!-- An optional pre-tracking point attached to this step -->
            <element name="preTrackingPoint" type="tns:trackingPointType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
            <!-- An optional post-tracking point attached to this step -->
            <element name="postTrackingPoint" type="tns:trackingPointType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
            <!-- A list of zero or more event handler attached to this step -->
            <element name="attachedEventHandler" type="tns:attachedEventHandlerType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
            <!-- A list of zero of more lines which extend out from this step in the diagram -->
            <element name="lines" type="tns:linesType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

            <!-- A list of token IDs associated with this step -->
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

            <!-- Task ID associated with this step if there is any associated task -->
            <element name="taskID" type="string" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>


    <complexType name="attachedTimerType">
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>
            <element name="name" type="string"/>
            <element name="description" type="string"/>
            <element name="richDescription" type="string"/>
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
     <complexType name="trackingPointType">
     		<element name="ID" type="string"/>
     		<element name="name" type="string"/>
     		<element name="description" type="string"/>
     		<element name="richDescription" type="string"/>
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
            <element name="eventID" type="string"/>

    <complexType name="attachedEventHandlerType">
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>
            <element name="name" type="string"/>
            <element name="description" type="string"/>
            <element name="richDescription" type="string"/>
            <!-- Type of event message end message or intermediate message -->
            <element name="eventType" type="string" minOccurs="0" />
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

         This type represents a single line which extends out from a particular step within a BPD diagram.
    <complexType name="linesType">

            <!-- The step ID of the step to which this line extends -->
            <element name="to" type="string"/>

                 A string containing a comma-separated list of coordinates through which this line extends.
                 The list of points must contain the first point (coordinate of the "fromPort")
                 and the last point (coordinate of the "toPort").
            <element name="points" type="string"/>
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

         This type represents a lane which is associated with a BPD diagram.
    <complexType name="lanesType">

            <!-- The name of the lane -->
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

            <!-- The height of the lane (in pixels) -->
            <element name="height" type="int"/>

            <!-- Indicates whether or not this lane is a "system" lane -->
            <element name="system" type="boolean"/>

         This type represents a orphan token which is associated with a BPD diagram.
    <complexType name="orphanType">

            <!-- A token IDs associated with this process instance -->
            <element name="tokenID" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
                <element name="snapshotID" type="string" nillable="true" />
                <element name="bpdID" type="string"/>
                <element name="stepID" type="string"/>
                <element name="step" type="tns:stepType" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0"/>
         This type represents a comment associated with a process instance.
    <complexType name="CommentsType">

            <!-- The username of the user that entered the comment -->
            <element name="who" type="string"/>

            <!-- The timestamp when the comment was entered -->
            <element name="date" type="dateTime"/>

            <!-- The message associated with the comment -->
            <element name="message" type="string"/>

         This type represents a document that is associated with a process instance.
    <complexType name="documentsType">

            <!-- The ID associated with the document; this is used for "update" and "delete" -->
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>

            <!-- The ECM ID associated with the document; this is used for Content Integration steps -->
            <element name="ecmID" type="string"/>

            <!-- The name of the document -->
            <element name="name" type="string"/>

            <!-- The content type of the document (file, url) -->
            <element name="type" type="string"/>

            <!-- The timestamp when the document was added -->
            <element name="date" type="dateTime"/>

            <!-- The length (in bytes) of the document content -->
            <element name="length" type="int"/>

                 For a document of type "url" this specifies the URL associated with the document.
                 Note that for a "url" type document, we store the URL and not the document
            <element name="url" type="string"/>

            <!-- The version of the document -->
            <element name="version" type="int"/>

         This type is used to return the status from the "sendMessage" action.
    <complexType name="SendMessageStatus">
            <extension base="pref:Data">

                    <!-- A flag which indicates whether or not the message was successfully sent -->
                    <element name="messageSent" type="boolean"/>

         This type is used to return the result of evaluating a javascript expression.
    <complexType name="JSReturnData">
            <extension base="pref:Data">

                    <!-- The "result" consists of a list of attribute/value pairs -->
                    <element name="result" type="string"/>

    <!-- Trigger Action Hander Result -->
    <complexType name="ActionResult">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="tkiid" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

    <!-- Actions may have specific details -->
    <complexType name="ActionDetails">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="actionName" type="string"/>

   <!-- Adhoc Action Details-->
    <complexType name="AdhocActionDetails">
            <extension base="tns:ActionDetails">
                    <element name="createdTaskIDs" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

    <complexType name="diagramInstanceType">
            <element name="diagram" type="tns:DiagramType"/>
            <element name="tokenID" type="string"/>
            <element name="taskID" type="string"/>

    <complexType name="Action">
            <element name="ID" type="string"/>
            <element name="displayName" type="string"/>
            <element name="description" type="string"/>
            <element name="richDescription" type="string"/>

    <complexType name="Event">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                        <element name="actions" type="tns:Action" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
                        <element name="standardActions" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
	 This type contains the list of available actions available for a particular process instance.
    <complexType name="tProcessWithActions">
            	<!-- The process instance ID -->
	    		<element name="piid" type="string" />
	    		<!-- A list of zero or more available actions associated with the process instance -->
                  	<element name="actions" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
    <complexType name="ProcessActions">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
			 			This field specifies the primary identifier of the process instance; 
					 	this will be set to "piid" .
		    		<element name="identifier" type="string" />
		    		<!-- A list of zero or more "ProcessWithActions" structures -->
                    <element name="process" type="tns:tProcessWithActions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

        This type describes a failed operation during a bulk process-related operation.
    <complexType name="FailedOperations">
            <!-- The process instance ID -->
            <element name="instanceId" type="string" />

            <!-- The error message prefix associated with the error -->
            <element name="errorNumber" type="string" />

            <!-- The error message associated with the error -->
            <element name="errorMessage" type="string" />

         This type is used to return the results from performing a bulk operation on multiple process instances.
    <complexType name="ProcessBulkOperationResponse">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <!-- A list of zero or more failed operations -->
                    <element name="failedOperations" type="tns:FailedOperations"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

                    <!-- A list of zero or more objects which contain the updated process details
                         after the operation has been performed. -->
                    <element name="processDetails" type="tns:ProcessDetails"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

                    <!-- Gives the count of instances upon which we successfully took the requested action -->
                    <element name="succeeded" type="int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                     <!-- Gives the count of instances upon which we failed to take the requested action  --> 
                    <element name="failed" type="int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

	<complexType name="ProcessBulkOperationCountOnlyResponse">
            <extension base="tns:ProcessBulkOperationResponse">
                     <!-- Gives the count of instances --> 
                    <element name="instanceCount" type="long" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

         This type is used to represent the runtime error information associated with a single process instance.
    <complexType name="RuntimeError">
            <extension base="pref:Data">

                    <element name="instanceId" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="taskId" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="errorMessage" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="javaTrace" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="jsTrace" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="twTrace" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="timestamp" type="dateTime"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="branchId" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="snapshotId" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="rootSnapshotId" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="sourceGuid" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="errorCode" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="errorData" type="string"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                    <element name="BPMN2Style" type="boolean"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

         This type is used to return the runtime error detail for one or more instance id.
    <complexType name="RuntimeErrorResponse">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <!-- A list of zero or more failed operations -->
                    <element name="failedOperations" type="tns:FailedOperations"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

                    <!-- A list of zero or more objects containing runtime error information for a process instance  -->
                    <element name="runtimeErrors" type="tns:RuntimeError"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

         This type represents a list of currently executing processes
    <complexType name="CurrentlyExecuting">
            <extension base="pref:Data">

                    <!-- A list of processes IDs are currently executing -->
                    <element name="instanceIDs" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
    <!-- A list of ad hoc activities. -->
    <complexType name="adHocActivities">
            <extension base="pref:Data">
                    <element name="activities" type="activity:Activity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Example content
<bpm:ResponseData xmlns:bpm="" xmlns:ex="" xmlns:globalteam="" xmlns:soc="" xmlns:sys="" xmlns:ug="">
	<data xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:prc="" xsi:type="prc:ProcessDetails">
		<description>This process covers a manager requesting to create a new position or fill an existing position. The process routes the position request to the Human Resources (HR) department to search for candidates.</description>
		<name>Standard Employee Requisition for (Standard HR Open New Position)</name>
		<processTemplateName>Standard HR Open New Position</processTemplateName>
		<processAppName>Hiring Sample</processAppName>
		<result xsi:nil="true"/>
		<snapshotName>Responsive Hiring Sample v18001</snapshotName>
		<startingDocumentServerName xsi:nil="true"/>
		<parentCaseId xsi:nil="true"/>
		<parentActivityId xsi:nil="true"/>
		<workflowApplication xsi:nil="true"/>
			<name>Submit position request</name>
			<closeByUser xsi:nil="true"/>
			<closeByUserFullName xsi:nil="true"/>
			<completionTime xsi:nil="true"/>
			<description>Task: Create position request</description>
			<displayName>Task: Create position request</displayName>
			<processInstanceName>Standard Employee Requisition for (Standard HR Open New Position)</processInstanceName>
					<item key="skills"/>
					<item key="instanceId">
						<value xmlns:ns10="" xsi:type="ns10:string">603</value>
					<item key="requisition"/>
					<item key="currentPosition"/>
			<externalActivitySnapshotID xsi:nil="true"/>
			<managerTeamDisplayName>Managers of All Users</managerTeamDisplayName>
			<managerTeamName>Managers of All Users_T_5dfdeb91-03c9-4af3-ab98-31a4db406563.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5</managerTeamName>
			<item key="requisition">
				<value xmlns:cmn="" xsi:type="cmn:Map">
					<item key="reqNum">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
					<item key="requester">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
					<item key="empType">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
					<item key="approvalNeeded">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
					<item key="date">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z</value>
					<item key="department">
						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:long">0</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">8a3712f7-e2cf-4fa2-952b-a72f71c56f48</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T</value>
							<item key="className">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Requisition</value>
							<item key="contentObject">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
			<item key="currentPosition">
				<value xmlns:cmn="" xsi:type="cmn:Map">
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						<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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						<value xsi:type="cmn:Map">
							<item key="lastName">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
							<item key="firstName">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
							<item key="startDate">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
							<item key="payType">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Person</value>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Position</value>
							<item key="contentObject">
								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
			<value xmlns:ns10="" xsi:type="ns10:string"/>
			<label>Employment Status</label>
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			<label>GM Approval</label>
			<value xmlns:ns10="" xsi:type="ns10:boolean">false</value>
			<label>Hiring Manager</label>
			<value xmlns:ns10="" xsi:type="ns10:string"/>
			<value xmlns:ns10="" xsi:type="ns10:string"/>
				<name>Standard HR Open New Position</name>
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							<item key="replacement">
								<value xsi:type="cmn:Map">
									<item key="lastName">
										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
									<item key="firstName">
										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z</value>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
									<item key="payType">
										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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								<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
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										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Position</value>
									<item key="contentObject">
										<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
					<name>Submit position request</name>
						<item key="requisition">
							<value xmlns:cmn="" xsi:type="cmn:Map">
								<item key="reqNum">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="requester">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="empType">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="approvalNeeded">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
								<item key="date">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2020-07-16T16:34:36.650Z</value>
								<item key="department">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="location">
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								<item key="empNum">
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								<item key="gmApproval">
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								<item key="gmComments">
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										<item key="className">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Requisition</value>
										<item key="contentObject">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
						<item key="currentPosition">
							<value xmlns:cmn="" xsi:type="cmn:Map">
								<item key="positionType">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="replacement">
									<value xsi:type="cmn:Map">
										<item key="lastName">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
										<item key="firstName">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
										<item key="supervisor">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
										<item key="startDate">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2020-07-16T16:34:36.662Z</value>
										<item key="payLevel">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
										<item key="payType">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
										<item key="notes">
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													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">5c3d59e2-7ad6-44d9-80e4-241f7ddcc3c0</value>
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													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
												<item key="invalid">
													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
												<item key="shared">
													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
												<item key="rootVersionContextID">
													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T</value>
												<item key="className">
													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Person</value>
												<item key="contentObject">
													<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
								<item key="jobTitle">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="iId">
									<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string"/>
								<item key="@metadata">
									<value xsi:type="cmn:Map">
										<item key="objectID">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">ad12d152-ee29-425f-9a14-11a9cfb3a560</value>
										<item key="dirty">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
										<item key="invalid">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
										<item key="shared">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
										<item key="rootVersionContextID">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">2064.481abfd8-9868-4638-ace0-7932d46958d5T</value>
										<item key="className">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:string">Position</value>
										<item key="contentObject">
											<value xmlns:ns11="" xsi:type="ns11:boolean">false</value>
				<name>Submit position request</name>
				<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
					<name>to New position?</name>
				<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
					<name>to Submit position request</name>
				<name>New position?</name>
				<lane>Hiring Manager</lane>
					<name>Yes - GM approval required</name>
					<name>No approval needed --> proceed to HR</name>
				<name>Review new position request</name>
				<lane>General Manager</lane>
					<name>Overdue approval</name>
					<description>If the general manager does not approve or reject the new position request by the due date, the general manager is notified.</description>
					<name>to GM approved?</name>
				<name>GM approved?</name>
				<lane>General Manager</lane>
					<name>Approved --> proceed to HR</name>
				<name>Find position candidates</name>
				<lane>Human Resources</lane>
					<name>to End</name>
				<name>Notify hiring manager</name>
					<name>to End</name>
				<name>Send escalation notice</name>
					<name>to End escalation</name>
				<name>End escalation</name>
				<name>Hiring Manager</name>
				<name>General Manager</name>
				<name>Human Resources</name>

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Error Response content

Detailed error information.

The default content type is application/json.

MIME type: application/json

{  "description": "WLE Error Response", 
   "type": "object",
   {  "status": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The status of the previous API call."
      "exceptionType": {"type": "string",
         "description": "The classname associated with the exception."
      "errorNumber": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message ID of the exception."
      "errorMessage": {"type": "string",
         "description": "Message text of the exception."
      "errorMessageParameters": {"type": ["string"], "optional": true,
         "description":"Message text parameters of the exception."
      "programmersDetails": {"type": "object", "optional": true,
         "description":"Additional exception details, for example, a stack trace."

MIME type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace=""
	elementFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns=""

    <import schemaLocation="BPMRestData.xsd" namespace="" />
	This type represents an error response.
    <element name="RestRuntimeException">
		<element name="status" type="string"/>
		<element name="Data" type="tns:ExceptionData">

	 This type contains detailed error information associated with an exception.
    <complexType name="ExceptionData">
	    <element name="status" type="string"/>

	    <!-- This specifies the java class name of the exception -->
	    <element name="exceptionType" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The message ID of the error message -->
	    <element name="errorNumber" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>

	    <!-- The complete error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessage" type="string"/>

	    <!-- The list of strings inserted into the error message -->
	    <element name="errorMessageParameters" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

		 The stacktrace associated with the exception.
		 Note that this will be omitted unless the "server-stacktrace-enabled" property
		 is enabled in the server's 100Custom.xml file.
	    <element name="programmersDetails" type="string"></element>
	    <!-- Prior responses.  Set if a bulk command was used -->
	    <element name="responses" type="dat:BulkCommandResponses" minOccurs="0"></element>

            <element name="errorData" type="tns:ErrorData" minOccurs="0" />

    <complexType name="ErrorData">
            <element name="code" type="string" />
            <element name="data" type="string" minOccurs="0" />

MIME type: application/x-javascript

Status codes

The method returns one of the following status codes:
200 OKSuccess completion.
400 Bad RequestThe parameters are not valid or they are missing.
401 UnauthorizedThe caller is not authorized for this request.
404 Not Found
The process does not exist.
406 Not AcceptableThe requested content type or content encoding is not supported.
500 Internal Server ErrorA severe problem has occurred, programmer's details are provided.

Available since


Parent Topic: Process Instance Resource