Enabling error logging in the desktop Process Designer (deprecated)

You can configure IBM® Process Designer to log errors by using java.util.log. You can then examine the logs to troubleshoot problems with Process Designer.

Traces and logs

Error logs and traces can be located in a number of different places within the Process Designer installation directory. You can find java.util.log in the main directory where Process Designer is installed. Other logs are located in the <ProcessDesignerInstallationDirectory>\workspace\metadata directory.

You can use the information in these logs to troubleshoot a problem. If you need to contact IBM Support, submit these logs to get the problem resolved faster.

Enabling java.util.logging

To enable logging for java.util.logging messages, follow these steps:

  1. Close Process Designer.
  2. Navigate to the main Process Designer installation directory.
  3. Open TraceSettings.properties. Uncomment the line for the classes that you want to trace.
  4. Restart Process Designer, recreate the problem and examine the java.util.log file for errors. The java.util.log file is located in the Process Designer installation directory.