Sterling File Gateway Specific Information
When you are integrating Sterling File Gateway and WebSphere® MQ File Transfer Edition there are certain settings that you must configure when creating the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Create Transfer service.
The property file contains a property that defines the name of the WMQFTE
Create Transfer service instance used to request transfers initiated bySterling File Gateway:
Property | Description | Default Value |
wmqfteCreateTransferServiceName | The WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Create Transfer Service instance or service group that the FileGatewayDeliverWMQFTE business process will use. | SFGWMQFTECreateTransfer |
The Sterling File Gateway business process used for deliveries to WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Listening Consumers, FileGatewayDeliverWMQFTE, requires that there be an instance of the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Create Transfer service with the name specified in the wmqfteCreateTransferServiceName property. You can either create an instance of this service with the default name of SFGWMQFTECreateTransfer or modify the property file to contain the instance name you have created.