Tracking Requested Transfers
Sterling File Gateway uses status messages delivered to reply queues to track deliveries to WebSphere® MQ File Transfer Edition Listening Consumers. The WebSphere MQ Suite Async Receive service receives the messages and executes a business process that processes the messages. You must manually create the reply queue and configure the WebSphere MQ Suite Async Receive service.
Reply Queues
Each transfer request includes the name of its reply queue and its reply queue manager. When a transfer completes successfully or fails, the source agent publishes a status message to the reply queue. Sterling File Gateway uses the status messages to update the status of deliveries to WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Listening Consumers. the must create the reply queue manually in the agent queue manager that the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Agent Adapter uses.
To direct transfer status messages to the appropriate reply queue, the ‘Queue For Transfer Status Reply Messages’ and the ‘Queue Manager Containing Reply Queue’ parameters for each WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Listening Consumer partner in Sterling File Gateway must be set to the same queue and queue manager configured in the WebSphere MQ Suite Async Receive service instance.
WebSphere MQ Suite Async Receive Service
You create an instance of the WebSphere MQ Suite Async Receive service to receive messages from the reply queue and execute the system FileGatewayProcessFTEReply business process to process the received messages. The FileGatewayProcessFTEReply business process parses each status message and updates the associated delivery status within Sterling File Gateway.
For Sterling B2B Integrator 5.2.3 and higher, if you are integrating Sterling File Gateway 2.2.3 and higher with WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition, you must download the J2EE(TM) Connector Architecture Specification Interface Classes connector.jar file and install it with install3rdParty, before you configure WebSphereMQ Suite Async Receive for Sterling File Gateway