Preparing for installation

Before you start installing the required components, you must ensure all the system requirements are met, know about the installation package, installation modes, and use the checklists as reference to prepare for the installation.

The following diagram represents the installation process.

Preparing for installation Planning for installation Global Mailbox installation modes Creating a response file The IBM Installation Manager (IIM) Setting Java variables Installation checklists for Global Mailbox Installing a new Global Mailbox system Completing your installation

IBM Installation Manager

IBM® Installation Manager is required to install Global Mailbox on all supported platforms. The required version of Installation Manager is bundled with Sterling B2B Integrator.

The Installation Manager is a Java™ based multi-platform installation application and provides a consistent approach across various platforms. It does not rely on platform-specific installation technology or mechanism.

The Installation Manager uses Sterling B2B Integrator and Global Mailbox offering repositories to install or update Sterling B2B Integrator, its add-on features, and Global Mailbox. The repositories must be downloaded and available on the server where the installation is done. It determines the packages that must be installed and displays them including the products and Fix Packs. It checks that the prerequisites and inter-dependencies are met before installing the selected product package and feature sets.

The following modes of installation are supported for Sterling B2B Integrator and Global Mailbox:
Wizard mode
Wizard mode is the GUI mode of installation. You can use this mode to install Global Mailbox and to record response files to use for silent mode installation.
Silent mode
You can automate your deployment of Global Mailbox to clusters by using the silent mode. A response file specifies what options to install and the input required for the various prompts and fields. Silent installation is started from the command line or a batch file.

Operating systems

Global Mailbox is supported on these operating systems:
  • Windows
  • UNIX or Linux
  • AIX
  • (v6.0.3.1 and later versions) Red Hat Enterprise PowerLE
    Note: To install Global Mailbox, perform the following:
    1. Install Sterling B2B Integrator v6.0.3 on Red Hat Enterprise PowerLE.
    2. Upgrade Sterling B2B Integrator v6.0.3 to v6.0.3.1.
    3. Install Global Mailbox.
However, Cassandra and ZooKeeper can be installed only on a Linux server. Ensure your operating system includes the required packages, fixes, and patches with correct maintenance levels.

For the Linux operating system, set the huponexit option to off. This setting ensures that the processes in your shell are not stopped or killed when you log off.

Only 64-bit AIX is supported. You must install these packages before installation:
  • sed
  • grep
  • findutils
  • gawk
  • coreutils
Note: After installing the packages, make sure they can be run from any directory, if not ensure to add them to PATH environment variable

For a list of AIX packages, see AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications.

You must download the GTK AIX Prerequisites for IIM .

Port assignments

Installation Manager sets several default ports, which are used by Cassandra, ZooKeeper, Sterling B2B Integrator, and Global Mailbox management nodes. Following is a list of default port assignments. If required, You can change these ports to accommodate security concerns or to compensate for ports that are already in use. Be sure to record the port numbers for any changes you make. You must update these port numbers from the defaults to your actual assignments as your proceed through installation.
Important: It is a mandatory requirement for Cassandra to have the same port numbers for each port type in all nodes across the cluster. If you plan to use custom port numbers, ensure the same port number is used for a specific port type in all nodes across the cluster.
Table 1. Global Mailbox port assignments
Component Default port numbers
ZooKeeper follow port 2888
ZooKeeper election port 3888
ZooKeeper client port 2181
Cassandra inter-node communication port 7000
Cassandra inter-node communication SSL port 7001
Cassandra client port 9042
Cassandra RPC port 9160
Cassandra JMX port 7199
Sterling B2B Integrator host port 8080
Global Mailbox host port.
Important: Global Mailbox port is calculated as Sterling B2B Integrator host port + 75.
Aspera Enterprise Server ports on Linux
Restriction: Aspera Enterprise Server applies to version 5.2.6 only.
TCP - 33001
Aspera Enterprise Server ports on Windows
Restriction: Aspera Enterprise Server applies to version 5.2.6 only.
  • TCP - 33001
  • UDP - 33001

Sterling B2B Integrator package

Ensure that you have downloaded installation files for WebSphere® MQ, and other components to the appropriate servers from relevant locations. Also ensure that you have set up load balancers and shared file systems.

You can download the Global Mailbox installable file from one of the following locations:
Physical media repository
The physical Sterling B2B Integrator and Global Mailbox repository.
IBM Fix Central and IBM Passport Advantage site
Licensed customers can download Sterling B2B Integrator and Global Mailbox product repositories from IBM Passport Advantage or IBM Fix Central.

JDK settings

Required versions of JDKs of IBM Windows, UNIX or Linux, and AIX are bundled with the Sterling B2B Integrator package, on a separate disk. You must download the JDK for your operating system, install it on all machines that you plan to use in the topology, and set the JAVA_HOME and PATH parameters. IBM JDK 8 is required for Global Mailbox nodes running Cassandra 3.9. For more information on installing the IBM JDK, see the IBM JDK online documentation.

Important: Only the IBM JDK is supported for Global Mailbox.

For more information on setting the Java variables, see Setting Java variables on Linux , Setting Java variables on Windows, and Setting Java variables on AIX.