Disabling comments and ratings

Learn to disable the comments and ratings in your content.

About this task

You can hide the ratings and comment features in your content by configuring the Analytics Content Hub server. You can apply this setting on all workspaces.
Important: To complete this task, you need administrative access to the server.


  1. On the Analytics Content Hub server, go to the <install_directory>\AnalyticsContentHub\app\node1\tomcat\webapps\theia directory.
  2. Find the config.json file and open it in a text editor.
    1. Add "disableCommentsAndRatings": true, after the "rememberLastLoginEntrypoint": true, line and make sure to include the trailing comma:
      "disableCommentsAndRatings": true,
    2. Save the config.json file.
  3. To see the change, users must refresh their browsers. Restarting the server is not required.

    The resulting properties page for an artifact shows that the ratings and comments sections are hidden: