This topic applies only to the IBM Business Automation Workflow Advanced

Specifying absence settings

If you intend to be away from the office for a certain time, specify a substitute for your tasks.

Before you begin

To perform this task, the Virtual Member Manager people directory provider is required for substitution. You must also have substitution enabled for the Human Task Manager in Business Process Choreographer. The My Substitutes option is then visible in the taskbar.

About this task

Depending on the applied substitution policy, one or more than one substitute can receive your work assignments while you are absent. The substitution policy can differ for each task template. Complete the following steps in Business Process Choreographer Explorer.


  1. In the taskbar, click My Substitutes.
  2. On the My Substitutes page, specify the absence settings, and click Save.
    1. To enable your absence settings, select the I am absent check box.
    2. In the My substitutes field, enter the user ID of your substitute, and click Add.
    3. Optional: Add further substitutes as needed.
      Depending on the applied substitution policy, one or more than one substitute can receive your work assignments while you are absent. The substitution policy can differ for each task templates.
    4. Optional: To remove a substitute from the list, select the user ID of the substitute and click Remove.
      To select more than one substitute, hold down the Ctrl key.
  3. Ask your TaskSystemAdministrator to refresh the people query results.


While the I am absent check box is selected, your substitutes will receive your work assignments.

What to do next

Work assignments that were assigned to you before the I am absent check box got selected must be transferred separately.