Example: Creating a default thumbnail image

Learn how to create a default thumbnail image.


  1. In the
  2. In the Analytics Content Hub designer, open the Content Lane properties.
    1. Change the Position values to be 0 for Horizontal and 1 for Vertical.
    2. Change the Sizing values to be 48 for Width and 8 for Height.
  3. In the Swimlane properties section, change the Display option to Custom name.
  4. Replace the Custom name value with My Favorites and change Max items to 20.
  5. In the Content Launching section, select how you want objects to be executed with Launch Target.
    • Choose Content Viewer Popup to execute reports in a pop up.
    • Choose New Tab to open execute reports in a new browser tab
    • Choose Embedded Viewer to execute a report into an existing viewer tile.
  6. In the Styles section, expand Thumbnail.
  7. Click on the Background Image icon.
  8. Click on the Image file icon and select the Default Dashboard Thumb.png file.
  9. In Sizing options, select Fill.
  10. In the Effects dropdown menu, select Opacity and change the Opacity value to 60%.
  11. Click outside of the image selector to close it.
  12. Click on the ellipsis icon at the upper right corner of the recently added swimlane tile and select Copy.
  13. Right-click on an empty spot of the grid layout and select Paste.
  14. Click on the newly added copy of the Content Lane.
  15. In Content Lane properties, change the Position values to be 0 for Horizontal and 9 for Vertical.
  16. In Swimlane properties, change Content Source to be Interests and replace the Custom name value with My Interests.
  17. Ensure that Max items is set to 2.