What's new in Analytics Content Hub 2.2
IBM Analytics Content Hub 2.2 includes several new features and provides important product updates to the platform. You can install this release on top of your existing ACH installation.
The Analytics Content Hub 2.2 new features are grouped functionally in the following list:
- Managing Connectors
- Indexing execution analytics by mount point
- JWT Tableau Authentication
- Auto-refresh MSFT credentials for PowerBI and SharePoint
- Qlik Cloud connector
- Cognos API Key auth flow
- Managing Users
- Refresh AD information
- Prune deleted/disabled AD users
- Organizing Content
- Smarter metadata imported during indexing
- Cascading Custom Fields
- Inherit parent custom fields, save recursively
- Select and change columns for List View header
- Content Lane types available as Collection Types
- Configurable Discoverable Search for users without access to all assets indexed
- Creating Content (Open Designer)
- Flyout widget
- Option to keep hives loaded in browser memory
- Storyboard Anchors for page navigation
- New Content Lane style includes asset descriptions
- Consuming Content
- Export to PDF browser extension
- Share to Teams
- SharePoint Online objects can be downloaded