REST interface for BPD-related resources

The following IBM Business Automation Workflow resources represent business process definitions and instances, task instances, and related objects.


Use the following resources in this IBM Business Automation Workflow resource set to develop client applications that you can use to work with business processes and tasks. These business processes and tasks are hosted by the business process definition (BPD) runtime environment.

Available since


Summary of all methods

REST MethodDescription
GET .../v1/processApps
Use this method to retrieve the process applications that are installed in the system. Note: Only the process applications for which the calling user has read permission are returned in the response.
POST .../v1/processApps[?genAIS={boolean}]
Use this method to create a new process application from a BPMN 2.0 archive.
GET .../v1/toolkit
Use this method to retrieve the toolkits that are installed in the system. Note: Only the toolkits for which the calling user has read permission are returned in the response.
POST .../v1/toolkit[?genAIS={boolean}]
Use this method to create a new toolkit from a BPMN 2.0 archive.
GET .../v1/processModel/{bpdId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a business process definition (BPD) model.
POST .../v1/process?action={string}&bpdId={string}[&snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}][&params={string}][&parts={string}][&eventSourceId={string}][&objectId={string}][&mode={string}]
Use this method to start a BPD instance.
GET .../v1/process?action={string}[&instanceIds={string}][&parts={string}][&statusFilter={string}]
Use this method to retrieve information for a set of instances.
POST .../v1/process?action={string}&message={string}
Use this method to post a message to the Event Manager for asynchronous processing.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}[?parts={string}][&taskLimit={integer}][&taskOffset={integer}]
Retrieve the details of a process instance. The parameters that you choose determine the filters that are applied to the results.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to perform one of the following actions on a process instance: suspend, resume, terminate, retry.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&dueDate={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to update the due date of a process instance.
DELETE .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to delete a process instance that is currently in one of the following states: failed, suspended, terminated, or completed.
POST .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&docType={string}&name={string}[&data={string}][&docUrl={string}][&hideInPortal={boolean}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to add a new document to a process instance that is configured to use the BPM content store. This method is not suitable for adding a document to a process instance that is configured to use an ECM server repository.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&docId={string}&docType={string}[&data={string}][&docUrl={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to update an existing document in a process instance that is configured to use the BPM content store. This method is not suitable for updating a document in a process instance that is configured to use an ECM server repository.
DELETE .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&docId={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to delete an existing document from a process instance that is configured to use the BPM content store. This method is not suitable for deleting a document from a process instance that is configured to use an ECM server repository.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&step={string}[&parts={string}]
This function is deprecated. Use ad hoc activities and the respective activity REST resource instead. Use this method to run an ad hoc event associated with a process instance.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&script={string}
Use this method to execute a JavaScript expression and return the resulting process instance details.
POST .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&comment={string}[&origCommentId={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to add a comment to a process instance. It can also be used to post a comment to an existing comment (a threaded comment) in a given process instance
POST .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&timerTokenId={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to manually fire an inline or attached timer.
POST .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&tokenId={string}&target={string}[&parts={string}][&resume={boolean}]
Use this method to move a token to a different step within the process.
POST .../v1/process/{instanceId}?action={string}&tokenId={string}[&parts={string}][&resume={boolean}]
Use this method to delete a token.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}/variable/{name}
Use this method to update the value of one variable in a business process definition (BPD) instance. Only the system or process application administrator can run this method.
Note: This API cannot be used to update subprocess or linked process variables. To update these variables, use the Process Inspector in IBM Process Designer or the REST API "Update Instance All Variables".
Note: The use of the term "items" as a variable name is not recommended because it is a reserved word that is used to denote lists of objects in a process. However, if the term has already been used as a variable name, the value can still be updated. See the "Request content" section for an example.
Note: When you are updating a variable of complex data type, the whole variable is updated exactly as specified. Therefore, you must specify all the fields to be set for the complex data type variable. Variable fields that are not specified are treated as not set and their existing values are overwritten.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}/variables
Use this method to update the values of multiple variables in a BPD instance. Only the system or process application administrator can run this method.
Note: This API cannot be used to update subprocess or linked process variables. To update these variables, use the Process Inspector in IBM Process Designer or the REST API "Update Instance All Variables".
Note: The use of the term "items" as a variable name is not recommended because it is a reserved word that is used to denote lists of objects in a process. However, if the term has already been used as a variable name, the value can still be updated. See the "Request content" section for an example.
Note: When you are updating a variable of complex data type, the whole variable is updated exactly as specified. Therefore, you must specify all the fields to be set for the complex data type variable. Variable fields that are not specified are treated as not set and their existing values are overwritten.
PUT .../v1/process/{instanceId}/allVariables[?serverId={string}]
Use this method to update the values of multiple variables in a process or subprocess or linked process instance. Only admin users can run this method.
PUT .../v1/process/bulk?instanceIds={string}&action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to perform an operation on multiple process instances.
PUT .../v1/process/bulkWithFilters?action={string}[&parts={string}][&modifiedAfter={string}][&modifiedBefore={string}][&userFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&searchFilterScope={string}][&statusFilter={string}][&projectFilter={string}][&limit={integer}][&offset={integer}][&sortBy={string}]
Use this method to perform an operation on multiple process instances.
GET .../v1/process/businessData?instanceIds={string}
Use this method to retrieve business data on multiple process instances.
PUT .../v1/process/errors?instanceIds={string}
Use this method to retrieve runtime error information associated with one or more process instances.
GET .../v1/processes/queries[?processAppName={string}][&kind={string}][&content={string}][&includeTaskData={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the GET method for the Saved Search Definitions API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks
Use this method to retrieve a list of queries for process instance data.
GET .../v1/processes/query/{queryName}/attributes[?processAppName={string}][&includeTaskData={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the GET method for the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Use this method to retrieve a list of attributes of a query for process instance data.
GET .../v1/processes/query/{queryName}[?selectedAttributes={string}][&interactionFilter={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&sortAttributes={string}][&offset={integer}][&size={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}][&includeTaskData={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Use this method to retrieve a list of process instance entities via a query.
Note: This IBM Business Automation Workflow resource is deprecated and is not available on a container environment.
GET .../v1/processes/query/{queryName}/count[?interactionFilter={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Use this method to retrieve the number of process instance entities in a query that meet specified criteria.
Note: You can retrieve the list of available saved searches by using the v1/processes/queries REST API.
GET .../v1/processes/status/overview[?modifiedAfter={string}][&modifiedBefore={string}][&userFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&searchFilterScope={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the number of business process definition (BPD) instances. The optional parameters apply filters to the results.
GET .../v1/processes/search[?modifiedAfter={string}][&modifiedBefore={string}][&createdAfter={string}][&createdBefore ={string}][&closedAfter={string}][&closedBefore ={string}][&userFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&searchFilterScope={string}][&statusFilter={string}][&projectFilter={string}][&limit={integer}][&offset={integer}][&sortBy={string}][&includeNonAdmin={boolean}]
Retrieves a list of BPD instances and the number of BPD instance entities that they contain per status code.
For users to be able to view process instances, make sure they meet one of these criteria:
-Members of a group that is specified by the bpmAdminGroup setting, which is tw_admins by default. These administrators can see all instances.
-Members of a team that is specified by the Process Application Administrators setting in Process Designer. These users can see instances related to that process application.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/actions
Use this method to retrieve a list of actions (ad hoc events or standard actions) that are available to the current user for the specified process instance.
GET .../v1/process/actions?instanceIds={string}[&actions={string}]
Retrieve available actions for processes.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/taskSummary/{status}[?limit={integer}][&offset={integer}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of task summaries for the process instance. The optional parameters apply filters to the result.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/adHocActivities
Use this method to retrieve a list of ad hoc activities that are available to the current user for the specified process instance.
GET .../v1/activity/{activityInstanceId}
Use this method to retrieve details about the activity.
PUT .../v1/activity/{activityInstanceId}?action={string}[&assignTo={string}]
Use this method to perform actions on the activity.
GET .../v1/activity/{activityInstanceId}/availableActions
Use this method to retrieve the available actions for the activity instance and the current user.
GET .../v1/activity/{activityInstanceId}/tasks
Use this method to retrieve the current tasks related to the activity instance and the current user.
GET .../v1/serviceModel/{serviceId}[?parts={string}][&snapshotId={string}][&processAppId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a Service model.
POST .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}[&createTask={boolean}][&parts={string}][&params={string}][&snapshotId={string}][&callerTaskId={string}][&callerModelId={string}][&callerProcessId={string}][&callerModelBranchId={string}][&callerModelSnapshotId={string}]
Use this method to start a service.
GET .../v1/service/{instanceId}
Use this method to retrieve the list of currently running services.
GET .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}[&field={string}][&fields={string}][&failureMode={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to retrieve one or more variables within a running service.
PUT .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}
Use this method to stop a running service.
PUT .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to resume a stopped service.
PUT .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}&script={string}
Use this method to evaluate a JavaScript code fragment in the context of a running service instance.
PUT .../v1/service/{instanceId}?action={string}[&field={string}][&value={string}][&params={string}][&failureMode={string}]
Use this method to set one or more variables within a running service.
GET .../v1/taskTemplate/{templateId}
Use this method to retrieve a specific human task template.
GET .../v1/taskTemplate/{templateId}/clientSettings/{type}
Use this method to retrieve client settings for a human task template.
GET .../v1/taskTemplates/queries[?processAppName={string}][&kind={string}][&content={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of queries for task template data.
GET .../v1/taskTemplates/query/{queryName}/attributes[?processAppName={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of attributes of a query for task template data.
GET .../v1/taskTemplates/query/{queryName}[?selectedAttributes={string}][&interactionFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&sortAttributes={string}][&offset={integer}][&size={integer}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of task template entities via a query.
GET .../v1/taskTemplates/query/{queryName}/count[?interactionFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the number of task template entities in a query matching specified criteria.
GET .../v1/externalactivity/{externalActivityId}/model[?parts={string}][&authoring={boolean}][&snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the model information for an external activity.
GET .../v1/task?action={string}&taskIDs={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to retrieve information for a set of tasks.
PUT .../v1/task?action={string}[&taskIDs={string}]
Use this method to claim responsibility for multiple task instances.
PUT .../v1/task?action={string}[&taskIDs={string}]
Use this method to release multiple claimed task instances.
PUT .../v1/task?action={string}&query={string}[&queryFilter={string}][&sortAttributes={string}]
Use this method to claim the next task, selected based on filter criteria.
GET .../v1/task/actions?taskIDs={string}[&actions={string}]
Retrieve available actions for human tasks.
GET .../v1/task/{taskId}[?parts={string}]
Use this method to retrieve details of a specified human task.
GET .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}&fields={string}[&failureMode={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to retrieve one or more variables within a running task.
POST .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}&user={string}[&parts={string}][&message={string}]
Use this method to invite a user for task collaboration.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to start a task. The input variables defined on the task are set according to the definitions in the associated business process instance. The task proceeds until the first coach is encountered.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&parts={string}][&toMe={boolean}][&back={boolean}][&toUser={string}][&toGroup={string}][&toTeam={string}]
Use this method to assign a task to a user, a group, or a team.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&dueDate={string}][&priority={string}][&parts={string}]
Use this method to update the due date or priority of a task.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&parts={string}][&parts={string}][&params={string}]
Use this method to finish (complete) a task.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to claim a task.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}[&parts={string}]
Use this method to cancel a task.
PUT .../v1/task/{taskId}?action={string}&params={string}[&parts={string}][&failureMode={string}]
Use this method to set one or more variables within a running task.
GET .../v1/task/{taskId}/clientSettings/{type}[?relativeURL={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve client settings for a human task instance.
GET .../v1/tasks/queries[?processAppName={string}][&kind={string}][&content={string}]
This function is deprecated. Use the GET method for the Saved Search Definitions API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks
Use this method to retrieve a list of queries for task instance data.
GET .../v1/tasks/query/{queryName}/attributes[?processAppName={string}]
This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Use this method to retrieve a list of attributes of a specified query for containing task instance data.
GET .../v1/tasks/query/{queryName}[?selectedAttributes={string}][&interactionFilter={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&sortAttributes={string}][&offset={integer}][&size={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Note: This method is deprecated and is not available on a container environment.
GET .../v1/tasks/query/{queryName}/count[?interactionFilter={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the Saved Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/tasks
Use this method to retrieve the number of task instance entities in a query that meet specified criteria.
GET .../v1/exposed[?includeServiceSubtypes={string}][&excludeReferencedFromToolkit={string}]
Use this method to retrieve items that are exposed to an end user.
GET .../v1/exposed/{type}[?includeServiceSubtypes={string}][&excludeReferencedFromToolkit={string}][&eventSourceId={string}][&objectTypeId={string}][&forUser={string}]
Retrieves items of a specified type that are exposed to a user. Valid types are process (BPD), service, report, and scoreboard.
GET .../v1/exposed/process/performanceMetrics[?filterByName={string}][&includeDescription={boolean}]
Retrieves processes that have their performance metrics exposed to the end user.
GET .../v1/search/meta/{type}
This function is deprecated. Use the GET method for the Search Definition MetaData By Type API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/searches/tasks/meta/{type}
Use this method to retrieve the metadata of the requested type via the type path parameter.
PUT .../v1/search/query[?columns={string}][&condition={string}][&sort={string}][&secondSort={string}][&organization={string}][&size={integer}][&offset={integer}][&saveAsName={string}][&run={String}][&shared={boolean}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}]
This function is deprecated. Use the PUT method for the Search Execution API. /rest/bpm/wle/v1/search/query
Use this method to perform a custom search.
POST .../v1/bulk?command={string}
Use this method to run a series of commands. The response contains the data responses for each of the commands that was executed. If an individual command fails, processing stops and the subsequent commands are not executed. A failing command does not cause a transactional rollback of the prior commands.
GET .../v1/performance/query?filter={string}[&columns={string}][&condition={string}][&sort={string}][&secondSort={string}][&onlyRollup={string}][&rollupRule={string}]
Use this method to perform a custom search against the performance server. This method is not supported on Containers.
GET .../v1/performance/instance/{piid}
Use this method to retrieve the history information for a process instance. This method is not supported on Containers.
GET .../v1/users[?filter={string}][&maxresult={integer}][&assignTaskidFilter={string}][&collabTaskidFilter={string}][&includeTaskExperts={boolean}][&sort={boolean}][&includeInternalMemberships={boolean}][&namesonly={boolean}][&parts={string}][&refreshUser={boolean}][&includeFilter={string}]
Retrieve information about users that have been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/user/{userNameOrID}[?includeInternalMemberships={boolean}][&includeMembershipsAsIDs={boolean}][&groups={string}][&parts={string}][&refreshUser={boolean}][&includeEditableUserPreferences={boolean}]
Retrieve information about a user that has been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
PUT .../v1/user/{userNameOrID}?action={string}[&key={string}][&value={string}][&prefs={string}]
Update the user preferences associated with a user. Non-privileged users can update self-manageable attributes of the current user, but no attribute of other users. The users who are authorized in ACTION_MANAGE_ANY_USERATTRIBUTE can update any attribute of any user.
GET .../v1/user[?userID={string}][&userName={string}][&includeInternalMemberships={boolean}][&includeMembershipsAsIDs={boolean}][&groups={string}][&parts={string}][&refreshUser={boolean}][&includeEditableUserPreferences={boolean}]
Retrieve information about a user that has been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation. To retrieve details about the current user, omit both the userName and userID parameters.
GET .../v1/groups[?filter={string}][&parts={string}][&includeDeleted={boolean}]
Retrieve information about groups that have been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/group/{groupNameOrID}[?parts={string}][&includeDeleted={boolean}]
Retrieve information about a group that has been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
PUT .../v1/group/{groupNameOrID}?action={string}&user={string}&group={string}[&parts={string}]
Update the membership for a group that has been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/systems
Retrieve metadata about one or more IBM Business Automation Workflow installations (single server or cluster).
GET .../v1/assets[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}][&documentationType={string}][&documentationSize={string}][&filter={string set}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of the assets created in IBM Process Designer that can be viewed or printed by using the process documentation tools. The user must have read access to the process application.
GET .../v1/assets/compare[?srcSnapshotId={string}][&srcBranchId={string}][&destSnapshotId={string}][&destBranchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of comparison information of assets created in IBM Process Designer that can be copied into a tip of same Process App or Toolkit by using the process documentation tools. The user must have read access to the process application containing the snapshots to be compared.
POST .../v1/assets/copy?srcSnapshotId={string}&destBranchId={string}
Use this method to copy assets from a snapshot to a track tip by using the process documentation tools. The calling user must have write access to the process application being updated.
GET .../v1/branch/{branchId}/snapshots[?namedSnapshot={boolean}][&numberOfSnapshots={integer}]
Use this method to list the snapshots in a branch.
GET .../v1/project/{projectId}/snapshots
Use this method to list the named snapshots in a project.
GET .../v1/project/{projectId}/branches
Use this method to list the branches in a project.
GET .../v1/snapshot/{snapshotId}/changehistory
Use this method to retrieve the change histories that occurred between the current snapshot (passed in the URL) and the previous named snapshot. The calling user must have read access to the process application containing the snapshots.
GET .../v1/snapshot/comparehistory?snapshotId1={string}&snapshotId2={string}[&branchId1={string}][&branchId2={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the list of changes that occurred between two snapshots (passed in the URL). The calling user must have read access to the process application containing the snapshots.
GET .../v1/processAppSettings[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the project application settings for both process applications and toolkits, including project dependencies and environment variables.
GET .../v1/visual/processModel/{bpdId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&projectId={string}][&image={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve a visual model (json, xml, or image) for a business process definition.
GET .../v1/visual/processModel/instances?instanceIds={string}[&bpdId={string}][&snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&showCurrentActivites={boolean}][&showNote={boolean}][&showColor={boolean}][&image={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve a business process definition (BPD) visual model (json, xml, or image) for multiple BPD instances.
GET .../v1/visual/serviceModel/{serviceId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&projectId={string}][&image={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve the visual model (json, xml, or image) for a service diagram.
GET .../v1/SCAServiceModel/{serviceId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the advanced integration service.
GET .../v1/businessobject/{boId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the details of a business object. Note that the calling user must have read permission for the process application that contains the business object.
GET .../v1/participantGroup/{participantGroupId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}][&processAppId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the details of a participant group.
GET .../v1/team/{teamId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the modeled details of a team, which is identified by its identifier.
GET .../v1/team?name={string}[&snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the modeled details of a team, which is identified by its name.
GET .../v1/epv/{epvId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to an exposed process value.
GET .../v1/trackinggroup/{tgId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to a tracking group.
GET .../v1/timinginterval/{timingIntervalId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to a timing interval.
GET .../v1/uca/{ucaId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to an undercover agent.
GET .../v1/webservice/{wsId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to a web service.
GET .../v1/sla/{slaId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the detailed information related to a service level agreement.
GET .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/experts[?parts={string}]
Retrieves information about the expert users that have been identified for a task and defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/social/instances/following
Use this method to retrieve the list of currently followed instances.
GET .../v1/social/instances/mentions[?page={integer}][&pageSize={integer}][&since={string}][&sort={string}]
Retrieves the list of items that mention the currently logged-in user.
GET .../v1/social/instance/{instanceId}/stream[?page={integer}][&pageSize={integer}][&since={string}][&sort={string}]
Retrieves an activity stream for the given process instance.
GET .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/stream[?page={integer}][&pageSize={integer}][&since={string}][&sort={string}]
Retrieves an activity stream for a process instance, as looked up by the given task identifier.
GET .../v1/social/instance/{instanceId}/following
Use this method to find whether the currently logged-in user is following the given process instance.
POST .../v1/social/instance/{instanceId}/following
Use this method to start following a specific process instance.
DELETE .../v1/social/instance/{instanceId}/following
Use this method to stop following a specific process instance.
GET .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/following
Use this method to find whether the currently logged-in user is following the given process instance, as looked up by the task identifier.
POST .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/following
Use this method to start following a specific process instance, as looked up by the task identifier.
DELETE .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/following
Use this method to stop following a specific process instance, as looked up by the task identifier.
POST .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/comment[?message={string}]
Allows you to post a threaded comment to an existing comment. Specify the task identifier of the comment for which the response is intended.
DELETE .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/mentions
Deletes the identified mentions item.
DELETE .../v1/social/task/mentions/all
Deletes all the user's mentions items.
GET .../v1/social/task/{taskId}/userdata?username={string}
Retrieves the statistical data for a single user on a given task.
GET .../v1/system/rep/
Returns a list containing the names of all the available resource environment providers.
GET .../v1/system/rep/{providerName}[?properties={string}]
If the properties parameter is specified, those properties and their values are returned as key/value pairs. If the properties parameter is not specified, the names of all properties supported by the specified provider are returned.
GET .../v1/system/env/variable?processAppAcronym={string}&name={string}
Retrieves an environment variable from a process application. The calling user must have read permissions in the process application to retrieve the environment variable.
GET .../v1/social/system/integrations
Retrieves the given environment variable from the process project.
GET .../v1/avatar/{userNameOrID}
Retrieves a user's avatar or profile image. The retrieved image is a base64-encoded string, packaged in a JSON structure. Use /avatar/{userNameOrID} to retrieve any user's avatar or use /avatar/current for the avatar of the currently logged-in user.
POST .../v1/avatar/{userNameOrID}?avatar={string}
Updates the avatar that is associated with the current user. Other users, including users with administrative privileges, are not authorized to change the avatar of the current user.
DELETE .../v1/avatar/{userNameOrID}
Removes the preferences that are associated with a user.
GET .../v1/bpddata/{bpdId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the input, output, private variables, and activities with their data mappings for a business process definition.
GET .../v1/bpdtaggroup/{bpdId}[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to retrieve the tag groups and all their tags for a business process definition.
POST .../v1/event/ecm?eventSourceId={string}&objectTypeId={string}&eventType={string}&objectId={string}[&relatedObjectTypeId={string}][&relatedObjectId={string}]
Use this method to send an ECM event to IBM Business Automation Workflow. When this method is invoked, the Business Automation Workflow server must have a connection to the ECM system identified by the eventSourceId parameter.
GET .../v1/system/alertDefinitions[?categories={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of alert definitions.
PUT .../v1/system/alertDefinitions[?importMode={boolean}]
Use this method to perform a save operation on multiple alert definitions.
DELETE .../v1/system/alertDefinitions?ids={string}
Use this method to perform a delete operation on multiple alert definitions.
GET .../v1/system/alertDefinitions/status[?ids={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of alert definition status.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/dependentProcess[?parts={string}]
Queries the process instance for a process instance that is dependent on the current process instance.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/dependedOnProcesses[?parts={string}][&statusFilter={string}]
Queries the process instance for a list of process instances on which the current process instance is dependent.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/relatedProcesses[?parts={string}][&statusFilter={string}]
Queries the process instance for a list of process instances that have independent relationships with the current process instance.
Creates a relationship between two process instances.
DELETE .../v1/process/{instanceId}/relationship?type={string}&targetId={string}
Removes a relationship between two process instances.
GET .../v1/process/{instanceId}/relationships[?type={string}]
Queries the process instance for a list of relationships associated with the process instance.
PUT .../v1/relationship/{relationshipId}?description={string}
Updates the description of the relationship.
DELETE .../v1/relationship/{relationshipId}
Removes a relationship between two instances.
GET .../v1/searches/tasks/{idOrName}
Use this method to retrieve a saved search definition.
PUT .../v1/searches/tasks/{idOrName}
Use this method to update a saved search definition.
DELETE .../v1/searches/tasks/{idOrName}
Use this method to delete a saved search definition.
POST .../v1/searches/tasks
Use this method to create a saved search definition.
GET .../v1/searches/tasks[?forUser={string}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of saved search definitions.
POST .../v1/searches/bulk?action={string}&ids={string}
Use this method to perform a bulk operation on a list of saved searches
GET .../v1/tasks[?savedSearch={string}][&fields={string}][&interaction={string}][&queryFilter={string}][&searchFilter={string}][&processAppName={string}][&sort={string}][&size={integer}][&offset={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}][&calcStats={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of task instance entities via a query. This method executes a query on a saved search definition that is specified by identifier or name to retrieve a list of task instance entities.
PUT .../v1/tasks[?size={integer}][&offset={integer}][&filterByCurrentUser={boolean}][&calcStats={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve a list of task instance entities via an ad hoc query. Retrieves a list of task instance entities for an ad hoc search query passed in the JSON code.
GET .../v1/searches/tasks/meta/{type}[?includeOrigin={boolean}]
Use this method to retrieve the metadata of the requested type via the type path parameter.
GET .../v1/searches/actions
Use this method to retrieve the saved search action roles for the current user. The roles indicate whether the user is allowed to create shared saved searches and whether the user is allowed to administer other users' shared saved searches. The list can be empty, indicating that the user is allowed only to create private saved searches.
GET .../v1/globalTeams[?filter={string}][&size={integer}][&globalTeamIds={string}]
Retrieve information about teams that have been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/managedGlobalTeams[?filter={string}][&size={integer}][&globalTeamIds={string}]
Retrieve information about global teams the user manages that have been defined to the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
GET .../v1/globalTeamUsers/{globalTeamId}[?size={integer}][&from={string}]
Retrieve information about users of a global team if current user is manager of the team defined in the IBM Business Automation Workflow installation.
POST .../v1/eventmgr/pause
Use this method to pause Event Manager and its task schedulers.
POST .../v1/eventmgr/resume
Use this method to resume Event Manager and its task schedulers.
GET .../v1/playback/server[?snapshotId={string}][&branchId={string}]
Use this method to get the workflow server information.


The following subtopics describe the REST resources that are defined for this resource set:

Parent Topic: IBM Business Automation Workflow REST Interface