This topic applies only to the IBM Business Automation Workflow Advanced

BPEL process

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is a standard industry language. A BPEL process component implements a business process.

A BPEL process implements a potentially long-running service through the use of more elementary services. A BPEL process created in the process editor can perform the following things:
  • Describe the orchestration of other services using control flow graphs
  • Use variables to keep the process state
  • Use sophisticated error handling through fault handling
  • Support asynchronous events
  • Correlate inbound requests with the right instance of a particular process
  • Provide extended transactions through sophisticated compensation support
In addition to these standard BPEL items, there are extensions to BPEL to include people into a process with human task support. For example, you could use a human task extension to add the requirement that a person must approve a loan.

The process editor uses visual representations of BPEL constructs to build your business process quickly and simply.

Simple business process

A BPEL process cannot be used in a mediation module. It can be deployed only to an IBM® Workflow Server.